5 research outputs found

    High-efficiency multipartite entanglement purification of electron-spin states with charge detection

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    We present a high-efficiency multipartite entanglement purification protocol (MEPP) for electron-spin systems in a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state based on their spins and their charges. Our MEPP contains two parts. The first part is our normal MEPP with which the parties can obtain a high-fidelity N-electron ensemble directly, similar to the MEPP with controlled-not gates. The second one is our recycling MEPP with entanglement link from N'-electron subsystems (2 < N' < N). It is interesting to show that the N'-electron subsystems can be obtained efficiently by measuring the electrons with potential bit-flip errors from the instances which are useless and are just discarded in all existing conventional MEPPs. Combining these two parts, our MEPP has the advantage of the efficiency higher than other MEPPs largely for electron-spin systems.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Optimal entanglement concentration for quantum dot and optical microcavities systems

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    A recent paper [Chuan Wang, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{86}, 012323 (2012)] discussed an entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for partially entangled electrons using a quantum dot and microcavity coupled system. In his paper, each two-electron spin system in a partially entangled state can be concentrated with the assistance of an ancillary quantum dot and a single photon. In this paper, we will present an optimal ECP for such entangled electrons with the help of only one single photon. Compared with the protocol of Wang, the most significant advantage is that during the whole ECP, the single photon only needs to pass through one microcavity which will increase the total success probability if the cavity is imperfect. The whole protocol can be repeated to get a higher success probability. With the feasible technology, this protocol may be useful in current long-distance quantum communications.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Atomic entanglement purification using photonic Faraday rotation

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    We describe an entanglement purification protocol (EPP) for atomic entangled pair using photonic Faraday rotation. It is shown that after the two single photons input-output process in cavity QED, the high quality entangled atomic state can be obtained from the low quality mixed entangled atomic states. Different from other EPPs, the two pairs of mixed states do not need to intact directly. As the photonic Faraday rotation works on the low-Q cavities, this EPP is useful in both quantum communication and computation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Efficient multipartite entanglement concentration of electron-spin state with charge detection

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    We present two entanglement concentration protocols (ECPs) for arbitrary three-electron W state based on their charges and spins. Different from other ECPs, in both two ECPs, with the help of the electronic polarization beam splitter (PBS) and charge detection, the less-entangled W state can be concentrated into a maximally entangled state only with some single charge qubits. The second ECP is more optimal than the first one, for by constructing the complete parity check gate, the second ECP can be used repeatedly to further concentrate the less-entangled state and obtain a higher success probability. Therefore, both the ECPs, especially the second one may be useful in current quantum information processing.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Multipartite entanglement purification for three-level trapped atom systems

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    We describe an entanglement purification protocol (EPP) for multipartite three-level atomic entangled pair using photonic Faraday rotation. In this EPP, the multipartite atomic entangled state can be purified with the help of some single photons. This protocol resorts to the photonic Faraday rotation to realize the function of the controlled-Not (CNOT) gate. The purified multipartite atomic entangled state can be retained and to be repeated to reach a higher fidelity.Comment: 11pages, 2 figure