51 research outputs found

    Hessian-based Analysis of Large Batch Training and Robustness to Adversaries

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    Large batch size training of Neural Networks has been shown to incur accuracy loss when trained with the current methods. The exact underlying reasons for this are still not completely understood. Here, we study large batch size training through the lens of the Hessian operator and robust optimization. In particular, we perform a Hessian based study to analyze exactly how the landscape of the loss function changes when training with large batch size. We compute the true Hessian spectrum, without approximation, by back-propagating the second derivative. Extensive experiments on multiple networks show that saddle-points are not the cause for generalization gap of large batch size training, and the results consistently show that large batch converges to points with noticeably higher Hessian spectrum. Furthermore, we show that robust training allows one to favor flat areas, as points with large Hessian spectrum show poor robustness to adversarial perturbation. We further study this relationship, and provide empirical and theoretical proof that the inner loop for robust training is a saddle-free optimization problem \textit{almost everywhere}. We present detailed experiments with five different network architectures, including a residual network, tested on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 datasets. We have open sourced our method which can be accessed at [1].Comment: Presented in NeurIPS'18 conferenc

    On the Computational Inefficiency of Large Batch Sizes for Stochastic Gradient Descent

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    Increasing the mini-batch size for stochastic gradient descent offers significant opportunities to reduce wall-clock training time, but there are a variety of theoretical and systems challenges that impede the widespread success of this technique. We investigate these issues, with an emphasis on time to convergence and total computational cost, through an extensive empirical analysis of network training across several architectures and problem domains, including image classification, image segmentation, and language modeling. Although it is common practice to increase the batch size in order to fully exploit available computational resources, we find a substantially more nuanced picture. Our main finding is that across a wide range of network architectures and problem domains, increasing the batch size beyond a certain point yields no decrease in wall-clock time to convergence for \emph{either} train or test loss. This batch size is usually substantially below the capacity of current systems. We show that popular training strategies for large batch size optimization begin to fail before we can populate all available compute resources, and we show that the point at which these methods break down depends more on attributes like model architecture and data complexity than it does directly on the size of the dataset

    Trust Region Based Adversarial Attack on Neural Networks

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    Deep Neural Networks are quite vulnerable to adversarial perturbations. Current state-of-the-art adversarial attack methods typically require very time consuming hyper-parameter tuning, or require many iterations to solve an optimization based adversarial attack. To address this problem, we present a new family of trust region based adversarial attacks, with the goal of computing adversarial perturbations efficiently. We propose several attacks based on variants of the trust region optimization method. We test the proposed methods on Cifar-10 and ImageNet datasets using several different models including AlexNet, ResNet-50, VGG-16, and DenseNet-121 models. Our methods achieve comparable results with the Carlini-Wagner (CW) attack, but with significant speed up of up to 37×37\times, for the VGG-16 model on a Titan Xp GPU. For the case of ResNet-50 on ImageNet, we can bring down its classification accuracy to less than 0.1\% with at most 1.5%1.5\% relative L∞L_\infty (or L2L_2) perturbation requiring only 1.021.02 seconds as compared to 27.0427.04 seconds for the CW attack. We have open sourced our method which can be accessed at [1]

    The Full Spectrum of Deepnet Hessians at Scale: Dynamics with SGD Training and Sample Size

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    We apply state-of-the-art tools in modern high-dimensional numerical linear algebra to approximate efficiently the spectrum of the Hessian of modern deepnets, with tens of millions of parameters, trained on real data. Our results corroborate previous findings, based on small-scale networks, that the Hessian exhibits "spiked" behavior, with several outliers isolated from a continuous bulk. We decompose the Hessian into different components and study the dynamics with training and sample size of each term individually

    Numerically Recovering the Critical Points of a Deep Linear Autoencoder

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    Numerically locating the critical points of non-convex surfaces is a long-standing problem central to many fields. Recently, the loss surfaces of deep neural networks have been explored to gain insight into outstanding questions in optimization, generalization, and network architecture design. However, the degree to which recently-proposed methods for numerically recovering critical points actually do so has not been thoroughly evaluated. In this paper, we examine this issue in a case for which the ground truth is known: the deep linear autoencoder. We investigate two sub-problems associated with numerical critical point identification: first, because of large parameter counts, it is infeasible to find all of the critical points for contemporary neural networks, necessitating sampling approaches whose characteristics are poorly understood; second, the numerical tolerance for accurately identifying a critical point is unknown, and conservative tolerances are difficult to satisfy. We first identify connections between recently-proposed methods and well-understood methods in other fields, including chemical physics, economics, and algebraic geometry. We find that several methods work well at recovering certain information about loss surfaces, but fail to take an unbiased sample of critical points. Furthermore, numerical tolerance must be very strict to ensure that numerically-identified critical points have similar properties to true analytical critical points. We also identify a recently-published Newton method for optimization that outperforms previous methods as a critical point-finding algorithm. We expect our results will guide future attempts to numerically study critical points in large nonlinear neural networks

    Normalized Flat Minima: Exploring Scale Invariant Definition of Flat Minima for Neural Networks using PAC-Bayesian Analysis

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    The notion of flat minima has played a key role in the generalization studies of deep learning models. However, existing definitions of the flatness are known to be sensitive to the rescaling of parameters. The issue suggests that the previous definitions of the flatness might not be a good measure of generalization, because generalization is invariant to such rescalings. In this paper, from the PAC-Bayesian perspective, we scrutinize the discussion concerning the flat minima and introduce the notion of normalized flat minima, which is free from the known scale dependence issues. Additionally, we highlight the scale dependence of existing matrix-norm based generalization error bounds similar to the existing flat minima definitions. Our modified notion of the flatness does not suffer from the insufficiency, either, suggesting it might provide better hierarchy in the hypothesis class

