2,684 research outputs found

    Accelerating Large-Scale Data Analysis by Offloading to High-Performance Computing Libraries using Alchemist

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    Apache Spark is a popular system aimed at the analysis of large data sets, but recent studies have shown that certain computations---in particular, many linear algebra computations that are the basis for solving common machine learning problems---are significantly slower in Spark than when done using libraries written in a high-performance computing framework such as the Message-Passing Interface (MPI). To remedy this, we introduce Alchemist, a system designed to call MPI-based libraries from Apache Spark. Using Alchemist with Spark helps accelerate linear algebra, machine learning, and related computations, while still retaining the benefits of working within the Spark environment. We discuss the motivation behind the development of Alchemist, and we provide a brief overview of its design and implementation. We also compare the performances of pure Spark implementations with those of Spark implementations that leverage MPI-based codes via Alchemist. To do so, we use data science case studies: a large-scale application of the conjugate gradient method to solve very large linear systems arising in a speech classification problem, where we see an improvement of an order of magnitude; and the truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) of a 400GB three-dimensional ocean temperature data set, where we see a speedup of up to 7.9x. We also illustrate that the truncated SVD computation is easily scalable to terabyte-sized data by applying it to data sets of sizes up to 17.6TB.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, London, UK, 201

    Toward High-Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics Convergence: The Case of Spark-DIY

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    Convergence between high-performance computing (HPC) and big data analytics (BDA) is currently an established research area that has spawned new opportunities for unifying the platform layer and data abstractions in these ecosystems. This work presents an architectural model that enables the interoperability of established BDA and HPC execution models, reflecting the key design features that interest both the HPC and BDA communities, and including an abstract data collection and operational model that generates a unified interface for hybrid applications. This architecture can be implemented in different ways depending on the process- and data-centric platforms of choice and the mechanisms put in place to effectively meet the requirements of the architecture. The Spark-DIY platform is introduced in the paper as a prototype implementation of the architecture proposed. It preserves the interfaces and execution environment of the popular BDA platform Apache Spark, making it compatible with any Spark-based application and tool, while providing efficient communication and kernel execution via DIY, a powerful communication pattern library built on top of MPI. Later, Spark-DIY is analyzed in terms of performance by building a representative use case from the hydrogeology domain, EnKF-HGS. This application is a clear example of how current HPC simulations are evolving toward hybrid HPC-BDA applications, integrating HPC simulations within a BDA environment.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2016-79637-P(toward Unification of HPC and Big Data Paradigms), in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education under Grant FPU15/00422 TrainingProgram for Academic and Teaching Staff Grant, in part by the Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Office of Science, U.S.Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357, and in part by the DOE with under Agreement DE-DC000122495,Program Manager Laura Biven
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