6 research outputs found

    Collaborative Tagging and Taxonomy by Vector Space Approach

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    Collaborative tagging or group tagging is tagging performed by a group of users usually to support in re-finding the items. The limberness of tagging allows users to classify their collections of items in the ways that they find useful, but the personalized variety of expressions can present challenges when searching and browsing. When users can liberally choose tags (users create and apply public tags to online items as different to selecting terms from a proscribed terminology based on the users feedback), the resulting metadata can consist of homonyms (the same tags used with dissimilar implication) and synonyms (multiple tags for the same concept) which may direct to inappropriate connections between items and wasteful searches for information about a subject. Collaborative tagging requires the enforcement of method that enables users to protect their privacy by allowing them to hide certain user-generated contents without making them useless for the purposes they have been provided in a given online service. This means that privacy-preserving mechanisms must not harmfully affect the service truthfulness and usefulness.The proposed approach defends the user privacy to a certain level by reducing the tags that make a user profile let somebody see partiality toward certain categories of interest or feedback


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    Tagging is most widely used feature in online networks. There are no of tags are available mainly offline resources based on their feedback, expressed in the form of free-text labels (i.e., tags). Recently there is a problem based on the tagging of feedback, free-text labels etc. Without user permission tags are automatically generated spam scripts. So, users are facing many sensitive problems like privacy. In the existing system, a privacy-preserving collaborative tagging service, by showing how a specific privacy-enhancing technology, namely tag suppression, can be used to protect end-user privacy. Some problems identified in the existing system. To overcome these problems captcha based security in introduced in the proposed system to provide better security for the tagging information. Results will show the performance of the proposed system

    A probabilistic approach to personalized tag recommendation

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    Predictive Modeling for Navigating Social Media

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    Social media changes the way people use the Web. It has transformed ordinary Web users from information consumers to content contributors. One popular form of content contribution is social tagging, in which users assign tags to Web resources. By the collective efforts of the social tagging community, a new information space has been created for information navigation. Navigation allows serendipitous discovery of information by examining the information objects linked to one another in the social tagging space. In this dissertation, we study prediction tasks that facilitate navigation in social tagging systems. For social tagging systems to meet complex navigation needs of users, two issues are fundamental, namely link sparseness and object selection. Link sparseness is observed for many resources that are untagged or inadequately tagged, hindering navigation to the resources. Object selection is concerned when there are a large number of information objects that are linked to the current object, requiring to select the more interesting or relevant ones for guiding navigation effectively. This dissertation focuses on three dimensions, namely the semantic, social and temporal dimensions, to address link sparseness and object selection. To address link sparseness, we study the task of tag prediction. This task aims to enrich tags for the untagged or inadequately tagged resources, such that the predicted tags can serve as navigable links to these resources. For this task, we take a topic modeling approach to exploit the latent semantic relationships between resource content and tags. To address object selection, we study the task of personalized tag recommendation and trend discovery using social annotations. Personalized tag recommendation leverages the collective wisdom from the social tagging community to recommend tags that are semantically relevant to the target resource, while being tailored to the tagging preferences of individual users. For this task, we propose a probabilistic framework which leverages the implicit social links between like-minded users, i.e. who show similar tagging preferences, to recommend suitable tags. Social tags capture the interest of the users in the annotated resources at different times. These social annotations allow us to construct temporal profiles for the annotated resources. By analyzing these temporal profiles, we unveil the non-trivial temporal trends of the annotated resources, which provide novel metrics for selecting relevant and interesting resources for guiding navigation. For trend discovery using social annotations, we propose a trend discovery process which enables us to analyze trends for a multitude of semantics encapsulated in the temporal profiles of the annotated resources

    Nonparametric Bayesian Topic Modelling with Auxiliary Data

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    The intent of this dissertation in computer science is to study topic models for text analytics. The first objective of this dissertation is to incorporate auxiliary information present in text corpora to improve topic modelling for natural language processing (NLP) applications. The second objective of this dissertation is to extend existing topic models to employ state-of-the-art nonparametric Bayesian techniques for better modelling of text data. In particular, this dissertation focusses on: - incorporating hashtags, mentions, emoticons, and target-opinion dependency present in tweets, together with an external sentiment lexicon, to perform opinion mining or sentiment analysis on products and services; - leveraging abstracts, titles, authors, keywords, categorical labels, and the citation network to perform bibliographic analysis on research publications, using a supervised or semi-supervised topic model; and - employing the hierarchical Pitman-Yor process (HPYP) and the Gaussian process (GP) to jointly model text, hashtags, authors, and the follower network in tweets for corpora exploration and summarisation. In addition, we provide a framework for implementing arbitrary HPYP topic models to ease the development of our proposed topic models, made possible by modularising the Pitman-Yor processes. Through extensive experiments and qualitative assessment, we find that topic models fit better to the data as we utilise more auxiliary information and by employing the Bayesian nonparametric method