7 research outputs found

    Index Policies for Optimal Mean-Variance Trade-Off of Inter-delivery Times in Real-Time Sensor Networks

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    A problem of much current practical interest is the replacement of the wiring infrastructure connecting approximately 200 sensor and actuator nodes in automobiles by an access point. This is motivated by the considerable savings in automobile weight, simplification of manufacturability, and future upgradability. A key issue is how to schedule the nodes on the shared access point so as to provide regular packet delivery. In this and other similar applications, the mean of the inter-delivery times of packets, i.e., throughput, is not sufficient to guarantee service-regularity. The time-averaged variance of the inter-delivery times of packets is also an important metric. So motivated, we consider a wireless network where an Access Point schedules real-time generated packets to nodes over a fading wireless channel. We are interested in designing simple policies which achieve optimal mean-variance tradeoff in interdelivery times of packets by minimizing the sum of time-averaged means and variances over all clients. Our goal is to explore the full range of the Pareto frontier of all weighted linear combinations of mean and variance so that one can fully exploit the design possibilities. We transform this problem into a Markov decision process and show that the problem of choosing which node's packet to transmit in each slot can be formulated as a bandit problem. We establish that this problem is indexable and explicitly derive the Whittle indices. The resulting Index policy is optimal in certain cases. We also provide upper and lower bounds on the cost for any policy. Extensive simulations show that Index policies perform better than previously proposed policies

    A High Reliability Asymptotic Approach for Packet Inter-Delivery Time Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    In cyber-physical systems such as automobiles, measurement data from sensor nodes should be delivered to other consumer nodes such as actuators in a regular fashion. But, in practical systems over unreliable media such as wireless, it is a significant challenge to guarantee small enough inter-delivery times for different clients with heterogeneous channel conditions and inter-delivery requirements. In this paper, we design scheduling policies aiming at satisfying the inter-delivery requirements of such clients. We formulate the problem as a risk-sensitive Markov Decision Process (MDP). Although the resulting problem involves an infinite state space, we first prove that there is an equivalent MDP involving only a finite number of states. Then we prove the existence of a stationary optimal policy and establish an algorithm to compute it in a finite number of steps. However, the bane of this and many similar problems is the resulting complexity, and, in an attempt to make fundamental progress, we further propose a new high reliability asymptotic approach. In essence, this approach considers the scenario when the channel failure probabilities for different clients are of the same order, and asymptotically approach zero. We thus proceed to determine the asymptotically optimal policy: in a two-client scenario, we show that the asymptotically optimal policy is a "modified least time-to-go" policy, which is intuitively appealing and easily implementable; in the general multi-client scenario, we are led to an SN policy, and we develop an algorithm of low computational complexity to obtain it. Simulation results show that the resulting policies perform well even in the pre-asymptotic regime with moderate failure probabilities

    Reliable Downlink Scheduling for Wireless Networks with Real-Time and Non-Real Time Clients

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    In this thesis, we studied the problem of designing a down link scheduling policy to serve multiple types of clients from a base station in a time-varying wireless network. An ideal scheduling policy is fair among the clients, provides reliability to the clients, achieves high system throughput and prevents strategic clients from choosing incorrect means. The existing scheduling policies fail to achieve one or more of these features. The Proportional Fair scheduling policy for example, fails to provide reliability to the real time clients, while Round Robin policy provides reliability to the clients but fails to achieve high system throughput in a time-varying wireless network. Apart from these policies, there are scheduling policies which prioritize clients based on their delay requirements. Here, a client with lower priority may choose incorrect means like claiming false types of flows to obtain a better performance. A non-real time client may pretend to be a real time client if doing so, which might aid it to achieve better performance in terms of average throughput. We proposed a new scheduling policy that is not only proportionally fair but also provides reliability to the mixture of real time and non-real time clients over a shared wireless channel. Our proposed policy aims to serve clients with different service requirements and provides best service to the clients which furnish true information about their service requirements; the client claiming false service requirements is penalized with the reduced performance. We theoretically demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm by considering uniform distribution of service rates of all the clients. We then provide extensive simulation results of our scheduling policy under the fast fading Rayleigh model to show that this policy can be easily extended in wireless networks. We also show that our policy outperforms existing policies in providing better reliability to the clients and unlike other common policies, our policy degrades the performance of a client that chooses incorrect means

    Distributed Operation of Uncertain Dynamical Cyberphysical Systems

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    In this thesis we address challenging issues that are faced in the operation of important cyber-physical systems of great current interest. The two particular systems that we address are communication networks and the smart grid. Both systems feature distributed agents making decisions in dynamic uncertain environments. In communication networks, nodes need to decide which packets to transmit, while in the power grid individual generators and loads need to decide how much to pro-duce or consume in a dynamic uncertain environment. The goal in both systems, which also holds for other cyber-physical systems, is to develop distributed policies that perform efficiently in uncertain dynamically changing environments. This thesis proposes an approach of employing duality theory on dynamic stochastic systems in such a way as to develop such distributed operating policies for cyber-physical systems. In the first half of the thesis we examine communication networks. Many cyber-physical systems, e.g., sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, or networked control systems, involve transmitting data over multiple-hops of a communication network. These networks can be unreliable, for example due to the unreliability of the wireless medium. However, real-time applications in cyber-physical systems often require that requisite amounts of data be delivered in a timely manner so that it can be utilized for safely controlling physical processes. Data packets may need to be delivered within their deadlines or at regular intervals without large gaps in packet deliveries when carrying sensor readings. How such packets with deadlines can be scheduled over networks is a major challenge for cyber-physical systems. We develop a framework for routing and scheduling such data packets in a multi-hop network. This framework employs duality theory in such a way that actions of nodes get decoupled, and results in efficient decentralized policies for routing and scheduling such multi-hop communication networks. A key feature of the scheduling policy derived in this work is that the scheduling decisions regarding packets can be made in a fully distributed fashion. A decision regarding the scheduling of an individual packet depend only on the age and location of the packet, and does not require sharing of the queue lengths at various nodes. We examine in more detail a network in which multiple clients stream video packets over shared wireless networks. We are able to derive simple policies of threshold type which maximize the combined QoE of the users. We turn to another important cyber-physical system of great current interest – the emerging smarter grid for electrical power. We address some fundamental problems that arise when attempting to increase the utilization of renewable energy sources. A major challenge is that renewable energy sources are unpredictable in their availability. Utilizing them requires adaptation of demand to their uncertain availability. We address the problem faced by the system operator of coordinating sources of power and loads to balance stochastically time varying supply and demand while maximizing the total utilities of all agents in the system. We develop policies for the system operator that is charged with coordinating such distributed entities through a notion of price. We analyze some models for such systems and employ a combination of duality theory and analysis of stochastic dynamic systems to develop policies that maximize the total utility function of all the agents. We also address the issue of how the size of energy storage facilities should scale with respect to the stochastic behavior of renewables in order to mitigate the unreliability of renewable energy sources