3 research outputs found

    How Developers Iterate on Machine Learning Workflows -- A Survey of the Applied Machine Learning Literature

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    Machine learning workflow development is anecdotally regarded to be an iterative process of trial-and-error with humans-in-the-loop. However, we are not aware of quantitative evidence corroborating this popular belief. A quantitative characterization of iteration can serve as a benchmark for machine learning workflow development in practice, and can aid the development of human-in-the-loop machine learning systems. To this end, we conduct a small-scale survey of the applied machine learning literature from five distinct application domains. We collect and distill statistics on the role of iteration within machine learning workflow development, and report preliminary trends and insights from our investigation, as a starting point towards this benchmark. Based on our findings, we finally describe desiderata for effective and versatile human-in-the-loop machine learning systems that can cater to users in diverse domains

    Demystifying a Dark Art: Understanding Real-World Machine Learning Model Development

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    It is well-known that the process of developing machine learning (ML) workflows is a dark-art; even experts struggle to find an optimal workflow leading to a high accuracy model. Users currently rely on empirical trial-and-error to obtain their own set of battle-tested guidelines to inform their modeling decisions. In this study, we aim to demystify this dark art by understanding how people iterate on ML workflows in practice. We analyze over 475k user-generated workflows on OpenML, an open-source platform for tracking and sharing ML workflows. We find that users often adopt a manual, automated, or mixed approach when iterating on their workflows. We observe that manual approaches result in fewer wasted iterations compared to automated approaches. Yet, automated approaches often involve more preprocessing and hyperparameter options explored, resulting in higher performance overall--suggesting potential benefits for a human-in-the-loop ML system that appropriately recommends a clever combination of the two strategies

    Helix: Holistic Optimization for Accelerating Iterative Machine Learning

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    Machine learning workflow development is a process of trial-and-error: developers iterate on workflows by testing out small modifications until the desired accuracy is achieved. Unfortunately, existing machine learning systems focus narrowly on model training---a small fraction of the overall development time---and neglect to address iterative development. We propose Helix, a machine learning system that optimizes the execution across iterations---intelligently caching and reusing, or recomputing intermediates as appropriate. Helix captures a wide variety of application needs within its Scala DSL, with succinct syntax defining unified processes for data preprocessing, model specification, and learning. We demonstrate that the reuse problem can be cast as a Max-Flow problem, while the caching problem is NP-Hard. We develop effective lightweight heuristics for the latter. Empirical evaluation shows that Helix is not only able to handle a wide variety of use cases in one unified workflow but also much faster, providing run time reductions of up to 19x over state-of-the-art systems, such as DeepDive or KeystoneML, on four real-world applications in natural language processing, computer vision, social and natural sciences