5,146 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators: Opportunities, Trends, and Challenges

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    With the emerging big data applications of Machine Learning, Speech Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, and DNA Sequencing in recent years, computer architecture research communities are facing the explosive scale of various data explosion. To achieve high efficiency of data-intensive computing, studies of heterogeneous accelerators which focus on latest applications, have become a hot issue in computer architecture domain. At present, the implementation of heterogeneous accelerators mainly relies on heterogeneous computing units such as Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Among the typical heterogeneous architectures above, FPGA-based reconfigurable accelerators have two merits as follows: First, FPGA architecture contains a large number of reconfigurable circuits, which satisfy requirements of high performance and low power consumption when specific applications are running. Second, the reconfigurable architectures of employing FPGA performs prototype systems rapidly and features excellent customizability and reconfigurability. Nowadays, in top-tier conferences of computer architecture, emerging a batch of accelerating works based on FPGA or other reconfigurable architectures. To better review the related work of reconfigurable computing accelerators recently, this survey reserves latest high-level research products of reconfigurable accelerator architectures and algorithm applications as the basis. In this survey, we compare hot research issues and concern domains, furthermore, analyze and illuminate advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of reconfigurable accelerators. In the end, we prospect the development tendency of accelerator architectures in the future, hoping to provide a reference for computer architecture researchers

    An Efficient Graph Accelerator with Parallel Data Conflict Management

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    Graph-specific computing with the support of dedicated accelerator has greatly boosted the graph processing in both efficiency and energy. Nevertheless, their data conflict management is still sequential in essential when some vertex needs a large number of conflicting updates at the same time, leading to prohibitive performance degradation. This is particularly true for processing natural graphs. In this paper, we have the insight that the atomic operations for the vertex updating of many graph algorithms (e.g., BFS, PageRank and WCC) are typically incremental and simplex. This hence allows us to parallelize the conflicting vertex updates in an accumulative manner. We architect a novel graphspecific accelerator that can simultaneously process atomic vertex updates for massive parallelism on the conflicting data access while ensuring the correctness. A parallel accumulator is designed to remove the serialization in atomic protection for conflicting vertex updates through merging their results in parallel. Our implementation on Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ XCVU9P with a wide variety of typical graph algorithms shows that our accelerator achieves an average throughput by 2.36 GTEPS as well as up to 3.14x performance speedup in comparison with state-of-the-art ForeGraph (with single-chip version)

    FPGA-based Accelerators of Deep Learning Networks for Learning and Classification: A Review

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    Due to recent advances in digital technologies, and availability of credible data, an area of artificial intelligence, deep learning, has emerged, and has demonstrated its ability and effectiveness in solving complex learning problems not possible before. In particular, convolution neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated their effectiveness in image detection and recognition applications. However, they require intensive CPU operations and memory bandwidth that make general CPUs fail to achieve desired performance levels. Consequently, hardware accelerators that use application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and graphic processing units (GPUs) have been employed to improve the throughput of CNNs. More precisely, FPGAs have been recently adopted for accelerating the implementation of deep learning networks due to their ability to maximize parallelism as well as due to their energy efficiency. In this paper, we review recent existing techniques for accelerating deep learning networks on FPGAs. We highlight the key features employed by the various techniques for improving the acceleration performance. In addition, we provide recommendations for enhancing the utilization of FPGAs for CNNs acceleration. The techniques investigated in this paper represent the recent trends in FPGA-based accelerators of deep learning networks. Thus, this review is expected to direct the future advances on efficient hardware accelerators and to be useful for deep learning researchers.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access (December, 2018

    DNNVM : End-to-End Compiler Leveraging Heterogeneous Optimizations on FPGA-based CNN Accelerators

