318 research outputs found

    FPSA: A Full System Stack Solution for Reconfigurable ReRAM-based NN Accelerator Architecture

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    Neural Network (NN) accelerators with emerging ReRAM (resistive random access memory) technologies have been investigated as one of the promising solutions to address the \textit{memory wall} challenge, due to the unique capability of \textit{processing-in-memory} within ReRAM-crossbar-based processing elements (PEs). However, the high efficiency and high density advantages of ReRAM have not been fully utilized due to the huge communication demands among PEs and the overhead of peripheral circuits. In this paper, we propose a full system stack solution, composed of a reconfigurable architecture design, Field Programmable Synapse Array (FPSA) and its software system including neural synthesizer, temporal-to-spatial mapper, and placement & routing. We highly leverage the software system to make the hardware design compact and efficient. To satisfy the high-performance communication demand, we optimize it with a reconfigurable routing architecture and the placement & routing tool. To improve the computational density, we greatly simplify the PE circuit with the spiking schema and then adopt neural synthesizer to enable the high density computation-resources to support different kinds of NN operations. In addition, we provide spiking memory blocks (SMBs) and configurable logic blocks (CLBs) in hardware and leverage the temporal-to-spatial mapper to utilize them to balance the storage and computation requirements of NN. Owing to the end-to-end software system, we can efficiently deploy existing deep neural networks to FPSA. Evaluations show that, compared to one of state-of-the-art ReRAM-based NN accelerators, PRIME, the computational density of FPSA improves by 31x; for representative NNs, its inference performance can achieve up to 1000x speedup.Comment: Accepted by ASPLOS 201

    New Trends in Photonic Switching and Optical Network Architecture for Data Centre and Computing Systems

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    AI/ML for data centres and data centres for AI/ML are defining new trends in cloud computing. Disaggregated heterogeneous reconfigurable computing systems realized by photonic interconnects and photonic switching expect greatly enhanced throughput and energy-efficiency for AI/ML workloads, especially when aided by an AI/ML control plane

    Hardware Implementation of Deep Network Accelerators Towards Healthcare and Biomedical Applications

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    With the advent of dedicated Deep Learning (DL) accelerators and neuromorphic processors, new opportunities are emerging for applying deep and Spiking Neural Network (SNN) algorithms to healthcare and biomedical applications at the edge. This can facilitate the advancement of the medical Internet of Things (IoT) systems and Point of Care (PoC) devices. In this paper, we provide a tutorial describing how various technologies ranging from emerging memristive devices, to established Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and mature Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology can be used to develop efficient DL accelerators to solve a wide variety of diagnostic, pattern recognition, and signal processing problems in healthcare. Furthermore, we explore how spiking neuromorphic processors can complement their DL counterparts for processing biomedical signals. After providing the required background, we unify the sparsely distributed research on neural network and neuromorphic hardware implementations as applied to the healthcare domain. In addition, we benchmark various hardware platforms by performing a biomedical electromyography (EMG) signal processing task and drawing comparisons among them in terms of inference delay and energy. Finally, we provide our analysis of the field and share a perspective on the advantages, disadvantages, challenges, and opportunities that different accelerators and neuromorphic processors introduce to healthcare and biomedical domains. This paper can serve a large audience, ranging from nanoelectronics researchers, to biomedical and healthcare practitioners in grasping the fundamental interplay between hardware, algorithms, and clinical adoption of these tools, as we shed light on the future of deep networks and spiking neuromorphic processing systems as proponents for driving biomedical circuits and systems forward.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (21 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables

    FireFly: A High-Throughput and Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have been widely used due to their strong biological interpretability and high energy efficiency. With the introduction of the backpropagation algorithm and surrogate gradient, the structure of spiking neural networks has become more complex, and the performance gap with artificial neural networks has gradually decreased. However, most SNN hardware implementations for field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) cannot meet arithmetic or memory efficiency requirements, which significantly restricts the development of SNNs. They do not delve into the arithmetic operations between the binary spikes and synaptic weights or assume unlimited on-chip RAM resources by using overly expensive devices on small tasks. To improve arithmetic efficiency, we analyze the neural dynamics of spiking neurons, generalize the SNN arithmetic operation to the multiplex-accumulate operation, and propose a high-performance implementation of such operation by utilizing the DSP48E2 hard block in Xilinx Ultrascale FPGAs. To improve memory efficiency, we design a memory system to enable efficient synaptic weights and membrane voltage memory access with reasonable on-chip RAM consumption. Combining the above two improvements, we propose an FPGA accelerator that can process spikes generated by the firing neuron on-the-fly (FireFly). FireFly is implemented on several FPGA edge devices with limited resources but still guarantees a peak performance of 5.53TSOP/s at 300MHz. As a lightweight accelerator, FireFly achieves the highest computational density efficiency compared with existing research using large FPGA devices
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