3 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Abductive Planning

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    One of the key challenges in applying reinforcement learning to real-life problems is that the amount of train-and-error required to learn a good policy increases drastically as the task becomes complex. One potential solution to this problem is to combine reinforcement learning with automated symbol planning and utilize prior knowledge on the domain. However, existing methods have limitations in their applicability and expressiveness. In this paper we propose a hierarchical reinforcement learning method based on abductive symbolic planning. The planner can deal with user-defined evaluation functions and is not based on the Herbrand theorem. Therefore it can utilize prior knowledge of the rewards and can work in a domain where the state space is unknown. We demonstrate empirically that our architecture significantly improves learning efficiency with respect to the amount of training examples on the evaluation domain, in which the state space is unknown and there exist multiple goals.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, ICML/IJCAI/AAMAS 2018 Workshop on Planning and Learning (PAL-18

    From semantics to execution: Integrating action planning with reinforcement learning for robotic causal problem-solving

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    Reinforcement learning is an appropriate and successful method to robustly perform low-level robot control under noisy conditions. Symbolic action planning is useful to resolve causal dependencies and to break a causally complex problem down into a sequence of simpler high-level actions. A problem with the integration of both approaches is that action planning is based on discrete high-level action- and state spaces, whereas reinforcement learning is usually driven by a continuous reward function. However, recent advances in reinforcement learning, specifically, universal value function approximators and hindsight experience replay, have focused on goal-independent methods based on sparse rewards. In this article, we build on these novel methods to facilitate the integration of action planning with reinforcement learning by exploiting the reward-sparsity as a bridge between the high-level and low-level state- and control spaces. As a result, we demonstrate that the integrated neuro-symbolic method is able to solve object manipulation problems that involve tool use and non-trivial causal dependencies under noisy conditions, exploiting both data and knowledge

    Interpretable Model-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning using Inductive Logic Programming

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    Recently deep reinforcement learning has achieved tremendous success in wide ranges of applications. However, it notoriously lacks data-efficiency and interpretability. Data-efficiency is important as interacting with the environment is expensive. Further, interpretability can increase the transparency of the black-box-style deep RL models and hence gain trust from the users. In this work, we propose a new hierarchical framework via symbolic RL, leveraging a symbolic transition model to improve the data-efficiency and introduce the interpretability for learned policy. This framework consists of a high-level agent, a subtask solver and a symbolic transition model. Without assuming any prior knowledge on the state transition, we adopt inductive logic programming (ILP) to learn the rules of symbolic state transitions, introducing interpretability and making the learned behavior understandable to users. In empirical experiments, we confirmed that the proposed framework offers approximately between 30\% to 40\% more data efficiency over previous methods