9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Culture on Global Information Security Regulations

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    The balance between individual privacy and information and security assurance (ISA) regulations is a fluid debate that has many different facets. The objective of this early research is to examine the impact that culture has on ISA regulations. In particular, we examine how internationally accepted ISA policies are adopted in disparate cultures. Multiple interviews were conducted in Thailand with individuals with requisite knowledge on how Internet security was applied in their country. A discussion of these findings is presented, categorized by national culture dimensions and illustrated with examples, followed by some concluding remarks

    A Framework for the Design of Service Maps

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    The concept of service-oriented architecture (SOA) is recognized as an important enabler for business transformation and application integration. Service maps emerge when individual services are (pre)configured on various architectural levels. For example, business-oriented service maps sustain the communication and coordination among participants within and between businesses. Difficulties occur when, based on different service design strategies, heterogeneous service maps are created which need to be aligned. A methodological approach to establish a systematic design process for such service maps within companies or business networks is needed

    Factors Affecting The Organizational Adoption Of Service-Oriented Architecture (Soa)

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    Service-oriented computing is an emerging IT innovation. Among its manifestations is service-oriented architecture (SOA), an architectural approach to designing and implementing IT solutions. Academic empirical research on SOA adoption is scarce, with many studies focussing on qualitative analysis. The purpose of this study is to explore SOA adoption using a quantitative approach. This study investigates organizational SOA adoption in South Africa from DOI theory and TOE framework perspectives. A comprehensive model of SOA adoption is presented along with an associated research instrument. In order to validate the instrument and to gauge the state of SOA adoption, an online survey was conducted among South African organizations. The results of the survey highlight a number of factors influencing SOA adoption. Use of multiple standards and platforms, complexity, compatibility, cost, top management support, good governance and strategy, adequate human and financial resources, vendor support for integration and development tools are all significant factors for a fruitful SOA implementation. The findings of this study can contribute to the body of knowledge on organizational SOA adoption and create opportunities for future related research in this field

    Examining the Organizational Decision to Adopt Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) - Development of a Research Model

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    What are the determinants of an organization’s decision to adopt Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)? Although the paradigms of service orientation and SOA have become quite omnipresent in the IS literature, research is still lacking to provide a comprehensive view upon drivers and inhibitors of the organizational decision to adopt SOA. Based on the mature strand of adoption research, this paper develops a conceptual model in order to increase the understanding of the determinants influencing this decision. Thereby, the drivers and inhibitors are distinguished in organization-specific and innovation-specific factors. The organization-specific factors cover two aspects: (1) the compatibility of technology and organization (i.e., SOA expertise of the employees, management support for SOA, IT/ Business alignment, degree of process documentation) and (2) management fad and fashion. The innovation-specific factors cover the perceived benefits, perceived complexity, and standardization of available technologies related to SOA. Beside developing this theoretical model for laying the foundation for future empirical research, a further contribution of this paper is the development of a comprehensive measurement model for SOA adoption, which differentiates between the IT and the enterprise layer

    Migrating Integration from SOAP to REST : Can the Advantages of Migration Justify the Project?

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    This thesis investigates the functional and conceptual differences between SOAP-based and RESTful web services and their implications in the context of a real-world migration project. The primary research questions addressed are: ‱ What are the key functional and conceptual differences between SOAP-based and RESTful web services? ‱ How can SOAP-based and RESTful service clients be implemented into a general client? ‱ Can developing a client to work with REST and SOAP be justified based on differences in performance and maintainability? The thesis begins with a literature review of the core principles and features of SOAP and REST, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different use cases. A detailed comparison table is provided to summarize the key differences between the two web services. The thesis presents a case study of a migration project from Lemonsoft's web team, which involved adapting an existing integration to support SOAP-based and RESTful services. The project utilized design patterns and a general client implementation to achieve a unified solution compatible with both protocols. In terms of performance, the evaluation showed that the general client led to faster execution times and reduced memory usage, enhancing the overall system efficiency. Additionally, improvements in maintainability were achieved by simplifying the codebase, using design patterns and object factories, adopting an interface-driven design, and promoting collaborative code reviews. These enhancements have not only resulted in a better user experience but also minimized future resource demands and maintenance costs. In conclusion, this thesis provides valuable insights into the functional and conceptual differences between SOAP-based and RESTful web services, the challenges and best practices for implementing a general client, and the justification for resource usage in such a solution based on performance and maintainability improvements

