2 research outputs found

    High Efficient Parallel Computation of Resonant Frequencies of Waveguide Loaded Cavities on JIAJIA Software DSMs

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    . A new approach of parallel implementation of FDTD method on a novel software DSM (Distributed Shared Memory) system is proposed and implemented in this paper. Computation of the resonant frequency of a waveguide loaded cavity demonstrates the effectiveness of the implementation. Two unique advantages of our approach are:(1) it is easy to parallelize sequential FDTD codes, (2) it is possible to run programs which requires a memory space larger than the main memory of a single node. Detailed parallelizing issues and performance analyses are given. Keywords: FDTD Computation, Waveguide Loaded Cavity, JIAJIA Software DSM System, Resonant Frequency 1 Introduction FDTD (Finite-difference Time-domain) method is widely used in a variety of EM (Electromagnetic) field related problems. In terms of the norms of credibility and accuracy, the computation results of FDTD are generally satisfactory. For FDTD simulation of practical EM structures, however, there exist two challenges. One is the la..