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    The convolutional neural network (CNN) has become a state-of-the-art method for several artificial intelligence domains in recent years. The increasingly complex CNN models are both computation-bound and I/O-bound. FPGA-based accelerators driven by custom instruction set architecture (ISA) achieve a balance between generality and efficiency, but there is much on them left to be optimized. We propose the full-stack compiler DNNVM, which is an integration of optimizers for graphs, loops and data layouts, and an assembler, a runtime supporter and a validation environment. The DNNVM works in the context of deep learning frameworks and transforms CNN models into the directed acyclic graph: XGraph. Based on XGraph, we transform the optimization challenges for both the data layout and pipeline into graph-level problems. DNNVM enumerates all potentially profitable fusion opportunities by a heuristic subgraph isomorphism algorithm to leverage pipeline and data layout optimizations, and searches for the best choice of execution strategies of the whole computing graph. On the Xilinx ZU2 @330 MHz and ZU9 @330 MHz, we achieve equivalently state-of-the-art performance on our benchmarks by na\"ive implementations without optimizations, and the throughput is further improved up to 1.26x by leveraging heterogeneous optimizations in DNNVM. Finally, with ZU9 @330 MHz, we achieve state-of-the-art performance for VGG and ResNet50. We achieve a throughput of 2.82 TOPs/s and an energy efficiency of 123.7 GOPs/s/W for VGG. Additionally, we achieve 1.38 TOPs/s for ResNet50 and 1.41 TOPs/s for GoogleNet.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    FINN-R: An End-to-End Deep-Learning Framework for Fast Exploration of Quantized Neural Networks

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    Convolutional Neural Networks have rapidly become the most successful machine learning algorithm, enabling ubiquitous machine vision and intelligent decisions on even embedded computing-systems. While the underlying arithmetic is structurally simple, compute and memory requirements are challenging. One of the promising opportunities is leveraging reduced-precision representations for inputs, activations and model parameters. The resulting scalability in performance, power efficiency and storage footprint provides interesting design compromises in exchange for a small reduction in accuracy. FPGAs are ideal for exploiting low-precision inference engines leveraging custom precisions to achieve the required numerical accuracy for a given application. In this article, we describe the second generation of the FINN framework, an end-to-end tool which enables design space exploration and automates the creation of fully customized inference engines on FPGAs. Given a neural network description, the tool optimizes for given platforms, design targets and a specific precision. We introduce formalizations of resource cost functions and performance predictions, and elaborate on the optimization algorithms. Finally, we evaluate a selection of reduced precision neural networks ranging from CIFAR-10 classifiers to YOLO-based object detection on a range of platforms including PYNQ and AWS\,F1, demonstrating new unprecedented measured throughput at 50TOp/s on AWS-F1 and 5TOp/s on embedded devices.Comment: to be published in ACM TRETS Special Edition on Deep Learnin

    C-LSTM: Enabling Efficient LSTM using Structured Compression Techniques on FPGAs

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    Recently, significant accuracy improvement has been achieved for acoustic recognition systems by increasing the model size of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Unfortunately, the ever-increasing size of LSTM model leads to inefficient designs on FPGAs due to the limited on-chip resources. The previous work proposes to use a pruning based compression technique to reduce the model size and thus speedups the inference on FPGAs. However, the random nature of the pruning technique transforms the dense matrices of the model to highly unstructured sparse ones, which leads to unbalanced computation and irregular memory accesses and thus hurts the overall performance and energy efficiency. In contrast, we propose to use a structured compression technique which could not only reduce the LSTM model size but also eliminate the irregularities of computation and memory accesses. This approach employs block-circulant instead of sparse matrices to compress weight matrices and reduces the storage requirement from O(k2)\mathcal{O}(k^2) to O(k)\mathcal{O}(k). Fast Fourier Transform algorithm is utilized to further accelerate the inference by reducing the computational complexity from O(k2)\mathcal{O}(k^2) to O(klogk)\mathcal{O}(k\text{log}k). The datapath and activation functions are quantized as 16-bit to improve the resource utilization. More importantly, we propose a comprehensive framework called C-LSTM to automatically optimize and implement a wide range of LSTM variants on FPGAs. According to the experimental results, C-LSTM achieves up to 18.8X and 33.5X gains for performance and energy efficiency compared with the state-of-the-art LSTM implementation under the same experimental setup, and the accuracy degradation is very small.Comment: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Array

