2 research outputs found

    Hierarchy-Based Algorithms for Minimizing Makespan under Precedence and Communication Constraints

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    We consider the classic problem of scheduling jobs with precedence constraints on a set of identical machines to minimize the makespan objective function. Understanding the exact approximability of the problem when the number of machines is a constant is a well-known question in scheduling theory. Indeed, an outstanding open problem from the classic book of Garey and Johnson asks whether this problem is NP-hard even in the case of 3 machines and unit-length jobs. In a recent breakthrough, Levey and Rothvoss gave a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm, which runs in nearly quasi-polynomial time, for the case when job have unit lengths. However, a substantially more difficult case where jobs have arbitrary processing lengths has remained open. We make progress on this more general problem. We show that there exists a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm (with similar running time as that of Levey and Rothvoss) for the non-migratory setting: when every job has to be scheduled entirely on a single machine, but within a machine the job need not be scheduled during consecutive time steps. Further, we also show that our algorithmic framework generalizes to another classic scenario where, along with the precedence constraints, the jobs also have communication delay constraints. Both of these fundamental problems are highly relevant to the practice of datacenter scheduling

    Scheduling with Communication Delays via LP Hierarchies and Clustering

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    We consider the classic problem of scheduling jobs with precedence constraints on identical machines to minimize makespan, in the presence of communication delays. In this setting, denoted by Pprec,cCmax\mathsf{P} \mid \mathsf{prec}, c \mid C_{\mathsf{max}}, if two dependent jobs are scheduled on different machines, then at least cc units of time must pass between their executions. Despite its relevance to many applications, this model remains one of the most poorly understood in scheduling theory. Even for a special case where an unlimited number of machines is available, the best known approximation ratio is 2/3(c+1)2/3 \cdot (c+1), whereas Graham's greedy list scheduling algorithm already gives a (c+1)(c+1)-approximation in that setting. An outstanding open problem in the top-10 list by Schuurman and Woeginger and its recent update by Bansal asks whether there exists a constant-factor approximation algorithm. In this work we give a polynomial-time O(logclogm)O(\log c \cdot \log m)-approximation algorithm for this problem, where mm is the number of machines and cc is the communication delay. Our approach is based on a Sherali-Adams lift of a linear programming relaxation and a randomized clustering of the semimetric space induced by this lift