12 research outputs found

    Practical Evaluation of Lempel-Ziv-78 and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Tries

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    We present the first thorough practical study of the Lempel-Ziv-78 and the Lempel-Ziv-Welch computation based on trie data structures. With a careful selection of trie representations we can beat well-tuned popular trie data structures like Judy, m-Bonsai or Cedar

    Simple, compact and robust approximate string dictionary

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    This paper is concerned with practical implementations of approximate string dictionaries that allow edit errors. In this problem, we have as input a dictionary DD of dd strings of total length nn over an alphabet of size σ\sigma. Given a bound kk and a pattern xx of length mm, a query has to return all the strings of the dictionary which are at edit distance at most kk from xx, where the edit distance between two strings xx and yy is defined as the minimum-cost sequence of edit operations that transform xx into yy. The cost of a sequence of operations is defined as the sum of the costs of the operations involved in the sequence. In this paper, we assume that each of these operations has unit cost and consider only three operations: deletion of one character, insertion of one character and substitution of a character by another. We present a practical implementation of the data structure we recently proposed and which works only for one error. We extend the scheme to 2k<m2\leq k<m. Our implementation has many desirable properties: it has a very fast and space-efficient building algorithm. The dictionary data structure is compact and has fast and robust query time. Finally our data structure is simple to implement as it only uses basic techniques from the literature, mainly hashing (linear probing and hash signatures) and succinct data structures (bitvectors supporting rank queries).Comment: Accepted to a journal (19 pages, 2 figures

    Fast and Powerful Hashing using Tabulation

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    Randomized algorithms are often enjoyed for their simplicity, but the hash functions employed to yield the desired probabilistic guarantees are often too complicated to be practical. Here we survey recent results on how simple hashing schemes based on tabulation provide unexpectedly strong guarantees. Simple tabulation hashing dates back to Zobrist [1970]. Keys are viewed as consisting of cc characters and we have precomputed character tables h1,...,hch_1,...,h_c mapping characters to random hash values. A key x=(x1,...,xc)x=(x_1,...,x_c) is hashed to h1[x1]h2[x2].....hc[xc]h_1[x_1] \oplus h_2[x_2].....\oplus h_c[x_c]. This schemes is very fast with character tables in cache. While simple tabulation is not even 4-independent, it does provide many of the guarantees that are normally obtained via higher independence, e.g., linear probing and Cuckoo hashing. Next we consider twisted tabulation where one input character is "twisted" in a simple way. The resulting hash function has powerful distributional properties: Chernoff-Hoeffding type tail bounds and a very small bias for min-wise hashing. This also yields an extremely fast pseudo-random number generator that is provably good for many classic randomized algorithms and data-structures. Finally, we consider double tabulation where we compose two simple tabulation functions, applying one to the output of the other, and show that this yields very high independence in the classic framework of Carter and Wegman [1977]. In fact, w.h.p., for a given set of size proportional to that of the space consumed, double tabulation gives fully-random hashing. We also mention some more elaborate tabulation schemes getting near-optimal independence for given time and space. While these tabulation schemes are all easy to implement and use, their analysis is not

    Balanced Allocations and Double Hashing

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    Double hashing has recently found more common usage in schemes that use multiple hash functions. In double hashing, for an item xx, one generates two hash values f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x), and then uses combinations (f(x)+kg(x))modn(f(x) +k g(x)) \bmod n for k=0,1,2,...k=0,1,2,... to generate multiple hash values from the initial two. We first perform an empirical study showing that, surprisingly, the performance difference between double hashing and fully random hashing appears negligible in the standard balanced allocation paradigm, where each item is placed in the least loaded of dd choices, as well as several related variants. We then provide theoretical results that explain the behavior of double hashing in this context.Comment: Further updated, small improvements/typos fixe

    LightBox: Full-stack Protected Stateful Middlebox at Lightning Speed

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    Running off-site software middleboxes at third-party service providers has been a popular practice. However, routing large volumes of raw traffic, which may carry sensitive information, to a remote site for processing raises severe security concerns. Prior solutions often abstract away important factors pertinent to real-world deployment. In particular, they overlook the significance of metadata protection and stateful processing. Unprotected traffic metadata like low-level headers, size and count, can be exploited to learn supposedly encrypted application contents. Meanwhile, tracking the states of 100,000s of flows concurrently is often indispensable in production-level middleboxes deployed at real networks. We present LightBox, the first system that can drive off-site middleboxes at near-native speed with stateful processing and the most comprehensive protection to date. Built upon commodity trusted hardware, Intel SGX, LightBox is the product of our systematic investigation of how to overcome the inherent limitations of secure enclaves using domain knowledge and customization. First, we introduce an elegant virtual network interface that allows convenient access to fully protected packets at line rate without leaving the enclave, as if from the trusted source network. Second, we provide complete flow state management for efficient stateful processing, by tailoring a set of data structures and algorithms optimized for the highly constrained enclave space. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that LightBox, with all security benefits, can achieve 10Gbps packet I/O, and that with case studies on three stateful middleboxes, it can operate at near-native speed.Comment: Accepted at ACM CCS 201

