951 research outputs found

    VIGAN: Missing View Imputation with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    In an era when big data are becoming the norm, there is less concern with the quantity but more with the quality and completeness of the data. In many disciplines, data are collected from heterogeneous sources, resulting in multi-view or multi-modal datasets. The missing data problem has been challenging to address in multi-view data analysis. Especially, when certain samples miss an entire view of data, it creates the missing view problem. Classic multiple imputations or matrix completion methods are hardly effective here when no information can be based on in the specific view to impute data for such samples. The commonly-used simple method of removing samples with a missing view can dramatically reduce sample size, thus diminishing the statistical power of a subsequent analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for view imputation via generative adversarial networks (GANs), which we name by VIGAN. This approach first treats each view as a separate domain and identifies domain-to-domain mappings via a GAN using randomly-sampled data from each view, and then employs a multi-modal denoising autoencoder (DAE) to reconstruct the missing view from the GAN outputs based on paired data across the views. Then, by optimizing the GAN and DAE jointly, our model enables the knowledge integration for domain mappings and view correspondences to effectively recover the missing view. Empirical results on benchmark datasets validate the VIGAN approach by comparing against the state of the art. The evaluation of VIGAN in a genetic study of substance use disorders further proves the effectiveness and usability of this approach in life science.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, conferenc

    A Comprehensive Survey on Deep Graph Representation Learning

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    Graph representation learning aims to effectively encode high-dimensional sparse graph-structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has been widely studied in a range of fields, including machine learning and data mining. Classic graph embedding methods follow the basic idea that the embedding vectors of interconnected nodes in the graph can still maintain a relatively close distance, thereby preserving the structural information between the nodes in the graph. However, this is sub-optimal due to: (i) traditional methods have limited model capacity which limits the learning performance; (ii) existing techniques typically rely on unsupervised learning strategies and fail to couple with the latest learning paradigms; (iii) representation learning and downstream tasks are dependent on each other which should be jointly enhanced. With the remarkable success of deep learning, deep graph representation learning has shown great potential and advantages over shallow (traditional) methods, there exist a large number of deep graph representation learning techniques have been proposed in the past decade, especially graph neural networks. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive survey on current deep graph representation learning algorithms by proposing a new taxonomy of existing state-of-the-art literature. Specifically, we systematically summarize the essential components of graph representation learning and categorize existing approaches by the ways of graph neural network architectures and the most recent advanced learning paradigms. Moreover, this survey also provides the practical and promising applications of deep graph representation learning. Last but not least, we state new perspectives and suggest challenging directions which deserve further investigations in the future

    Source-Aware Embedding Training on Heterogeneous Information Networks

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    Heterogeneous information networks (HINs) have been extensively applied to real-world tasks, such as recommendation systems, social networks, and citation networks. While existing HIN representation learning methods can effectively learn the semantic and structural features in the network, little awareness was given to the distribution discrepancy of subgraphs within a single HIN. However, we find that ignoring such distribution discrepancy among subgraphs from multiple sources would hinder the effectiveness of graph embedding learning algorithms. This motivates us to propose SUMSHINE (Scalable Unsupervised Multi-Source Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding) -- a scalable unsupervised framework to align the embedding distributions among multiple sources of an HIN. Experimental results on real-world datasets in a variety of downstream tasks validate the performance of our method over the state-of-the-art heterogeneous information network embedding algorithms.Comment: Published in Data Intelligence 202

    Towards Data-centric Graph Machine Learning: Review and Outlook

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    Data-centric AI, with its primary focus on the collection, management, and utilization of data to drive AI models and applications, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this article, we conduct an in-depth and comprehensive review, offering a forward-looking outlook on the current efforts in data-centric AI pertaining to graph data-the fundamental data structure for representing and capturing intricate dependencies among massive and diverse real-life entities. We introduce a systematic framework, Data-centric Graph Machine Learning (DC-GML), that encompasses all stages of the graph data lifecycle, including graph data collection, exploration, improvement, exploitation, and maintenance. A thorough taxonomy of each stage is presented to answer three critical graph-centric questions: (1) how to enhance graph data availability and quality; (2) how to learn from graph data with limited-availability and low-quality; (3) how to build graph MLOps systems from the graph data-centric view. Lastly, we pinpoint the future prospects of the DC-GML domain, providing insights to navigate its advancements and applications.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figure

    A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications

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    Human knowledge provides a formal understanding of the world. Knowledge graphs that represent structural relations between entities have become an increasingly popular research direction towards cognition and human-level intelligence. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of knowledge graph covering overall research topics about 1) knowledge graph representation learning, 2) knowledge acquisition and completion, 3) temporal knowledge graph, and 4) knowledge-aware applications, and summarize recent breakthroughs and perspective directions to facilitate future research. We propose a full-view categorization and new taxonomies on these topics. Knowledge graph embedding is organized from four aspects of representation space, scoring function, encoding models, and auxiliary information. For knowledge acquisition, especially knowledge graph completion, embedding methods, path inference, and logical rule reasoning, are reviewed. We further explore several emerging topics, including meta relational learning, commonsense reasoning, and temporal knowledge graphs. To facilitate future research on knowledge graphs, we also provide a curated collection of datasets and open-source libraries on different tasks. In the end, we have a thorough outlook on several promising research directions

    Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Face Recognition

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    In recent years, researchers have proposed many deep learning (DL) methods for various tasks, and particularly face recognition (FR) made an enormous leap using these techniques. Deep FR systems benefit from the hierarchical architecture of the DL methods to learn discriminative face representation. Therefore, DL techniques significantly improve state-of-the-art performance on FR systems and encourage diverse and efficient real-world applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of various FR systems that leverage the different types of DL techniques, and for the study, we summarize 168 recent contributions from this area. We discuss the papers related to different algorithms, architectures, loss functions, activation functions, datasets, challenges, improvement ideas, current and future trends of DL-based FR systems. We provide a detailed discussion of various DL methods to understand the current state-of-the-art, and then we discuss various activation and loss functions for the methods. Additionally, we summarize different datasets used widely for FR tasks and discuss challenges related to illumination, expression, pose variations, and occlusion. Finally, we discuss improvement ideas, current and future trends of FR tasks.Comment: 32 pages and citation: M. T. H. Fuad et al., "Recent Advances in Deep Learning Techniques for Face Recognition," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 99112-99142, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.309613