10 research outputs found

    High order operator splitting methods based on an integral deferred correction framework

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    Integral deferred correction (IDC) methods have been shown to be an efficient way to achieve arbitrary high order accuracy and possess good stability properties. In this paper, we construct high order operator splitting schemes using the IDC procedure to solve initial value problems (IVPs). We present analysis to show that the IDC methods can correct for both the splitting and numerical errors, lifting the order of accuracy by rr with each correction, where rr is the order of accuracy of the method used to solve the correction equation. We further apply this framework to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). Numerical examples in two dimensions of linear and nonlinear initial-boundary value problems are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed IDC approach.Comment: 33 pages, 22 figure

    Method of lines transpose: High order L-stable O(N) schemes for parabolic equations using successive convolution

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    We present a new solver for nonlinear parabolic problems that is L-stable and achieves high order accuracy in space and time. The solver is built by first constructing a single-dimensional heat equation solver that uses fast O(N) convolution. This fundamental solver has arbitrary order of accuracy in space, and is based on the use of the Green's function to invert a modified Helmholtz equation. Higher orders of accuracy in time are then constructed through a novel technique known as successive convolution (or resolvent expansions). These resolvent expansions facilitate our proofs of stability and convergence, and permit us to construct schemes that have provable stiff decay. The multi-dimensional solver is built by repeated application of dimensionally split independent fundamental solvers. Finally, we solve nonlinear parabolic problems by using the integrating factor method, where we apply the basic scheme to invert linear terms (that look like a heat equation), and make use of Hermite-Birkhoff interpolants to integrate the remaining nonlinear terms. Our solver is applied to several linear and nonlinear equations including heat, Allen-Cahn, and the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system of equations in one and two dimensions

    Krylov implicit integration factor discontinuous Galerkin methods on sparse grids for high dimensional reaction-diffusion equations

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    Computational costs of numerically solving multidimensional partial differential equations (PDEs) increase significantly when the spatial dimensions of the PDEs are high, due to large number of spatial grid points. For multidimensional reaction-diffusion equations, stiffness of the system provides additional challenges for achieving efficient numerical simulations. In this paper, we propose a class of Krylov implicit integration factor (IIF) discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods on sparse grids to solve reaction-diffusion equations on high spatial dimensions. The key ingredient of spatial DG discretization is the multiwavelet bases on nested sparse grids, which can significantly reduce the numbers of degrees of freedom. To deal with the stiffness of the DG spatial operator in discretizing reaction-diffusion equations, we apply the efficient IIF time discretization methods, which are a class of exponential integrators. Krylov subspace approximations are used to evaluate the large size matrix exponentials resulting from IIF schemes for solving PDEs on high spatial dimensions. Stability and error analysis for the semi-discrete scheme are performed. Numerical examples of both scalar equations and systems in two and three spatial dimensions are provided to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the methods. The stiffness of the reaction-diffusion equations is resolved well and large time step size computations are obtained

    On the convergence of spectral deferred correction methods

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    In this work we analyze the convergence properties of the Spectral Deferred Correction (SDC) method originally proposed by Dutt et al. [BIT, 40 (2000), pp. 241--266]. The framework for this high-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver is typically described wherein a low-order approximation (such as forward or backward Euler) is lifted to higher order accuracy by applying the same low-order method to an error equation and then adding in the resulting defect to correct the solution. Our focus is not on solving the error equation to increase the order of accuracy, but on rewriting the solver as an iterative Picard integral equation solver. In doing so, our chief finding is that it is not the low-order solver that picks up the order of accuracy with each correction, but it is the underlying quadrature rule of the right hand side function that is solely responsible for picking up additional orders of accuracy. Our proofs point to a total of three sources of errors that SDC methods carry: the error at the current time point, the error from the previous iterate, and the numerical integration error that comes from the total number of quadrature nodes used for integration. The second of these two sources of errors is what separates SDC methods from Picard integral equation methods; our findings indicate that as long as difference between the current and previous iterate always gets multiplied by at least a constant multiple of the time step size, then high-order accuracy can be found even if the underlying "solver" is inconsistent the underlying ODE. From this vantage, we solidify the prospects of extending spectral deferred correction methods to a larger class of solvers to which we present some examples.Comment: 29 page