    HAWQ: Hessian AWare Quantization of Neural Networks with Mixed-Precision

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    Model size and inference speed/power have become a major challenge in the deployment of Neural Networks for many applications. A promising approach to address these problems is quantization. However, uniformly quantizing a model to ultra low precision leads to significant accuracy degradation. A novel solution for this is to use mixed-precision quantization, as some parts of the network may allow lower precision as compared to other layers. However, there is no systematic way to determine the precision of different layers. A brute force approach is not feasible for deep networks, as the search space for mixed-precision is exponential in the number of layers. Another challenge is a similar factorial complexity for determining block-wise fine-tuning order when quantizing the model to a target precision. Here, we introduce Hessian AWare Quantization (HAWQ), a novel second-order quantization method to address these problems. HAWQ allows for the automatic selection of the relative quantization precision of each layer, based on the layer's Hessian spectrum. Moreover, HAWQ provides a deterministic fine-tuning order for quantizing layers, based on second-order information. We show the results of our method on Cifar-10 using ResNet20, and on ImageNet using Inception-V3, ResNet50 and SqueezeNext models. Comparing HAWQ with state-of-the-art shows that we can achieve similar/better accuracy with 8×8\times activation compression ratio on ResNet20, as compared to DNAS~\cite{wu2018mixed}, and up to 1%1\% higher accuracy with up to 14%14\% smaller models on ResNet50 and Inception-V3, compared to recently proposed methods of RVQuant~\cite{park2018value} and HAQ~\cite{wang2018haq}. Furthermore, we show that we can quantize SqueezeNext to just 1MB model size while achieving above 68%68\% top1 accuracy on ImageNet.Comment: ICCV 201

    Minimum sharpness: Scale-invariant parameter-robustness of neural networks

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    Toward achieving robust and defensive neural networks, the robustness against the weight parameters perturbations, i.e., sharpness, attracts attention in recent years (Sun et al., 2020). However, sharpness is known to remain a critical issue, "scale-sensitivity." In this paper, we propose a novel sharpness measure, Minimum Sharpness. It is known that NNs have a specific scale transformation that constitutes equivalent classes where functional properties are completely identical, and at the same time, their sharpness could change unlimitedly. We define our sharpness through a minimization problem over the equivalent NNs being invariant to the scale transformation. We also develop an efficient and exact technique to make the sharpness tractable, which reduces the heavy computational costs involved with Hessian. In the experiment, we observed that our sharpness has a valid correlation with the generalization of NNs and runs with less computational cost than existing sharpness measures.Comment: 9 pages, accepted to ICML 2021 Workshop on Theoretic Foundation, Criticism, and Application Trend of Explainable A

    Understanding Impacts of High-Order Loss Approximations and Features in Deep Learning Interpretation

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    Current methods to interpret deep learning models by generating saliency maps generally rely on two key assumptions. First, they use first-order approximations of the loss function neglecting higher-order terms such as the loss curvatures. Second, they evaluate each feature's importance in isolation, ignoring their inter-dependencies. In this work, we study the effect of relaxing these two assumptions. First, by characterizing a closed-form formula for the Hessian matrix of a deep ReLU network, we prove that, for a classification problem with a large number of classes, if an input has a high confidence classification score, the inclusion of the Hessian term has small impacts in the final solution. We prove this result by showing that in this case the Hessian matrix is approximately of rank one and its leading eigenvector is almost parallel to the gradient of the loss function. Our empirical experiments on ImageNet samples are consistent with our theory. This result can have implications in other related problems such as adversarial examples as well. Second, we compute the importance of group-features in deep learning interpretation by introducing a sparsity regularization term. We use the L0−L1L_0-L_1 relaxation technique along with the proximal gradient descent to have an efficient computation of group feature importance scores. Our empirical results indicate that considering group features can improve deep learning interpretation significantly.Comment: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, 201

    How do SGD hyperparameters in natural training affect adversarial robustness?

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    Learning rate, batch size and momentum are three important hyperparameters in the SGD algorithm. It is known from the work of Jastrzebski et al. arXiv:1711.04623 that large batch size training of neural networks yields models which do not generalize well. Yao et al. arXiv:1802.08241 observe that large batch training yields models that have poor adversarial robustness. In the same paper, the authors train models with different batch sizes and compute the eigenvalues of the Hessian of loss function. They observe that as the batch size increases, the dominant eigenvalues of the Hessian become larger. They also show that both adversarial training and small-batch training leads to a drop in the dominant eigenvalues of the Hessian or lowering its spectrum. They combine adversarial training and second order information to come up with a new large-batch training algorithm and obtain robust models with good generalization. In this paper, we empirically observe the effect of the SGD hyperparameters on the accuracy and adversarial robustness of networks trained with unperturbed samples. Jastrzebski et al. considered training models with a fixed learning rate to batch size ratio. They observed that higher the ratio, better is the generalization. We observe that networks trained with constant learning rate to batch size ratio, as proposed in Jastrzebski et al., yield models which generalize well and also have almost constant adversarial robustness, independent of the batch size. We observe that momentum is more effective with varying batch sizes and a fixed learning rate than with constant learning rate to batch size ratio based SGD training.Comment: Preliminary version presented in ICML 2019 Workshop on "Understanding and Improving Generalization in Deep Learning" as "On Adversarial Robustness of Small vs Large Batch Training
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