41 research outputs found

    Tensor completion in hierarchical tensor representations

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    Compressed sensing extends from the recovery of sparse vectors from undersampled measurements via efficient algorithms to the recovery of matrices of low rank from incomplete information. Here we consider a further extension to the reconstruction of tensors of low multi-linear rank in recently introduced hierarchical tensor formats from a small number of measurements. Hierarchical tensors are a flexible generalization of the well-known Tucker representation, which have the advantage that the number of degrees of freedom of a low rank tensor does not scale exponentially with the order of the tensor. While corresponding tensor decompositions can be computed efficiently via successive applications of (matrix) singular value decompositions, some important properties of the singular value decomposition do not extend from the matrix to the tensor case. This results in major computational and theoretical difficulties in designing and analyzing algorithms for low rank tensor recovery. For instance, a canonical analogue of the tensor nuclear norm is NP-hard to compute in general, which is in stark contrast to the matrix case. In this book chapter we consider versions of iterative hard thresholding schemes adapted to hierarchical tensor formats. A variant builds on methods from Riemannian optimization and uses a retraction mapping from the tangent space of the manifold of low rank tensors back to this manifold. We provide first partial convergence results based on a tensor version of the restricted isometry property (TRIP) of the measurement map. Moreover, an estimate of the number of measurements is provided that ensures the TRIP of a given tensor rank with high probability for Gaussian measurement maps.Comment: revised version, to be published in Compressed Sensing and Its Applications (edited by H. Boche, R. Calderbank, G. Kutyniok, J. Vybiral

    Hermite interpolation with retractions on manifolds

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    Interpolation of data on non-Euclidean spaces is an active research area fostered by its numerous applications. This work considers the Hermite interpolation problem: finding a sufficiently smooth manifold curve that interpolates a collection of data points on a Riemannian manifold while matching a prescribed derivative at each point. We propose a novel procedure relying on the general concept of retractions to solve this problem on a large class of manifolds, including those for which computing the Riemannian exponential or logarithmic maps is not straightforward, such as the manifold of fixed-rank matrices. We analyze the well-posedness of the method by introducing and showing the existence of retraction-convex sets, a generalization of geodesically convex sets. We extend to the manifold setting a classical result on the asymptotic interpolation error of Hermite interpolation. We finally illustrate these results and the effectiveness of the method with numerical experiments on the manifold of fixed-rank matrices and the Stiefel manifold of matrices with orthonormal columns

    Singularities and stable homotopy groups of spheres II

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    We establish a connection between Morin singularities and stable homotopy groups of spheres. This connection allows us to describe how the images of singularity strata behave around the image of a more complicated stratum.Comment: 31 pages, submitted to Journal of Singularitie

    Generative Modelling with Tensor Train approximations of Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equations

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    Sampling from probability densities is a common challenge in fields such as Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Generative Modelling (GM). In GM in particular, the use of reverse-time diffusion processes depending on the log-densities of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck forward processes are a popular sampling tool. In Berner et al. [2022] the authors point out that these log-densities can be obtained by solution of a \textit{Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman} (HJB) equation known from stochastic optimal control. While this HJB equation is usually treated with indirect methods such as policy iteration and unsupervised training of black-box architectures like Neural Networks, we propose instead to solve the HJB equation by direct time integration, using compressed polynomials represented in the Tensor Train (TT) format for spatial discretization. Crucially, this method is sample-free, agnostic to normalization constants and can avoid the curse of dimensionality due to the TT compression. We provide a complete derivation of the HJB equation's action on Tensor Train polynomials and demonstrate the performance of the proposed time-step-, rank- and degree-adaptive integration method on a nonlinear sampling task in 20 dimensions

    A Feasible Method for Optimization with Orthogonality Constraints

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    Minimization with orthogonality constraints (e.g., X'X = I) and/or spherical constraints (e.g., ||x||_2 = 1) has wide applications in polynomial optimization, combinatorial optimization, eigenvalue problems, sparse PCA, p-harmonic flows, 1-bit compressive sensing, matrix rank minimization, etc. These problems are difficult because the constraints are not only non-convex but numerically expensive to preserve during iterations. To deal with these difficulties, we propose to use a Crank-Nicholson-like update scheme to preserve the constraints and based on it, develop curvilinear search algorithms with lower per-iteration cost compared to those based on projections and geodesics. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated on a variety of test problems. In particular, for the maxcut problem, it exactly solves a decomposition formulation for the SDP relaxation. For polynomial optimization, nearest correlation matrix estimation and extreme eigenvalue problems, the proposed algorithms run very fast and return solutions no worse than those from their state-of-the-art algorithms. For the quadratic assignment problem, a gap 0.842% to the best known solution on the largest problem "256c" in QAPLIB can be reached in 5 minutes on a typical laptop