35 research outputs found

    Security/privacy analysis of biometric hashing and template protection for fingerprint minutiae

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    This thesis has two main parts. The first part deals with security and privacy analysis of biometric hashing. The second part introduces a method for fixed-length feature vector extraction and hash generation from fingerprint minutiae. The upsurge of interest in biometric systems has led to development of biometric template protection methods in order to overcome security and privacy problems. Biometric hashing produces a secure binary template by combining a personal secret key and the biometric of a person, which leads to a two factor authentication method. This dissertation analyzes biometric hashing both from a theoretical point of view and in regards to its practical application. For theoretical evaluation of biohashes, a systematic approach which uses estimated entropy based on degree of freedom of a binomial distribution is outlined. In addition, novel practical security and privacy attacks against face image hashing are presented to quantify additional protection provided by biometrics in cases where the secret key is compromised (i.e., the attacker is assumed to know the user's secret key). Two of these attacks are based on sparse signal recovery techniques using one-bit compressed sensing in addition to two other minimum-norm solution based attacks. A rainbow attack based on a large database of faces is also introduced. The results show that biometric templates would be in serious danger of being exposed when the secret key is known by an attacker, and the system would be under a serious threat as well. Due to its distinctiveness and performance, fingerprint is preferred among various biometric modalities in many settings. Most fingerprint recognition systems use minutiae information, which is an unordered collection of minutiae locations and orientations Some advanced template protection algorithms (such as fuzzy commitment and other modern cryptographic alternatives) require a fixed-length binary template. However, such a template protection method is not directly applicable to fingerprint minutiae representation which by its nature is of variable size. This dissertation introduces a novel and empirically validated framework that represents a minutiae set with a rotation invariant fixed-length vector and hence enables using biometric template protection methods for fingerprint recognition without signi cant loss in verification performance. The introduced framework is based on using local representations around each minutia as observations modeled by a Gaussian mixture model called a universal background model (UBM). For each fingerprint, we extract a fixed length super-vector of rst order statistics through alignment with the UBM. These super-vectors are then used for learning linear support vector machine (SVM) models per person for verifiation. In addition, the xed-length vector and the linear SVM model are both converted into binary hashes and the matching process is reduced to calculating the Hamming distance between them so that modern cryptographic alternatives based on homomorphic encryption can be applied for minutiae template protection

    State of the Art in Biometric Key Binding and Key Generation Schemes

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    Direct storage of biometric templates in databases exposes the authentication system and legitimate users to numerous security and privacy challenges. Biometric cryptosystems or template protection schemes are used to overcome the security and privacy challenges associated with the use of biometrics as a means of authentication. This paper presents a review of previous works in biometric key binding and key generation schemes. The review focuses on key binding techniques such as biometric encryption, fuzzy commitment scheme, fuzzy vault and shielding function. Two categories of key generation schemes considered are private template and quantization schemes. The paper also discusses the modes of operations, strengths and weaknesses of various kinds of key-based template protection schemes. The goal is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the current and emerging trends in key-based biometric cryptosystems

    Composite Fixed-Length Ordered Features for Palmprint Template Protection with Diminished Performance Loss

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    Palmprint recognition has become more and more popular due to its advantages over other biometric modalities such as fingerprint, in that it is larger in area, richer in information and able to work at a distance. However, the issue of palmprint privacy and security (especially palmprint template protection) remains under-studied. Among the very few research works, most of them only use the directional and orientation features of the palmprint with transformation processing, yielding unsatisfactory protection and identification performance. Thus, this paper proposes a palmprint template protection-oriented operator that has a fixed length and is ordered in nature, by fusing point features and orientation features. Firstly, double orientations are extracted with more accuracy based on MFRAT. Then key points of SURF are extracted and converted to be fixed-length and ordered features. Finally, composite features that fuse up the double orientations and SURF points are transformed using the irreversible transformation of IOM to generate the revocable palmprint template. Experiments show that the EER after irreversible transformation on the PolyU and CASIA databases are 0.17% and 0.19% respectively, and the absolute precision loss is 0.08% and 0.07%, respectively, which proves the advantage of our method

    Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication

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    Biometric-based authentication provides a highly accurate means of authentication without requiring the user to memorize or possess anything. However, there are three disadvantages to the use of biometrics in authentication; any compromise is permanent as it is impossible to revoke biometrics; there are significant privacy concerns with the loss of biometric data; and humans possess only a limited number of biometrics, which limits how many services can use or reuse the same form of authentication. As such, enhancing biometric template security is of significant research interest. One of the methodologies is called cancellable biometric template which applies an irreversible transformation on the features of the biometric sample and performs the matching in the transformed domain. Yet, this is itself susceptible to specific classes of attacks, including hill-climb, pre-image, and attacks via records multiplicity. This work has several outcomes and contributions to the knowledge of privacy-preserving biometric authentication. The first of these is a taxonomy structuring the current state-of-the-art and provisions for future research. The next of these is a multi-filter framework for developing a robust and secure cancellable biometric template, designed specifically for fingerprint biometrics. This framework is comprised of two modules, each of which is a separate cancellable fingerprint template that has its own matching and measures. The matching for this is based on multiple thresholds. Importantly, these methods show strong resistance to the above-mentioned attacks. Another of these outcomes is a method that achieves a stable performance and can be used to be embedded into a Zero-Knowledge-Proof protocol. In this novel method, a new strategy was proposed to improve the recognition error rates which is privacy-preserving in the untrusted environment. The results show promising performance when evaluated on current datasets

    Improved fuzzy hashing technique for biometric template protection

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    Biometrics provides a new dimension of security to modern automated applications since each user will need to prove his identity when attempting an access. However, if a stored biometric template is compromised, then the conventional biometric recognition system becomes vulnerable to privacy invasion. This invasion is a permanent one because the biometric template is not replaceable. In this paper, we introduce an improved FuzzyHashing technique for biometric template protection purpose. We demonstrate our implementation in the context of fingerprint biometrics. The experimental results and the security analysis on FVC 2004 DB1 and DB2 fingerprint datasets suggest that the technique is highly feasible in practice