6 research outputs found

    Hemispherical Harmonic Surface Description and Applications to Medical Image Analysis

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    The use of surface harmonics for rigid and nonrigid shape description is well known. In this paper we define a set of complete hemispherical harmonic basis functions on a hemisphere domain and propose a novel parametric shape description method to efficiently and flexibly represent the surfaces of anatomical structures in medical images. As the first application of hemispherical harmonic theory in shape description, our technique differs from the previous surface harmonics shape descriptors, all of which don’t work efficiently on the hemisphere-like objects that often exist in medical anatomical structures (e.g., ventricles, atriums, etc.). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through theoretic and experimental exploration of a set of medical image applications. Furthermore, an evaluation criterion for surface modeling efficiency is described and the comparison results demonstrated that our method outperformed the previous approaches using spherical harmonic models. 1

    Hemispherical Harmonic Surface Description and Applications to Medical Image Analysis

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    Realistic visualisation of cultural heritage objects

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    This research investigation used digital photography in a hemispherical dome, enabling a set of 64 photographic images of an object to be captured in perfect pixel register, with each image illuminated from a different direction. This representation turns out to be much richer than a single 2D image, because it contains information at each point about both the 3D shape of the surface (gradient and local curvature) and the directionality of reflectance (gloss and specularity). Thereby it enables not only interactive visualisation through viewer software, giving the illusion of 3D, but also the reconstruction of an actual 3D surface and highly realistic rendering of a wide range of materials. The following seven outcomes of the research are claimed as novel and therefore as representing contributions to knowledge in the field: A method for determining the geometry of an illumination dome; An adaptive method for finding surface normals by bounded regression; Generating 3D surfaces from photometric stereo; Relationship between surface normals and specular angles; Modelling surface specularity by a modified Lorentzian function; Determining the optimal wavelengths of colour laser scanners; Characterising colour devices by synthetic reflectance spectra