    Towards New High-Order Operator Splitting Time-Integration Methods

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    Operator splitting (OS) methods represent a powerful strategy to solve an extensive range of mathematical models in the form of differential equations. They have a long and celebrated history, having been successfully used for well over half a century to provide efficient numerical solutions to challenging problems. In fact, OS methods are often the only viable way to solve many problems in practice. The simplest, and perhaps, most well-known OS methods are Lie--Trotter--Godunov and the Strang--Marchuk methods. They compute a numerical solution that is first-, and second-order accurate in time, respectively. OS methods can be derived by imposing order conditions using the Campbell--Baker--Hausdorff formula. It follows that, by setting the appropriate order conditions, it is possible to derive OS methods of any desired order. An important observation regarding OS methods with order higher than two is that, according to the Sheng--Suzuki theorem, at least one of their defining coefficients must be negative. Therefore, the time integration with OS methods of order higher than two has not been considered suitable to solve deterministic parabolic problems, because the necessary backward time integration would cause instabilities. Throughout this thesis, we focus our attention on high-order (i.e., order higher than two) OS methods. We successfully assess the convergence properties of some higher-order OS methods on diffusion-reaction problems describing cardiac electrophysiology and on an advection-diffusion-reaction problem describing chemical combustion. Furthermore, we compare the efficiency performance of higher-order methods to second-order methods. For all the cases considered, we confirm an improved efficiency performance compared to methods of lower order. Next, we observe how, when using OS and Runge--Kutta type methods to advance the time integration, we can construct a unique extended Butcher tableau with a similar structure to the ones describing Generalized Additive Runge--Kutta (GARK) methods. We define a combination of methods to be OS-GARK methods. We apply linear stability analysis to OS-GARK methods; this allows us to conveniently analyze the stability properties of any combination of OS and Runge--Kutta methods. Doing so, we are able to perform an eigenvalue analysis to understand and improve numerically unstable solutions

    Spatio-temporal integral equation methods with applications

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    Electromagnetic interactions are vital in many applications including physics, chemistry, material sciences and so on. Thus, a central problem in physical modeling is the electromagnetic analysis of materials. Here, we consider the numerical solution of the Maxwell equation for the evolution of the electromagnetic field given the charges, and the Newton or Schr\\"odinger equation for the evolution of particles. By combining integral equation techniques with new spectral deferred correction algorithms in time and hierarchical methods in space, we develop fast solvers for the calculation of electromagnetism with relaxations of the model in different scenarios. The dissertation consists of two parts, aiming to resolve the challenges in the temporal and spatial direction, respectively. In the first part, we study a new class of time stepping methods for time-dependent differential equations. The core algorithm uses the pseudo-spectral collocation formulation to discretize the Picard type integral equation reformulation, producing a highly accurate and stable representation, which is then solved via the deferred correction technique. By exploiting the mathematical properties of the formulation and the convergence procedure, we develop some new preconditioning techniques from different perspectives that are accurate, robust, and can be much more efficient than existing methods. As is typical of spectral methods, the solution to the discretization is spectral accurate and the time step-size is optimal, though the cost of solving the system can be high. Thus, the solver is particularly suited to problems where very accurate solutions are sought or large time-step is required, e.g., chaotic systems or long-time simulation. In the second part, we study the hierarchical methods with emphasis on the spatial integral equations. In the first application, we implement a parallel version of the adaptive recursive solver for two-point boundary value problem by Cilk multithreaded runtime system based on the integral equation formulation. In the second application, we apply the hierarchical method to two-layered media Helmholtz equations in the acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems. With the method of images and integral representations, the spatially heterogeneous translation operators are derived with rigorous error analysis, and the information is then compressed and spread in a fashion similar to fast multipole methods. The preliminary results suggest that our approach can be faster than existing algorithms with several orders of magnitude. We demonstrate our solver on a number of examples and discuss various useful extensions. Preliminary results are favorable and show the viability of our techniques for integral equations. Such integral equation methods could well have a broad impact on many areas of computational science and engineering. We describe further applications in biology, chemistry, and physics, and outline some directions for future work.Doctor of Philosoph