2 research outputs found

    Predefined-time synchronization of 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks via backstepping design and application in secure communication

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    In this paper, the fast synchronization problem of 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks is studied. Firstly, the global predefined-time stability of a class of nonlinear dynamical systems is investigated under the complete beta function. Then an active controller via backstepping design is proposed to achieve predefined-time synchronization of two 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks in which the synchronization time of each state variable of the master-slave 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks is different and can be defined in advance, respectively. To show the applicability of the obtained theoretical results, the designed predefined-time backstepping controller is applied to secure communication to realize asynchronous communication of multiple different messages. Three numerical simulations are provided to validate the theoretical results

    Memristor Circuits for Simulating Neuron Spiking and Burst Phenomena

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    Since the introduction of memristors, it has been widely recognized that they can be successfully employed as synapses in neuromorphic circuits. This paper focuses on showing that memristor circuits can be also used for mimicking some features of the dynamics exhibited by neurons in response to an external stimulus. The proposed approach relies on exploiting multistability of memristor circuits, i.e., the coexistence of infinitely many attractors, and employing a suitable pulse-programmed input for switching among the different attractors. Specifically, it is first shown that a circuit composed of a resistor, an inductor, a capacitor and an ideal charge-controlled memristor displays infinitely many stable equilibrium points and limit cycles, each one pertaining to a planar invariant manifold. Moreover, each limit cycle is approximated via a first-order periodic approximation analytically obtained via the Describing Function (DF) method, a well-known technique in the Harmonic Balance (HB) context. Then, it is shown that the memristor charge is capable to mimic some simplified models of the neuron response when an external independent pulse-programmed current source is introduced in the circuit. The memristor charge behavior is generated via the concatenation of convergent and oscillatory behaviors which are obtained by switching between equilibrium points and limit cycles via a properly designed pulse timing of the current source. The design procedure takes also into account some relationships between the pulse features and the circuit parameters which are derived exploiting the analytic approximation of the limit cycles obtained via the DF method