27 research outputs found

    Adopting multiview pixel mapping for enhancing quality of holoscopic 3D scene in parallax barriers based holoscopic 3D displays

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    The Autostereoscopic multiview 3D Display is robustly developed and widely available in commercial markets. Excellent improvements are made using pixel mapping techniques and achieved an acceptable 3D resolution with balanced pixel aspect ratio in lens array technology. This paper proposes adopting multiview pixel mapping for enhancing quality constructed holoscopic 3D scene in parallax barriers based holoscopic 3D displays achieving great results. The Holoscopic imaging technology mimics the imaging system of insects, such as the fly, utilizing a single camera, equipped with a large number of micro-lenses, to capture a scene, offering rich parallax information and enhanced 3D feeling without the need of wearing specific eyewear. In addition pixel mapping and holoscopic 3D rendering tools are developed including a custom built holoscopic 3D displays to test the proposed method and carry out a like-to-like comparison.This work has been supported by European Commission under Grant FP7-ICT-2009-4 (3DVIVANT). The authors wish to ex-press their gratitude and thanks for the support given throughout the project

    Innovative 3D Depth Map Generation From A Holoscopic 3D Image Based on Graph Cut Technique

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    Holoscopic 3D imaging is a promising technique for capturing full-colour spatial 3D images using a single aperture holoscopic 3D camera. It mimics fly’s eye technique with a microlens array, which views the scene at a slightly different angle to its adjacent lens that records three-dimensional information onto a two-dimensional surface. This paper proposes a method of depth map generation from a holoscopic 3D image based on graph cut technique. The principal objective of this study is to estimate the depth information presented in a holoscopic 3D image with high precision. As such, depth map extraction is measured from a single still holoscopic 3D image which consists of multiple viewpoint images. The viewpoints are extracted and utilised for disparity calculation via disparity space image technique and pixels displacement is measured with sub-pixel accuracy to overcome the issue of the narrow baseline between the viewpoint images for stereo matching. In addition, cost aggregation is used to correlate the matching costs within a particular neighbouring region using sum of absolute difference (SAD) combined with gradient-based metric and “winner takes all” algorithm is employed to select the minimum elements in the array as optimal disparity value. Finally, the optimal depth map is obtained using graph cut technique. The proposed method extends the utilisation of holoscopic 3D imaging system and enables the expansion of the technology for various applications of autonomous robotics, medical, inspection, AR/VR, security and entertainment where 3D depth sensing and measurement are a concern

    Recognition of Holoscopic 3D Video Hand Gesture Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Copyright © 2020 by the authors. The convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm is one of the efficient techniques to recognize hand gestures. In human–computer interaction, a human gesture is a non-verbal communication mode, as users communicate with a computer via input devices. In this article, 3D micro hand gesture recognition disparity experiments are proposed using CNN. This study includes twelve 3D micro hand motions recorded for three different subjects. The system is validated by an experiment that is implemented on twenty different subjects of different ages. The results are analysed and evaluated based on execution time, training, testing, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value, and likelihood. The CNN training results show an accuracy as high as 100%, which present superior performance in all factors. On the other hand, the validation results average about 99% accuracy. The CNN algorithm has proven to be the most accurate classification tool for micro gesture recognition.Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal Universit

    Innovative 3D Depth Map Generation From A Holoscopic 3D Image Based on Graph Cut Technique

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    Holoscopic 3D imaging is a promising technique for capturing full-colour spatial 3D images using a single aperture holoscopic 3D camera. It mimics fly’s eye technique with a microlens array, which views the scene at a slightly different angle to its adjacent lens that records three-dimensional information onto a two-dimensional surface. This paper proposes a method of depth map generation from a holoscopic 3D image based on graph cut technique. The principal objective of this study is to estimate the depth information presented in a Holoscopic 3D image with high precision. As such, depth map extraction is measured from a single still holoscopic 3D image which consists of multiple viewpoint images. The viewpoints are extracted and utilised for disparity calculation via disparity space image technique and pixels displacement is measured with sub-pixel accuracy to overcome the issue of the narrow baseline between the viewpoint images for stereo matching. In addition, cost aggregation is used to correlate the matching costs within a particular neighbouring region using sum of absolute difference (SAD) combined with gradient-based metric and “winner takes all” algorithm is employed to select the minimum elements in the array as optimal disparity value. Finally, the optimal depth map is obtained using graph cut technique. The proposed method extends the utilisation of holoscopic 3D imaging system and enables the expansion of the technology for various applications of autonomous robotics, medical, inspection, AR/VR, security and entertainment where 3D depth sensing and measurement are a concern.NPR

    Real Time Holoscopic 3D Video Interlacing

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