19 research outputs found

    Sampling Through the Lens of Sequential Decision Making

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    Sampling is ubiquitous in machine learning methodologies. Due to the growth of large datasets and model complexity, we want to learn and adapt the sampling process while training a representation. Towards achieving this grand goal, a variety of sampling techniques have been proposed. However, most of them either use a fixed sampling scheme or adjust the sampling scheme based on simple heuristics. They cannot choose the best sample for model training in different stages. Inspired by "Think, Fast and Slow" (System 1 and System 2) in cognitive science, we propose a reward-guided sampling strategy called Adaptive Sample with Reward (ASR) to tackle this challenge. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work utilizing reinforcement learning (RL) to address the sampling problem in representation learning. Our approach optimally adjusts the sampling process to achieve optimal performance. We explore geographical relationships among samples by distance-based sampling to maximize overall cumulative reward. We apply ASR to the long-standing sampling problems in similarity-based loss functions. Empirical results in information retrieval and clustering demonstrate ASR's superb performance across different datasets. We also discuss an engrossing phenomenon which we name as "ASR gravity well" in experiments

    Momentum-Based Policy Gradient with Second-Order Information

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    Variance-reduced gradient estimators for policy gradient methods have been one of the main focus of research in the reinforcement learning in recent years as they allow acceleration of the estimation process. We propose a variance-reduced policy-gradient method, called SHARP, which incorporates second-order information into stochastic gradient descent (SGD) using momentum with a time-varying learning rate. SHARP algorithm is parameter-free, achieving ϵ\epsilon-approximate first-order stationary point with O(ϵ3)O(\epsilon^{-3}) number of trajectories, while using a batch size of O(1)O(1) at each iteration. Unlike most previous work, our proposed algorithm does not require importance sampling which can compromise the advantage of variance reduction process. Moreover, the variance of estimation error decays with the fast rate of O(1/t2/3)O(1/t^{2/3}) where tt is the number of iterations. Our extensive experimental evaluations show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on various control tasks and its advantage over the state of the art in practice

    Improved Sample Complexity Analysis of Natural Policy Gradient Algorithm with General Parameterization for Infinite Horizon Discounted Reward Markov Decision Processes

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    We consider the problem of designing sample efficient learning algorithms for infinite horizon discounted reward Markov Decision Process. Specifically, we propose the Accelerated Natural Policy Gradient (ANPG) algorithm that utilizes an accelerated stochastic gradient descent process to obtain the natural policy gradient. ANPG achieves O(ϵ2)\mathcal{O}({\epsilon^{-2}}) sample complexity and O(ϵ1)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1}) iteration complexity with general parameterization where ϵ\epsilon defines the optimality error. This improves the state-of-the-art sample complexity by a log(1ϵ)\log(\frac{1}{\epsilon}) factor. ANPG is a first-order algorithm and unlike some existing literature, does not require the unverifiable assumption that the variance of importance sampling (IS) weights is upper bounded. In the class of Hessian-free and IS-free algorithms, ANPG beats the best-known sample complexity by a factor of O(ϵ12)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-\frac{1}{2}}) and simultaneously matches their state-of-the-art iteration complexity

    Diagnostic Evaluation of Policy-Gradient-Based Ranking

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    Learning-to-rank has been intensively studied and has shown significantly increasing values in a wide range of domains, such as web search, recommender systems, dialogue systems, machine translation, and even computational biology, to name a few. In light of recent advances in neural networks, there has been a strong and continuing interest in exploring how to deploy popular techniques, such as reinforcement learning and adversarial learning, to solve ranking problems. However, armed with the aforesaid popular techniques, most studies tend to show how effective a new method is. A comprehensive comparison between techniques and an in-depth analysis of their deficiencies are somehow overlooked. This paper is motivated by the observation that recent ranking methods based on either reinforcement learning or adversarial learning boil down to policy-gradient-based optimization. Based on the widely used benchmark collections with complete information (where relevance labels are known for all items), such as MSLRWEB30K and Yahoo-Set1, we thoroughly investigate the extent to which policy-gradient-based ranking methods are effective. On one hand, we analytically identify the pitfalls of policy-gradient-based ranking. On the other hand, we experimentally compare a wide range of representative methods. The experimental results echo our analysis and show that policy-gradient-based ranking methods are, by a large margin, inferior to many conventional ranking methods. Regardless of whether we use reinforcement learning or adversarial learning, the failures are largely attributable to the gradient estimation based on sampled rankings, which significantly diverge from ideal rankings. In particular, the larger the number of documents per query and the more fine-grained the ground-truth labels, the greater the impact policy-gradient-based ranking suffers. Careful examination of this weakness is highly recommended for developing enhanced methods based on policy gradient

    A Cubic-regularized Policy Newton Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning

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    We consider the problem of control in the setting of reinforcement learning (RL), where model information is not available. Policy gradient algorithms are a popular solution approach for this problem and are usually shown to converge to a stationary point of the value function. In this paper, we propose two policy Newton algorithms that incorporate cubic regularization. Both algorithms employ the likelihood ratio method to form estimates of the gradient and Hessian of the value function using sample trajectories. The first algorithm requires an exact solution of the cubic regularized problem in each iteration, while the second algorithm employs an efficient gradient descent-based approximation to the cubic regularized problem. We establish convergence of our proposed algorithms to a second-order stationary point (SOSP) of the value function, which results in the avoidance of traps in the form of saddle points. In particular, the sample complexity of our algorithms to find an ϵ\epsilon-SOSP is O(ϵ3.5)O(\epsilon^{-3.5}), which is an improvement over the state-of-the-art sample complexity of O(ϵ4.5)O(\epsilon^{-4.5})