4,214 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Coded Caching

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    Caching of popular content during off-peak hours is a strategy to reduce network loads during peak hours. Recent work has shown significant benefits of designing such caching strategies not only to deliver part of the content locally, but also to provide coded multicasting opportunities even among users with different demands. Exploiting both of these gains was shown to be approximately optimal for caching systems with a single layer of caches. Motivated by practical scenarios, we consider in this work a hierarchical content delivery network with two layers of caches. We propose a new caching scheme that combines two basic approaches. The first approach provides coded multicasting opportunities within each layer; the second approach provides coded multicasting opportunities across multiple layers. By striking the right balance between these two approaches, we show that the proposed scheme achieves the optimal communication rates to within a constant multiplicative and additive gap. We further show that there is no tension between the rates in each of the two layers up to the aforementioned gap. Thus, both layers can simultaneously operate at approximately the minimum rate.Comment: 31 page

    Optimal Placement Delivery Arrays from tt-Designs with Application to Hierarchical Coded Caching

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    Coded caching scheme originally proposed by Maddah-Ali and Niesen (MN) achieves an optimal transmission rate RR under uncoded placement but requires a subpacketization level FF which increases exponentially with the number of users KK where the number of files N≥KN \geq K. Placement delivery array (PDA) was proposed as a tool to design coded caching schemes with reduced subpacketization level by Yan \textit{et al.} in \cite{YCT}. This paper proposes two novel classes of PDA constructions from combinatorial tt-designs that achieve an improved transmission rate for a given low subpacketization level, cache size and number of users compared to existing coded caching schemes from tt-designs. A (K,F,Z,S)(K, F, Z, S) PDA composed of a specific symbol ⋆\star and SS non-negative integers corresponds to a coded caching scheme with subpacketization level FF, KK users each caching ZZ packets and the demands of all the users are met with a rate R=SFR=\frac{S}{F}. For a given KK, FF and ZZ, a lower bound on SS such that a (K,F,Z,S)(K, F, Z, S) PDA exists is given by Cheng \textit{et al.} in \cite{MJXQ} and by Wei in \cite{Wei} . Our first class of proposed PDA achieves the lower bound on SS. The second class of PDA also achieves the lower bound in some cases. From these two classes of PDAs, we then construct hierarchical placement delivery arrays (HPDA), proposed by Kong \textit{et al.} in \cite{KYWM}, which characterizes a hierarchical two-layer coded caching system. These constructions give low subpacketization level schemes.Comment: Title has been changed. Some changes have been incorporated in the results. 11 pages, 5 figures and 3 table

    Speeding up Future Video Distribution via Channel-Aware Caching-Aided Coded Multicast

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    Future Internet usage will be dominated by the consumption of a rich variety of online multimedia services accessed from an exponentially growing number of multimedia capable mobile devices. As such, future Internet designs will be challenged to provide solutions that can deliver bandwidth-intensive, delay-sensitive, on-demand video-based services over increasingly crowded, bandwidth-limited wireless access networks. One of the main reasons for the bandwidth stress facing wireless network operators is the difficulty to exploit the multicast nature of the wireless medium when wireless users or access points rarely experience the same channel conditions or access the same content at the same time. In this paper, we present and analyze a novel wireless video delivery paradigm based on the combined use of channel-aware caching and coded multicasting that allows simultaneously serving multiple cache-enabled receivers that may be requesting different content and experiencing different channel conditions. To this end, we reformulate the caching-aided coded multicast problem as a joint source-channel coding problem and design an achievable scheme that preserves the cache-enabled multiplicative throughput gains of the error-free scenario,by guaranteeing per-receiver rates unaffected by the presence of receivers with worse channel conditions.Comment: 11 pages,6 figures,to appear in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Video Distribution over Future Interne

    Fundamental Limits of Coded Caching: Improved Delivery Rate-Cache Capacity Trade-off

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    A centralized coded caching system, consisting of a server delivering N popular files, each of size F bits, to K users through an error-free shared link, is considered. It is assumed that each user is equipped with a local cache memory with capacity MF bits, and contents can be proactively cached into these caches over a low traffic period; however, without the knowledge of the user demands. During the peak traffic period each user requests a single file from the server. The goal is to minimize the number of bits delivered by the server over the shared link, known as the delivery rate, over all user demand combinations. A novel coded caching scheme for the cache capacity of M= (N-1)/K is proposed. It is shown that the proposed scheme achieves a smaller delivery rate than the existing coded caching schemes in the literature when K > N >= 3. Furthermore, we argue that the delivery rate of the proposed scheme is within a constant multiplicative factor of 2 of the optimal delivery rate for cache capacities 1/K N >= 3.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Multi-Antenna Coded Caching

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    In this paper we consider a single-cell downlink scenario where a multiple-antenna base station delivers contents to multiple cache-enabled user terminals. Based on the multicasting opportunities provided by the so-called Coded Caching technique, we investigate three delivery approaches. Our baseline scheme employs the coded caching technique on top of max-min fair multicasting. The second one consists of a joint design of Zero-Forcing (ZF) and coded caching, where the coded chunks are formed in the signal domain (complex field). The third scheme is similar to the second one with the difference that the coded chunks are formed in the data domain (finite field). We derive closed-form rate expressions where our results suggest that the latter two schemes surpass the first one in terms of Degrees of Freedom (DoF). However, at the intermediate SNR regime forming coded chunks in the signal domain results in power loss, and will deteriorate throughput of the second scheme. The main message of our paper is that the schemes performing well in terms of DoF may not be directly appropriate for intermediate SNR regimes, and modified schemes should be employed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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