    Factors affecting adoption of service -oriented architecture (SOA) at an enterprise level

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-112).Service-oriented computing is an emerging IT innovation. Among its manifestations is service-oriented architecture (SOA), an approach to designing and implementing IT solutions. Organizations adopting SOA are facing implementation challenges. Examining factors affecting SOA adoption at an organizational level can reduce uncertainty about SOA, its advantages and disadvantages, and implementation issues. This study uses quantitative analysis to investigate organizational SOA adoption in South Africa from DOI theory and TOE framework perspectives. Results highlight a number of factors influencing SOA adoption: use of multiple standards and platforms, complexity, compatibility, cost, top management support, good governance and strategy, adequate human and financial resources, vendor support for integration and development tools

    Towards a Service-Oriented Enterprise: The Design of a Cloud Business Integration Platform in a Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprise

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    This case study research followed the two-year transition of a medium-sized manufacturing firm towards a service-oriented enterprise. A service-oriented enterprise is an emerging architecture of the firm that leverages the paradigm of services computing to integrate the capabilities of the firm with the complementary competencies of business partners to offer customers with value-added products and services. Design science research in information systems was employed to pursue the primary design of a cloud business integration platform to enable the secondary design of multi-enterprise business processes to enable the dynamic and effective integration of business partner capabilities with those of the enterprise. The results from the study received industry acclaim for the designed solutions innovativeness and business results in the case study environment. The research makes contributions to the IT practitioner and scholarly knowledge base by providing insight into key constructs associated with service-oriented design and deployment of a cloud enterprise architecture and cloud intermediation model to achieve business results. The study demonstrated how an outside-in service-oriented architecture adoption pattern and cloud computing model enabled a medium-sized manufacturing enterprise to focus on a comprehensive approach to business partner integration and collaboration. The cloud integration platform has enabled a range of secondary designs that leveraged business services to orchestrate inter-enterprise business processes for choreography into service systems and networks for the purposes of value creation. The study results demonstrated enhanced levels of business process agility enabled by the cloud platform leading to secondary designs of transactional, differentiated, innovative, and improvisational business processes. The study provides a foundation for future scholarly research on the role of cloud integration platforms in enterprise computing and the increased importance of service-oriented secondary designs to exploit cloud platforms for sustained business performance

    Web-scale profiling of semantic annotations in HTML pages

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    The vision of the Semantic Web was coined by Tim Berners-Lee almost two decades ago. The idea describes an extension of the existing Web in which “information is given well-deïŹned meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation” [Berners-Lee et al., 2001]. Semantic annotations in HTML pages are one realization of this vision which was adopted by large numbers of web sites in the last years. Semantic annotations are integrated into the code of HTML pages using one of the three markup languages Microformats, RDFa, or Microdata. Major consumers of semantic annotations are the search engine companies Bing, Google, Yahoo!, and Yandex. They use semantic annotations from crawled web pages to enrich the presentation of search results and to complement their knowledge bases. However, outside the large search engine companies, little is known about the deployment of semantic annotations: How many web sites deploy semantic annotations? What are the topics covered by semantic annotations? How detailed are the annotations? Do web sites use semantic annotations correctly? Are semantic annotations useful for others than the search engine companies? And how can semantic annotations be gathered from the Web in that case? The thesis answers these questions by proïŹling the web-wide deployment of semantic annotations. The topic is approached in three consecutive steps: In the ïŹrst step, two approaches for extracting semantic annotations from the Web are discussed. The thesis evaluates ïŹrst the technique of focused crawling for harvesting semantic annotations. Afterward, a framework to extract semantic annotations from existing web crawl corpora is described. The two extraction approaches are then compared for the purpose of analyzing the deployment of semantic annotations in the Web. In the second step, the thesis analyzes the overall and markup language-speciïŹc adoption of semantic annotations. This empirical investigation is based on the largest web corpus that is available to the public. Further, the topics covered by deployed semantic annotations and their evolution over time are analyzed. Subsequent studies examine common errors within semantic annotations. In addition, the thesis analyzes the data overlap of the entities that are described by semantic annotations from the same and across different web sites. The third step narrows the focus of the analysis towards use case-speciïŹc issues. Based on the requirements of a marketplace, a news aggregator, and a travel portal the thesis empirically examines the utility of semantic annotations for these use cases. Additional experiments analyze the capability of product-related semantic annotations to be integrated into an existing product categorization schema. Especially, the potential of exploiting the diverse category information given by the web sites providing semantic annotations is evaluated