2 research outputs found

    "Estimaci贸n de la curva de la demanda a corto plazo en funci贸n de una onda madre"

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    El presente art铆culo se desarrolla para determinar la curva tipo madre o patr贸n de una base de datos hist贸rica, que permita estimar el comportamiento de la demanda de consumo a corto plazo de un sistema el茅ctrico de potencia, mediante la aplicaci贸n de la metodolog铆a MapReduce (miner铆a de datos) utilizando el programa Matlab, que permite realizar el manejo adecuado de datos hist贸ricos. En base a lo indicado, se vuelve preponderante el desarrollo de herramientas que permitan prever el crecimiento y comportamiento de la demanda de un sistema el茅ctrico, especialmente con el ingreso de generaci贸n intermitente distribuida y las diversas cargas industriales y especiales que pueden estar conectadas en los sistemas de distribuci贸n. Estas herramientas deben prever el manejo adecuado de una gran cantidad de informaci贸n, que coadyuve al desarrollo de programas complementarios que les permita a las empresas el茅ctricas u operadores del sistema a prever la generaci贸n necesaria para cumplir con las condiciones de confiablidad y continuidad del suministro el茅ctrico al usuario final.This article is developed to determine the mother curve or pattern of a historical database, which allows estimating the behavior of consumer demand in the short term of an electrical power system, through the application of the MapReduce methodology (mining of data) using the Matlab program, which allows proper handling of historical data. Based on the above, the development of tools that allow forecasting the growth and behavior of the demand of an electrical system becomes preponderant, especially with the entry of distributed intermittent generation and the various industrial and special loads that may be connected in the systems. of distribution. These tools must provide for the proper handling of a large amount of information, which contributes to the development of complementary programs that allow electricity companies or system operators to predict the generation necessary to meet the conditions of reliability and continuity of the electricity supply to the final user

    Hierarchical distributed scheme for demand estimation and power reallocation in a future power grid

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    The classical power allocation/reallocation faces difficult challenges in a future power grid with a great many distributed generators and fast power fluctuations caused by high percentage of renewable energy. To perform power reallocation fast in a future power grid with a large number of participants and disturbances, a hierarchical distributed scheme based on a partition framework is proposed. In the proposed scheme, the power grid is naturally partitioned into a certain number of regions, and the total energy demand in the power grid with disturbances is automatically estimated rather than given in advance. Besides, the centralized local optimizations in regions and the distributed global optimization among regions are coupled to solve the power reallocation problem, in which each region performs as a single agent. Thus, the agents in the proposed scheme are much fewer than the purely distributed ones, hence the communication load is greatly relieved and the reallocation process is significantly simplified. Effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified by the cases