3,337 research outputs found

    Learning Particle Dynamics for Manipulating Rigid Bodies, Deformable Objects, and Fluids

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    Real-life control tasks involve matters of various substances---rigid or soft bodies, liquid, gas---each with distinct physical behaviors. This poses challenges to traditional rigid-body physics engines. Particle-based simulators have been developed to model the dynamics of these complex scenes; however, relying on approximation techniques, their simulation often deviates from real-world physics, especially in the long term. In this paper, we propose to learn a particle-based simulator for complex control tasks. Combining learning with particle-based systems brings in two major benefits: first, the learned simulator, just like other particle-based systems, acts widely on objects of different materials; second, the particle-based representation poses strong inductive bias for learning: particles of the same type have the same dynamics within. This enables the model to quickly adapt to new environments of unknown dynamics within a few observations. We demonstrate robots achieving complex manipulation tasks using the learned simulator, such as manipulating fluids and deformable foam, with experiments both in simulation and in the real world. Our study helps lay the foundation for robot learning of dynamic scenes with particle-based representations.Comment: Accepted to ICLR 2019. Project Page: http://dpi.csail.mit.edu Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrPpP7aW3L

    Collaborative Deep Learning for Recommender Systems

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) is a successful approach commonly used by many recommender systems. Conventional CF-based methods use the ratings given to items by users as the sole source of information for learning to make recommendation. However, the ratings are often very sparse in many applications, causing CF-based methods to degrade significantly in their recommendation performance. To address this sparsity problem, auxiliary information such as item content information may be utilized. Collaborative topic regression (CTR) is an appealing recent method taking this approach which tightly couples the two components that learn from two different sources of information. Nevertheless, the latent representation learned by CTR may not be very effective when the auxiliary information is very sparse. To address this problem, we generalize recent advances in deep learning from i.i.d. input to non-i.i.d. (CF-based) input and propose in this paper a hierarchical Bayesian model called collaborative deep learning (CDL), which jointly performs deep representation learning for the content information and collaborative filtering for the ratings (feedback) matrix. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets from different domains show that CDL can significantly advance the state of the art

    AnchorNet: A Weakly Supervised Network to Learn Geometry-sensitive Features For Semantic Matching

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    Despite significant progress of deep learning in recent years, state-of-the-art semantic matching methods still rely on legacy features such as SIFT or HoG. We argue that the strong invariance properties that are key to the success of recent deep architectures on the classification task make them unfit for dense correspondence tasks, unless a large amount of supervision is used. In this work, we propose a deep network, termed AnchorNet, that produces image representations that are well-suited for semantic matching. It relies on a set of filters whose response is geometrically consistent across different object instances, even in the presence of strong intra-class, scale, or viewpoint variations. Trained only with weak image-level labels, the final representation successfully captures information about the object structure and improves results of state-of-the-art semantic matching methods such as the deformable spatial pyramid or the proposal flow methods. We show positive results on the cross-instance matching task where different instances of the same object category are matched as well as on a new cross-category semantic matching task aligning pairs of instances each from a different object class.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 201

    Deformable Object Tracking with Gated Fusion

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    The tracking-by-detection framework receives growing attentions through the integration with the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Existing tracking-by-detection based methods, however, fail to track objects with severe appearance variations. This is because the traditional convolutional operation is performed on fixed grids, and thus may not be able to find the correct response while the object is changing pose or under varying environmental conditions. In this paper, we propose a deformable convolution layer to enrich the target appearance representations in the tracking-by-detection framework. We aim to capture the target appearance variations via deformable convolution, which adaptively enhances its original features. In addition, we also propose a gated fusion scheme to control how the variations captured by the deformable convolution affect the original appearance. The enriched feature representation through deformable convolution facilitates the discrimination of the CNN classifier on the target object and background. Extensive experiments on the standard benchmarks show that the proposed tracker performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods

    SFNet: Learning Object-aware Semantic Correspondence

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    We address the problem of semantic correspondence, that is, establishing a dense flow field between images depicting different instances of the same object or scene category. We propose to use images annotated with binary foreground masks and subjected to synthetic geometric deformations to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) for this task. Using these masks as part of the supervisory signal offers a good compromise between semantic flow methods, where the amount of training data is limited by the cost of manually selecting point correspondences, and semantic alignment ones, where the regression of a single global geometric transformation between images may be sensitive to image-specific details such as background clutter. We propose a new CNN architecture, dubbed SFNet, which implements this idea. It leverages a new and differentiable version of the argmax function for end-to-end training, with a loss that combines mask and flow consistency with smoothness terms. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which significantly outperforms the state of the art on standard benchmarks.Comment: cvpr 2019 oral pape

    Multi-Scale Deformable Alignment and Content-Adaptive Inference for Flexible-Rate Bi-Directional Video Compression

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    The lack of ability to adapt the motion compensation model to video content is an important limitation of current end-to-end learned video compression models. This paper advances the state-of-the-art by proposing an adaptive motion-compensation model for end-to-end rate-distortion optimized hierarchical bi-directional video compression. In particular, we propose two novelties: i) a multi-scale deformable alignment scheme at the feature level combined with multi-scale conditional coding, ii) motion-content adaptive inference. In addition, we employ a gain unit, which enables a single model to operate at multiple rate-distortion operating points. We also exploit the gain unit to control bit allocation among intra-coded vs. bi-directionally coded frames by fine tuning corresponding models for truly flexible-rate learned video coding. Experimental results demonstrate state-of-the-art rate-distortion performance exceeding those of all prior art in learned video coding.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 202