15,451 research outputs found

    Homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation

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    We present a method for two-scale model derivation of the periodic homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation in a bounded domain. It allows for analyzing the oscillations occurring on both microscopic and macroscopic scales. The novelty reported here is on the asymptotic behavior of high frequency waves and especially on the boundary conditions of the homogenized equation. Numerical simulations are reported

    The time horizon for stochastic homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation

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    The wave equation with stochastic coefficients can be classically homogenized on bounded time intervals; solutions converge in the homogenization limit to solutions of a wave equation with constant coefficients. This is no longer true on large time scales: Even in the periodic case with periodicity ε, classical homogenization fails for times of the order ε−2. We consider the one-dimensional wave equation and are interested in the critical time scale ε−β from where on classical homogenization fails. In the general setting, we derive upper and lower bounds for β in terms of the growth rate of correctors. In the specific setting of i.i.d. coefficients with matched impedance, we show that the critical time scale is ε−

    Homogenization of the Prager model in one-dimensional plasticity

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    We propose a new method for the homogenization of hysteresis models of plasticity. For the one-dimensional wave equation with an elasto-plastic stress-strain relation we derive averaged equations and perform the homogenization limit for stochastic material parameters. This generalizes results of the seminal paper by Francu and Krejcí. Our approach rests on energy methods for partial differential equations and provides short proofs without recurrence to hysteresis operator theory. It has the potential to be extended to the higher dimensional case

    An Equation-Free Approach for Second Order Multiscale Hyperbolic Problems in Non-Divergence Form

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    The present study concerns the numerical homogenization of second order hyperbolic equations in non-divergence form, where the model problem includes a rapidly oscillating coefficient function. These small scales influence the large scale behavior, hence their effects should be accurately modelled in a numerical simulation. A direct numerical simulation is prohibitively expensive since a minimum of two points per wavelength are needed to resolve the small scales. A multiscale method, under the equation free methodology, is proposed to approximate the coarse scale behaviour of the exact solution at a cost independent of the small scales in the problem. We prove convergence rates for the upscaled quantities in one as well as in multi-dimensional periodic settings. Moreover, numerical results in one and two dimensions are provided to support the theory

    High frequency homogenization for travelling waves in periodic media

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    We consider high frequency homogenization in periodic media for travelling waves of several different equations: the wave equation for scalar-valued waves such as acoustics; the wave equation for vector-valued waves such as electromagnetism and elasticity; and a system that encompasses the Schr{\"o}dinger equation. This homogenization applies when the wavelength is of the order of the size of the medium periodicity cell. The travelling wave is assumed to be the sum of two waves: a modulated Bloch carrier wave having crystal wave vector \Bk and frequency ω1\omega_1 plus a modulated Bloch carrier wave having crystal wave vector \Bm and frequency ω2\omega_2. We derive effective equations for the modulating functions, and then prove that there is no coupling in the effective equations between the two different waves both in the scalar and the system cases. To be precise, we prove that there is no coupling unless ω1=ω2\omega_1=\omega_2 and (\Bk-\Bm)\odot\Lambda \in 2\pi \mathbb Z^d, where Λ=(λ1λ2…λd)\Lambda=(\lambda_1\lambda_2\dots\lambda_d) is the periodicity cell of the medium and for any two vectors a=(a1,a2,…,ad),b=(b1,b2,…,bd)∈Rd,a=(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_d), b=(b_1,b_2,\dots,b_d)\in\mathbb R^d, the product a⊙ba\odot b is defined to be the vector (a1b1,a2b2,…,adbd).(a_1b_1,a_2b_2,\dots,a_db_d). This last condition forces the carrier waves to be equivalent Bloch waves meaning that the coupling constants in the system of effective equations vanish. We use two-scale analysis and some new weak-convergence type lemmas. The analysis is not at the same level of rigor as that of Allaire and coworkers who use two-scale convergence theory to treat the problem, but has the advantage of simplicity which will allow it to be easily extended to the case where there is degeneracy of the Bloch eigenvalue.Comment: 30 pages, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 201
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