3 research outputs found

    Transient numerical approximation of hyperbolic diffusions and beyond

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    In this paper different types of hyperbolic diffusions and their corresponding transient Fokker–Planck equation are described and numerical solutions are presented. Diffusion models were developed that can fit both the marginal distribution and correlation structure and they have found a wide application in finance, turbulence and environmental time series. Hyperbolic diffusions have a complicated structure and variety of parameters and are extremely difficult to study and to model. We propose a numerical technique that solves one-dimensional hyperbolic Fokker–Planck equation in time dependent case. Note that this is a first study where transient hyperbolic diffusions are considered. The numerical technique is based on adaptive reduced basis method with spectral element discretization. It involves enrichment and projection stages where an optimal basis is found in a dynamic way using the singular value decomposition (SVD). The approach dramatically reduces the number of degrees of freedom required to solve the problem. The numerical evaluations of the Fokker–Planck equation are verified with available stationary solutions

    Qualitative properties of different numerical methods for the inhomogeneous geometric Brownian motion

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    We provide a comparative analysis of qualitative features of different numerical methods for the inhomogeneous geometric Brownian motion (IGBM). The limit distribution of the IGBM exists, its conditional and asymptotic mean and variance are known and the process can be characterised according to Feller’s boundary classification. We compare the frequently used Euler–Maruyama and Milstein methods, two Lie–Trotter and two Strang splitting schemes and two methods based on the ordinary differential equation (ODE) approach, namely the classical Wong–Zakai approximation and the recently proposed log-ODE scheme. First, we prove that, in contrast to the Euler–Maruyama and Milstein schemes, the splitting and ODE schemes preserve the boundary properties of the process, independently of the choice of the time discretisation step. Second, we prove that the limit distribution of the splitting and ODE methods exists for all stepsize values and parameters. Third, we derive closed-form expressions for the conditional and asymptotic means and variances of all considered schemes and analyse the resulting biases. While the Euler–Maruyama and Milstein schemes are the only methods which may have an asymptotically unbiased mean, the splitting and ODE schemes perform better in terms of variance preservation. The Strang schemes outperform the Lie–Trotter splittings, and the log-ODE scheme the classical ODE method. The mean and variance biases of the log-ODE scheme are very small for many relevant parameter settings. However, in some situations the two derived Strang splittings may be a better alternative, one of them requiring considerably less computational effort than the log-ODE method. The proposed analysis may be carried out in a similar fashion on other numerical methods and stochastic differential equations with comparable features

    High-order approximation of Pearson diffusion processes

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    This paper focuses on Pearson diffusions and the spectral high-order approximation of their related Fokker–Planck equations. The Pearson diffusions is a class of diffusions defined by linear drift and quadratic squared diffusion coefficient. They are widely used in the physical and chemical sciences, engineering, rheology, environmental sciences and financial mathematics. In recent years diffusion models have been studied analytically and numerically primarily through the solution of stochastic differential equations. Analytical solutions have been derived for some of the Pearson diffusions, including the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck, Cox–Ingersoll–Ross and Jacobi processes. However, analytical investigations and computations for diffusions with so-called heavy-tailed ergodic distributions are more difficult to perform. The novelty of this research is the development of an accurate and efficient numerical method to solve the Fokker–Planck equations associated with Pearson diffusions with different boundary conditions. Comparisons between the numerical predictions and available time-dependent and equilibrium analytical solutions are made. The solution of the Fokker–Planck equation is approximated using a reduced basis spectral method. The advantage of this approach is that many models for pricing options in financial mathematics cannot be expressed in terms of a stochastic partial differential equation and therefore one has to resort to solving Fokker–Planck type equations