28 research outputs found

    A novel methodology based on hidden semi-Markov model for equipment health assessment

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    As one of the most important aspects of PHM in many application domains, health monitoring and management could maximize the equipment effectiveness within the allowed health ranges. This paper proposes a novel approach to assess the equipment health based on hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM), which is an extension of HMM and does not follow the unrealistic Markov chain assumption to provide more powerful modeling and analysis capability for real problems. With training the standard health state HSMM model by normal state data, the test data is inputted into the trained model in order to calculate the corresponding relative divergence, which is the deviation extent from the standard health state model. Then we can obtain the health index model for the equipment health monitoring and measurement. Moreover, the proposed HSMM based method is applied to the draught fan and showed to be effective

    A Review on Distributed Denial of Service Attack On Network Traffic

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is the most difficult issues for network security. The attacker utilizes vast number of traded off hosts to dispatch attack on victim. Different DDoS defense components go for distinguishing and keeping the attack traffic. The adequacy relies upon the purpose of sending. The reason for this paper is to examine different detection and defense mechanism, their execution and deployment attributes. This helps in understanding which barrier ought to be sent under what conditions and at what areas

    Real-Time Detection of Application-Layer DDoS Attack Using Time Series Analysis

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    Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are one of the major threats to the current Internet, and application-layer DDoS attacks utilizing legitimate HTTP requests to overwhelm victim resources are more undetectable. Consequently, neither intrusion detection systems (IDS) nor victim server can detect malicious packets. In this paper, a novel approach to detect application-layer DDoS attack is proposed based on entropy of HTTP GET requests per source IP address (HRPI). By approximating the adaptive autoregressive (AAR) model, the HRPI time series is transformed into a multidimensional vector series. Then, a trained support vector machine (SVM) classifier is applied to identify the attacks. The experiments with several databases are performed and results show that this approach can detect application-layer DDoS attacks effectively

    Visual Anomaly Detection in Event Sequence Data

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    Anomaly detection is a common analytical task that aims to identify rare cases that differ from the typical cases that make up the majority of a dataset. When applied to the analysis of event sequence data, the task of anomaly detection can be complex because the sequential and temporal nature of such data results in diverse definitions and flexible forms of anomalies. This, in turn, increases the difficulty in interpreting detected anomalies. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised anomaly detection algorithm based on Variational AutoEncoders (VAE) to estimate underlying normal progressions for each given sequence represented as occurrence probabilities of events along the sequence progression. Events in violation of their occurrence probability are identified as abnormal. We also introduce a visualization system, EventThread3, to support interactive exploration and interpretations of anomalies within the context of normal sequence progressions in the dataset through comprehensive one-to-many sequence comparison. Finally, we quantitatively evaluate the performance of our anomaly detection algorithm and demonstrate the effectiveness of our system through a case study


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