9 research outputs found

    Variational Wasserstein Barycenters for Geometric Clustering

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    We propose to compute Wasserstein barycenters (WBs) by solving for Monge maps with variational principle. We discuss the metric properties of WBs and explore their connections, especially the connections of Monge WBs, to K-means clustering and co-clustering. We also discuss the feasibility of Monge WBs on unbalanced measures and spherical domains. We propose two new problems -- regularized K-means and Wasserstein barycenter compression. We demonstrate the use of VWBs in solving these clustering-related problems

    Functional optimal transport: map estimation and domain adaptation for functional data

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    We introduce a formulation of optimal transport problem for distributions on function spaces, where the stochastic map between functional domains can be partially represented in terms of an (infinite-dimensional) Hilbert-Schmidt operator mapping a Hilbert space of functions to another. For numerous machine learning tasks, data can be naturally viewed as samples drawn from spaces of functions, such as curves and surfaces, in high dimensions. Optimal transport for functional data analysis provides a useful framework of treatment for such domains. In this work, we develop an efficient algorithm for finding the stochastic transport map between functional domains and provide theoretical guarantees on the existence, uniqueness, and consistency of our estimate for the Hilbert-Schmidt operator. We validate our method on synthetic datasets and study the geometric properties of the transport map. Experiments on real-world datasets of robot arm trajectories further demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on applications in domain adaptation.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    BoMb-OT: On Batch of Mini-batches Optimal Transport

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    Mini-batch optimal transport (m-OT) has been successfully used in practical applications that involve probability measures with intractable density, or probability measures with a very high number of supports. The m-OT solves several sparser optimal transport problems and then returns the average of their costs and transportation plans. Despite its scalability advantage, the m-OT does not consider the relationship between mini-batches which leads to undesirable estimation. Moreover, the m-OT does not approximate a proper metric between probability measures since the identity property is not satisfied. To address these problems, we propose a novel mini-batching scheme for optimal transport, named Batch of Mini-batches Optimal Transport (BoMb-OT), that finds the optimal coupling between mini-batches and it can be seen as an approximation to a well-defined distance on the space of probability measures. Furthermore, we show that the m-OT is a limit of the entropic regularized version of the BoMb-OT when the regularized parameter goes to infinity. Finally, we carry out extensive experiments to show that the BoMb-OT can estimate a better transportation plan between two original measures than the m-OT. It leads to a favorable performance of the BoMb-OT in the matching and color transfer tasks. Furthermore, we observe that the BoMb-OT also provides a better objective loss than the m-OT for doing approximate Bayesian computation, estimating parameters of interest in parametric generative models, and learning non-parametric generative models with gradient flow.Comment: 36 pages, 20 figure