28 research outputs found

    Indoor dense depth map at drone hovering

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    Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) gained tremendous attention in recent years. Autonomous flight in indoor requires a dense depth map for navigable space detection which is the fundamental component for autonomous navigation. In this paper, we address the problem of reconstructing dense depth while a drone is hovering (small camera motion) in indoor scenes using already estimated cameras and sparse point cloud obtained from a vSLAM. We start by segmenting the scene based on sudden depth variation using sparse 3D points and introduce a patch-based local plane fitting via energy minimization which combines photometric consistency and co-planarity with neighbouring patches. The method also combines a plane sweep technique for image segments having almost no sparse point for initialization. Experiments show, the proposed method produces better depth for indoor in artificial lighting condition, low-textured environment compared to earlier literature in small motion.Comment: Published on ICIP 201

    Monocular Depth Estimation: A Survey

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    Monocular depth estimation is often described as an ill-posed and inherently ambiguous problem. Estimating depth from 2D images is a crucial step in scene reconstruction, 3Dobject recognition, segmentation, and detection. The problem can be framed as: given a single RGB image as input, predict a dense depth map for each pixel. This problem is worsened by the fact that most scenes have large texture and structural variations, object occlusions, and rich geometric detailing. All these factors contribute to difficulty in accurate depth estimation. In this paper, we review five papers that attempt to solve the depth estimation problem with various techniques including supervised, weakly-supervised, and unsupervised learning techniques. We then compare these papers and understand the improvements made over one another. Finally, we explore potential improvements that can aid to better solve this problem.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    Semantic Photometric Bundle Adjustment on Natural Sequences

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    The problem of obtaining dense reconstruction of an object in a natural sequence of images has been long studied in computer vision. Classically this problem has been solved through the application of bundle adjustment (BA). More recently, excellent results have been attained through the application of photometric bundle adjustment (PBA) methods -- which directly minimize the photometric error across frames. A fundamental drawback to BA & PBA, however, is: (i) their reliance on having to view all points on the object, and (ii) for the object surface to be well textured. To circumvent these limitations we propose semantic PBA which incorporates a 3D object prior, obtained through deep learning, within the photometric bundle adjustment problem. We demonstrate state of the art performance in comparison to leading methods for object reconstruction across numerous natural sequences

    Robust Depth Estimation from Auto Bracketed Images

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    As demand for advanced photographic applications on hand-held devices grows, these electronics require the capture of high quality depth. However, under low-light conditions, most devices still suffer from low imaging quality and inaccurate depth acquisition. To address the problem, we present a robust depth estimation method from a short burst shot with varied intensity (i.e., Auto Bracketing) or strong noise (i.e., High ISO). We introduce a geometric transformation between flow and depth tailored for burst images, enabling our learning-based multi-view stereo matching to be performed effectively. We then describe our depth estimation pipeline that incorporates the geometric transformation into our residual-flow network. It allows our framework to produce an accurate depth map even with a bracketed image sequence. We demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for various datasets captured by a smartphone and a DSLR camera. Moreover, we show that the estimated depth is applicable for image quality enhancement and photographic editing.Comment: To appear in CVPR 2018. Total 9 page

    DSR: Direct Self-rectification for Uncalibrated Dual-lens Cameras

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    With the developments of dual-lens camera modules,depth information representing the third dimension of thecaptured scenes becomes available for smartphones. It isestimated by stereo matching algorithms, taking as input thetwo views captured by dual-lens cameras at slightly differ-ent viewpoints. Depth-of-field rendering (also be referred toas synthetic defocus or bokeh) is one of the trending depth-based applications. However, to achieve fast depth estima-tion on smartphones, the stereo pairs need to be rectified inthe first place. In this paper, we propose a cost-effective so-lution to perform stereo rectification for dual-lens camerascalled direct self-rectification, short for DSR1. It removesthe need of individual offline calibration for every pair ofdual-lens cameras. In addition, the proposed solution isrobust to the slight movements, e.g., due to collisions, ofthe dual-lens cameras after fabrication. Different with ex-isting self-rectification approaches, our approach computesthe homography in a novel way with zero geometric distor-tions introduced to the master image. It is achieved by di-rectly minimizing the vertical displacements of correspond-ing points between the original master image and the trans-formed slave image. Our method is evaluated on both real-istic and synthetic stereo image pairs, and produces supe-rior results compared to the calibrated rectification or otherself-rectification approachesComment: Accepted at 3DV201

    Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation

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    Video frame interpolation aims to synthesize nonexistent frames in-between the original frames. While significant advances have been made from the recent deep convolutional neural networks, the quality of interpolation is often reduced due to large object motion or occlusion. In this work, we propose a video frame interpolation method which explicitly detects the occlusion by exploring the depth information. Specifically, we develop a depth-aware flow projection layer to synthesize intermediate flows that preferably sample closer objects than farther ones. In addition, we learn hierarchical features to gather contextual information from neighboring pixels. The proposed model then warps the input frames, depth maps, and contextual features based on the optical flow and local interpolation kernels for synthesizing the output frame. Our model is compact, efficient, and fully differentiable. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that the proposed model performs favorably against state-of-the-art frame interpolation methods on a wide variety of datasets.Comment: This work is accepted in CVPR 2019. The source code and pre-trained model are available on https://github.com/baowenbo/DAI

    A Compromise Principle in Deep Monocular Depth Estimation

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    Monocular depth estimation, which plays a key role in understanding 3D scene geometry, is fundamentally an ill-posed problem. Existing methods based on deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have examined this problem by learning convolutional networks to estimate continuous depth maps from monocular images. However, we find that training a network to predict a high spatial resolution continuous depth map often suffers from poor local solutions. In this paper, we hypothesize that achieving a compromise between spatial and depth resolutions can improve network training. Based on this "compromise principle", we propose a regression-classification cascaded network (RCCN), which consists of a regression branch predicting a low spatial resolution continuous depth map and a classification branch predicting a high spatial resolution discrete depth map. The two branches form a cascaded structure allowing the classification and regression branches to benefit from each other. By leveraging large-scale raw training datasets and some data augmentation strategies, our network achieves top or state-of-the-art results on the NYU Depth V2, KITTI, and Make3D benchmarks

    DeepLens: Shallow Depth Of Field From A Single Image

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    We aim to generate high resolution shallow depth-of-field (DoF) images from a single all-in-focus image with controllable focal distance and aperture size. To achieve this, we propose a novel neural network model comprised of a depth prediction module, a lens blur module, and a guided upsampling module. All modules are differentiable and are learned from data. To train our depth prediction module, we collect a dataset of 2462 RGB-D images captured by mobile phones with a dual-lens camera, and use existing segmentation datasets to improve border prediction. We further leverage a synthetic dataset with known depth to supervise the lens blur and guided upsampling modules. The effectiveness of our system and training strategies are verified in the experiments. Our method can generate high-quality shallow DoF images at high resolution, and produces significantly fewer artifacts than the baselines and existing solutions for single image shallow DoF synthesis. Compared with the iPhone portrait mode, which is a state-of-the-art shallow DoF solution based on a dual-lens depth camera, our method generates comparable results, while allowing for greater flexibility to choose focal points and aperture size, and is not limited to one capture setup.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2018, low-resolution versio

    Depth from Small Motion using Rank-1 Initialization

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    Depth from Small Motion (DfSM) (Ha et al., 2016) is particularly interesting for commercial handheld devices because it allows the possibility to get depth information with minimal user effort and cooperation. Due to speed and memory issue on these devices, the self calibration optimization of the method using Bundle Adjustment (BA) need as little as 10-15 images. Therefore, the optimization tends to take many iterations to converge or may not converge at all in some cases. This work propose a robust initialization for the bundle adjustment using the rank-1 factorization method (Tomasi and Kanade, 1992), (Aguiar and Moura, 1999a). We create a constraint matrix that is rank-1 in a noiseless situation, then use SVD to compute the inverse depth values and the camera motion. We only need about quarter fraction of the bundle adjustment iteration to converge. We also propose grided feature extraction technique so that only important and small features are tracked all over the image frames. This also ensure speedup in the full execution time on the mobile device. For the experiments, we have documented the execution time with the proposed Rank-1 initialization on two mobile device platforms using optimized accelerations with CPU-GPU co-processing. The combination of Rank 1-BA generates more robust depth-map and is significantly faster than using BA alone.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    DeepV2D: Video to Depth with Differentiable Structure from Motion

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    We propose DeepV2D, an end-to-end deep learning architecture for predicting depth from video. DeepV2D combines the representation ability of neural networks with the geometric principles governing image formation. We compose a collection of classical geometric algorithms, which are converted into trainable modules and combined into an end-to-end differentiable architecture. DeepV2D interleaves two stages: motion estimation and depth estimation. During inference, motion and depth estimation are alternated and converge to accurate depth. Code is available https://github.com/princeton-vl/DeepV2D