    On the k-Independence Required by Linear Probing and Minwise Independence

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    Locally Uniform Hashing

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    Hashing is a common technique used in data processing, with a strong impact on the time and resources spent on computation. Hashing also affects the applicability of theoretical results that often assume access to (unrealistic) uniform/fully-random hash functions. In this paper, we are concerned with designing hash functions that are practical and come with strong theoretical guarantees on their performance. To this end, we present tornado tabulation hashing, which is simple, fast, and exhibits a certain full, local randomness property that provably makes diverse algorithms perform almost as if (abstract) fully-random hashing was used. For example, this includes classic linear probing, the widely used HyperLogLog algorithm of Flajolet, Fusy, Gandouet, Meunier [AOFA 97] for counting distinct elements, and the one-permutation hashing of Li, Owen, and Zhang [NIPS 12] for large-scale machine learning. We also provide a very efficient solution for the classical problem of obtaining fully-random hashing on a fixed (but unknown to the hash function) set of nn keys using O(n)O(n) space. As a consequence, we get more efficient implementations of the splitting trick of Dietzfelbinger and Rink [ICALP'09] and the succinct space uniform hashing of Pagh and Pagh [SICOMP'08]. Tornado tabulation hashing is based on a simple method to systematically break dependencies in tabulation-based hashing techniques.Comment: FOCS 202

    Fragmentation in storage systems with duplicate elimination

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    Deduplication inevitably results in data fragmentation, because logically continuous data is scattered across many disk locations. Even though this significantly increases restore time from backup, the problem is still not well examined. In this work I close this gap by designing algorithms that reduce negative impact of fragmentation on restore time for two major types of fragmentation: internal and inter-version.Internal stream fragmentation is caused by the blocks appearing many times within a single backup. Such phenomenon happens surprisingly often and can result in even three times lower restore bandwidth. With an algorithm utilizing available forward knowledge to enable efficient caching I managed to improve this result on average by 62%-88% with only about 5% extra memory used. Although these results are achieved with limited forward knowledge, they are very close to the ones measured with no such limitation.Inter-version fragmentation is caused by duplicates from previous backups of the same backup set. Since such duplicates are very common due to repeated full backups containing a lot of unchanged data, this type of fragmentation may double the restore time after even a few backups. The context-based rewriting algorithm minimizes this effect by selectively rewriting a small percentage of duplicates during backup, limiting the bandwidth drop from 21.3% to 2.48% on average with only small increase in writing time and temporary space overhead.The two algorithms combined end up in a very effective symbiosis resulting in an average 142% restore bandwidth increase with standard 256MB of per-stream cache memory. In many cases such setup achieves results close to the theoretical maximum achievable with unlimited cache size. Moreover, all the above experiments where performed assuming only one spindle, even though in majority of today’s systems many spindles are used. In a sample setup with ten spindles, the restore bandwidth results are on average 5 times higher than in standard LRU case.Fragmentacja jest nieuniknioną konsekwencją deduplikacji, ponieważ pojedynczy strumień danych rozrzucany jest pomiędzy wiele lokalizacji na dysku. Fakt ten powoduje znaczące wydłużenie czasu odzyskiwania danych z kopii zapasowych. Mimo to, problem wciąż nie jest dobrze zbadany. Niniejsza praca wypełnia tę lukę poprzez propozycje algorytmów, które redukują negatywny wpływ fragmentacji na czas odczytu dla dwóch najważniejszych jej rodzajów: wewnętrznej fragmentacji strumienia oraz fragmentacji pomiędzy różnymi wersjami danych.Wewnętrzna fragmentacja strumienia jest spowodowana blokami powtarzającymi się wielokrotnie w pojedynczym strumieniu danych. To zjawisko zdarza się zaskakująco często i powoduje nawet trzykrotnie niższą wydaj-ność odczytu. Proponowany w tej pracy algorytm efektywnego zarządzania pamięcią, wykorzystujący dostępną wiedzę o danych, jest w stanie podnieść wydajność odczytu o 62-88%, używając przy tym tylko 5% dodatkowej pamięci.Fragmentacja pomiędzy różnymi wersjami danych jest spowodowana duplikatami pochodzącymi z wcześniejszych zapisów tego samego zbioru danych. Ponieważ pełne kopie zapasowe tworzone są regularnie i zawierają duże ilości powtarzających się danych, takie duplikaty występują bardzo często. W przypadku późniejszego odczytu, ich obecność może powodować nawet podwojenie czasu potrzebnego na odzyskanie danych, po utworzeniu zaledwie kilku kopii zapasowych. Algorytm przepisywania kontekstowego minimalizuje ten efekt przez selektywne przepisywanie małej ilości duplikatów podczas zapisu. Takie postępowanie jest w stanie ograniczyć średni spadek wydajności odczytu z 21,3% do 2,48%, kosztem minimalnego zwiększenia czasu zapisudanych i wymagania niewielkiej przestrzeni dyskowej na pamięć tymczasową.Obydwa algorytmy użyte razem działają jeszcze wydajniej, poprawiając przepustowość odczytu przeciętnie o 142% przy standardowej ilości 256MB pamięci cache dla każdego strumienia. Dodatkowo, ponieważ powyższe wyniki zakładają odczyt z jednego dysku, przeprowadzone zostały testy symulujące korzystanie z przepustowości wielu dysków, gdyż takie konfiguracje są bardzo częste w dzisiejszych systemach. Dla przykładu, używając dziecięciu dysków i proponowanych algorytmów, można osiągnąć średnio pięciokrotnie wyższą wydajność niż w standardowym podejściu z algorytmem typu LRU