11 research outputs found

    High-dimensional Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation using Greedy Methods

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    In this paper we consider the task of estimating the non-zero pattern of the sparse inverse covariance matrix of a zero-mean Gaussian random vector from a set of iid samples. Note that this is also equivalent to recovering the underlying graph structure of a sparse Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF). We present two novel greedy approaches to solving this problem. The first estimates the non-zero covariates of the overall inverse covariance matrix using a series of global forward and backward greedy steps. The second estimates the neighborhood of each node in the graph separately, again using greedy forward and backward steps, and combines the intermediate neighborhoods to form an overall estimate. The principal contribution of this paper is a rigorous analysis of the sparsistency, or consistency in recovering the sparsity pattern of the inverse covariance matrix. Surprisingly, we show that both the local and global greedy methods learn the full structure of the model with high probability given just O(dlog⁑(p))O(d\log(p)) samples, which is a \emph{significant} improvement over state of the art β„“1\ell_1-regularized Gaussian MLE (Graphical Lasso) that requires O(d2log⁑(p))O(d^2\log(p)) samples. Moreover, the restricted eigenvalue and smoothness conditions imposed by our greedy methods are much weaker than the strong irrepresentable conditions required by the β„“1\ell_1-regularization based methods. We corroborate our results with extensive simulations and examples, comparing our local and global greedy methods to the β„“1\ell_1-regularized Gaussian MLE as well as the Neighborhood Greedy method to that of nodewise β„“1\ell_1-regularized linear regression (Neighborhood Lasso).Comment: Accepted to AI STAT 2012 for Oral Presentatio

    Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithms for General Convex Smooth Functions over A Cardinality Constraint

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    We consider forward-backward greedy algorithms for solving sparse feature selection problems with general convex smooth functions. A state-of-the-art greedy method, the Forward-Backward greedy algorithm (FoBa-obj) requires to solve a large number of optimization problems, thus it is not scalable for large-size problems. The FoBa-gdt algorithm, which uses the gradient information for feature selection at each forward iteration, significantly improves the efficiency of FoBa-obj. In this paper, we systematically analyze the theoretical properties of both forward-backward greedy algorithms. Our main contributions are: 1) We derive better theoretical bounds than existing analyses regarding FoBa-obj for general smooth convex functions; 2) We show that FoBa-gdt achieves the same theoretical performance as FoBa-obj under the same condition: restricted strong convexity condition. Our new bounds are consistent with the bounds of a special case (least squares) and fills a previously existing theoretical gap for general convex smooth functions; 3) We show that the restricted strong convexity condition is satisfied if the number of independent samples is more than kΛ‰log⁑d\bar{k}\log d where kΛ‰\bar{k} is the sparsity number and dd is the dimension of the variable; 4) We apply FoBa-gdt (with the conditional random field objective) to the sensor selection problem for human indoor activity recognition and our results show that FoBa-gdt outperforms other methods (including the ones based on forward greedy selection and L1-regularization)

    Graph Estimation From Multi-attribute Data

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    Many real world network problems often concern multivariate nodal attributes such as image, textual, and multi-view feature vectors on nodes, rather than simple univariate nodal attributes. The existing graph estimation methods built on Gaussian graphical models and covariance selection algorithms can not handle such data, neither can the theories developed around such methods be directly applied. In this paper, we propose a new principled framework for estimating graphs from multi-attribute data. Instead of estimating the partial correlation as in current literature, our method estimates the partial canonical correlations that naturally accommodate complex nodal features. Computationally, we provide an efficient algorithm which utilizes the multi-attribute structure. Theoretically, we provide sufficient conditions which guarantee consistent graph recovery. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate performance of our method under various conditions. Furthermore, we provide illustrative applications to uncovering gene regulatory networks from gene and protein profiles, and uncovering brain connectivity graph from functional magnetic resonance imaging data.Comment: Extended simulation study. Added an application to a new data se