2 research outputs found

    Secure Image Steganography using Cryptography and Image Transposition

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    Information security is one of the most challenging problems in today's technological world. In order to secure the transmission of secret data over the public network (Internet), various schemes have been presented over the last decade. Steganography combined with cryptography, can be one of the best choices for solving this problem. This paper proposes a new steganographic method based on gray-level modification for true colour images using image transposition, secret key and cryptography. Both the secret key and secret information are initially encrypted using multiple encryption algorithms (bitxor operation, bits shuffling, and stego key-based encryption); these are, subsequently, hidden in the host image pixels. In addition, the input image is transposed before data hiding. Image transposition, bits shuffling, bitxoring, stego key-based encryption, and gray-level modification introduce five different security levels to the proposed scheme, making the data recovery extremely difficult for attackers. The proposed technique is evaluated by objective analysis using various image quality assessment metrics, producing promising results in terms of imperceptibility and security. Moreover, the high quality stego images and its minimal histogram changeability, also validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: A simple but effective image steganographic method, providing secure transmission of secret data over Internet. The final published version of the paper can be downloaded from the link: (http://www.neduet.edu.pk/NED-Journal/2015/15vol4paper3.html). Please contact me at [email protected] if you need the final formatted published version of the pape

    A novel magic LSB substitution method (M-LSB-SM) using multi-level encryption and achromatic component of an image

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    Image Steganography is a thriving research area of information security where secret data is embedded in images to hide its existence while getting the minimum possible statistical detectability. This paper proposes a novel magic least significant bit substitution method (M-LSB-SM) for RGB images. The proposed method is based on the achromatic component (I-plane) of the hue-saturation-intensity (HSI) color model and multi-level encryption (MLE) in the spatial domain. The input image is transposed and converted into an HSI color space. The I-plane is divided into four sub-images of equal size, rotating each sub-image with a different angle using a secret key. The secret information is divided into four blocks, which are then encrypted using an MLE algorithm (MLEA). Each sub-block of the message is embedded into one of the rotated sub-images based on a specific pattern using magic LSB substitution. Experimental results validate that the proposed method not only enhances the visual quality of stego images but also provides good imperceptibility and multiple security levels as compared to several existing prominent methods.Comment: This paper has been published in Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal with impact factor=1.058. The readers can study the formatted paper using the following link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-015-2671-9. Please use sci-hub.org for downloading this paper if you are unable to access it freely or email us at [email protected]