5 research outputs found

    Highly Nonlinear Boolean Functions with Optimal Algebraic Immunity and Good Behavior Against Fast Algebraic Attacks

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    In this paper, we present a new combinatorial conjecture about binary strings. Based on the new conjecture, two classes of Boolean functions of 2k2k variables with optimal algebraic immunity are proposed, where k≥2k\ge 2. The first class contains unbalanced functions having high algebraic degree and nonlinearity. The functions in the second one are balanced and have maximal algebraic degree and high nonlinearity. It is checked that, at least for small numbers of variables, both classes of functions have a good behavior against fast algebraic attacks. Compared with the known Boolean functions resisting algebraic attacks and fast algebraic attacks, the two classes of functions possess the highest lower bounds on nonlinearity. These bounds are however not enough for ensuring a sufficient nonlinearity for allowing resistance to the fast correlation attack. Nevertheless, as for previously found functions with the same features, there is a gap between the bound that we can prove and the actual values computed for small numbers of variables. Moreover, these values are very good and much better than for the previously found functions having all the necessary features for being used in the filter model of pseudo-random generators

    1-Resilient Boolean Functions on Even Variables with Almost Perfect Algebraic Immunity

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    Several factors (e.g., balancedness, good correlation immunity) are considered as important properties of Boolean functions for using in cryptographic primitives. A Boolean function is perfect algebraic immune if it is with perfect immunity against algebraic and fast algebraic attacks. There is an increasing interest in construction of Boolean function that is perfect algebraic immune combined with other characteristics, like resiliency. A resilient function is a balanced correlation-immune function. This paper uses bivariate representation of Boolean function and theory of finite field to construct a generalized and new class of Boolean functions on even variables by extending the Carlet-Feng functions. We show that the functions generated by this construction support cryptographic properties of 1-resiliency and (sub)optimal algebraic immunity and further propose the sufficient condition of achieving optimal algebraic immunity. Compared experimentally with Carlet-Feng functions and the functions constructed by the method of first-order concatenation existing in the literature on even (from 6 to 16) variables, these functions have better immunity against fast algebraic attacks. Implementation results also show that they are almost perfect algebraic immune functions