    Evolutionary Cell Aided Design for Neural Network Architectures

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    Mathematical theory shows us that multilayer feedforward Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs) are universal function approximators, capable of approximating any measurable function to any desired degree of accuracy. In practice designing practical and efficient neural network architectures require significant effort and expertise. We present a novel software framework called Evolutionary Cell Aided Design(ECAD) meant to aid in the exploration and design of efficient Neural Network Architectures(NNAs) for reconfigurable hardware. Given a general neural network structure and a set of constraints and fitness functions, the framework will explore both the space of possible NNA and the space of possible hardware designs, using evolutionary algorithms, and attempt to find the fittest co-design solutions according to a predefined set of goals. We test the framework on an image classification task and use the MNIST data set of hand written digits with an Intel Arria 10 GX 1150 device as our target platform. We design and implement a modular and scalable 2D systolic array with enhancements for machine learning that can be used by the framework for the hardware search space. Our results demonstrate the ability to pair neural network design and hardware development together using an evolutionary algorithm and removing traditional human-in-the-loop development tasks. By running various experiments of the fittest solutions for neural network and hardware searches, we demonstrate the full end-to-end capabilities of the ECAD framework.Comment: Text and image edit

    Moving Processing to Data: On the Influence of Processing in Memory on Data Management

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    Near-Data Processing refers to an architectural hardware and software paradigm, based on the co-location of storage and compute units. Ideally, it will allow to execute application-defined data- or compute-intensive operations in-situ, i.e. within (or close to) the physical data storage. Thus, Near-Data Processing seeks to minimize expensive data movement, improving performance, scalability, and resource-efficiency. Processing-in-Memory is a sub-class of Near-Data processing that targets data processing directly within memory (DRAM) chips. The effective use of Near-Data Processing mandates new architectures, algorithms, interfaces, and development toolchains

    WLAN Specific IoT Enable Power Efficient RAM Design on 40nm FPGA

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    Increasing the speed of computer is one of the important aspects of the Random Access Memory (RAM) and for better and fast processing it should be efficient. In this work, the main focus is to design energy efficient RAM and it also can be accessed through internet. A 128-bit IPv6 address is added to the RAM in order to control it via internet. Four different types of Low Voltage CMOS (LCVMOS) IO standards are used to make it low power under five different WLAN frequencies is taken. At WLAN frequency 2.4GHz, there is maximum power reduction of 85% is achieved when LVCMOS12 is taken in place of LVCMOS25. This design is implemented using Virtex-6 FPGA, Device xc6vlx75t and Package FF48

    Full-stack Optimization for Accelerating CNNs with FPGA Validation

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    We present a full-stack optimization framework for accelerating inference of CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) and validate the approach with field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) implementations. By jointly optimizing CNN models, computing architectures, and hardware implementations, our full-stack approach achieves unprecedented performance in the trade-off space characterized by inference latency, energy efficiency, hardware utilization and inference accuracy. As a validation vehicle, we have implemented a 170MHz FPGA inference chip achieving 2.28ms latency for the ImageNet benchmark. The achieved latency is among the lowest reported in the literature while achieving comparable accuracy. However, our chip shines in that it has 9x higher energy efficiency compared to other implementations achieving comparable latency. A highlight of our full-stack approach which attributes to the achieved high energy efficiency is an efficient Selector-Accumulator (SAC) architecture for implementing the multiplier-accumulator (MAC) operation present in any digital CNN hardware. For instance, compared to a FPGA implementation for a traditional 8-bit MAC, SAC substantially reduces required hardware resources (4.85x fewer Look-up Tables) and power consumption (2.48x)
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