300 research outputs found

    Inferring User Needs and Tasks from User Interactions

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    The need for search often arises from a broad range of complex information needs or tasks (such as booking travel, buying a house, etc.) which lead to lengthy search processes characterised by distinct stages and goals. While existing search systems are adept at handling simple information needs, they offer limited support for tackling complex tasks. Accurate task representations could be useful in aptly placing users in the task-subtask space and enable systems to contextually target the user, provide them better query suggestions, personalization and recommendations and help in gauging satisfaction. The major focus of this thesis is to work towards task based information retrieval systems - search systems which are adept at understanding, identifying and extracting tasks as well as supporting user’s complex search task missions. This thesis focuses on two major themes: (i) developing efficient algorithms for understanding and extracting search tasks from log user and (ii) leveraging the extracted task information to better serve the user via different applications. Based on log analysis on a tera-byte scale data from a real-world search engine, detailed analysis is provided on user interactions with search engines. On the task extraction side, two bayesian non-parametric methods are proposed to extract subtasks from a complex task and to recursively extract hierarchies of tasks and subtasks. A novel coupled matrix-tensor factorization model is proposed that represents user based on their topical interests and task behaviours. Beyond personalization, the thesis demonstrates that task information provides better context to learn from and proposes a novel neural task context embedding architecture to learn query representations. Finally, the thesis examines implicit signals of user interactions and considers the problem of predicting user’s satisfaction when engaged in complex search tasks. A unified multi-view deep sequential model is proposed to make query and task level satisfaction prediction

    Self-Adaptive Hierarchical Sentence Model

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    The ability to accurately model a sentence at varying stages (e.g., word-phrase-sentence) plays a central role in natural language processing. As an effort towards this goal we propose a self-adaptive hierarchical sentence model (AdaSent). AdaSent effectively forms a hierarchy of representations from words to phrases and then to sentences through recursive gated local composition of adjacent segments. We design a competitive mechanism (through gating networks) to allow the representations of the same sentence to be engaged in a particular learning task (e.g., classification), therefore effectively mitigating the gradient vanishing problem persistent in other recursive models. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that AdaSent can automatically form and select the representations suitable for the task at hand during training, yielding superior classification performance over competitor models on 5 benchmark data sets.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted as a full paper at IJCAI 201

    Proximal Symmetric Non-negative Latent Factor Analysis: A Novel Approach to Highly-Accurate Representation of Undirected Weighted Networks

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    An Undirected Weighted Network (UWN) is commonly found in big data-related applications. Note that such a network's information connected with its nodes, and edges can be expressed as a Symmetric, High-Dimensional and Incomplete (SHDI) matrix. However, existing models fail in either modeling its intrinsic symmetry or low-data density, resulting in low model scalability or representation learning ability. For addressing this issue, a Proximal Symmetric Nonnegative Latent-factor-analysis (PSNL) model is proposed. It incorporates a proximal term into symmetry-aware and data density-oriented objective function for high representation accuracy. Then an adaptive Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM)-based learning scheme is implemented through a Tree-structured of Parzen Estimators (TPE) method for high computational efficiency. Empirical studies on four UWNs demonstrate that PSNL achieves higher accuracy gain than state-of-the-art models, as well as highly competitive computational efficiency

    Word Embeddings for Entity-annotated Texts

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    Learned vector representations of words are useful tools for many information retrieval and natural language processing tasks due to their ability to capture lexical semantics. However, while many such tasks involve or even rely on named entities as central components, popular word embedding models have so far failed to include entities as first-class citizens. While it seems intuitive that annotating named entities in the training corpus should result in more intelligent word features for downstream tasks, performance issues arise when popular embedding approaches are naively applied to entity annotated corpora. Not only are the resulting entity embeddings less useful than expected, but one also finds that the performance of the non-entity word embeddings degrades in comparison to those trained on the raw, unannotated corpus. In this paper, we investigate approaches to jointly train word and entity embeddings on a large corpus with automatically annotated and linked entities. We discuss two distinct approaches to the generation of such embeddings, namely the training of state-of-the-art embeddings on raw-text and annotated versions of the corpus, as well as node embeddings of a co-occurrence graph representation of the annotated corpus. We compare the performance of annotated embeddings and classical word embeddings on a variety of word similarity, analogy, and clustering evaluation tasks, and investigate their performance in entity-specific tasks. Our findings show that it takes more than training popular word embedding models on an annotated corpus to create entity embeddings with acceptable performance on common test cases. Based on these results, we discuss how and when node embeddings of the co-occurrence graph representation of the text can restore the performance.Comment: This paper is accepted in 41st European Conference on Information Retrieva
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