3 research outputs found

    e-Environment in education: UUM perspective

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    Many universities around the globe have established e learning, whether as a teaching medium or as one of the courses. To support these initiatives and to fulfill elearning agenda, e-learning required support from other “e” domains which is called eenvironment.Different features are available in the e-environment that can be fulfill wholly or partly, e-learning knowledge requirement. E-learning contents which are traditionally published, as printed materials can be very consuming in term of cost and mobility. Hence, e-publishing which is one of the features in e-environment is vital to support e-learning initiatives. This approach may contribute to the implementation of the total e-environment in education. This paper discusses e-publishing model, which aims to capitalize on the features of the Internet and the web technology. Apart from that it also touches on the experiences of the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in adopting the e-environment in its education

    How Dynamic E-journals can Interconnect Open Access Archives

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    Influential scientists are urging journal publishers to free their published works so they can be accessed in comprehensive digital archives. That would create the opportunity for new services that dynamically interconnect material in the archives. To achieve this, two issues endemic to scholarly journal publishing need to be tackled: decoupling journal content from publishing process; defragmentation of the control of access to works at the article level. It is not necessary to wait for publishers to act. It was predicted that, enabled by links, e-journal publishing will become more distributed. (Hitchcock et al. 1998) An editorially controlled new model e-journal that links material from over 100 distributed, open access sources realises that prediction. Perspectives in Electronic Publishing (PeP) combines the functions of a review journal with original materials and access to full-text papers on a focussed topic, in this case on electronic publishing, in a single coherent package that indexes and links selected works. The paper describes the main features of PeP and how it can be used, and considers whether PeP contributes to the scientists' objective of a dynamic and integrated scientific literature