6 research outputs found

    Side information exploitation, quality control and low complexity implementation for distributed video coding

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a new video coding methodology that shifts the highly complex motion search components from the encoder to the decoder, such a video coder would have a great advantage in encoding speed and it is still able to achieve similar rate-distortion performance as the conventional coding solutions. Applications include wireless video sensor networks, mobile video cameras and wireless video surveillance, etc. Although many progresses have been made in DVC over the past ten years, there is still a gap in RD performance between conventional video coding solutions and DVC. The latest development of DVC is still far from standardization and practical use. The key problems remain in the areas such as accurate and efficient side information generation and refinement, quality control between Wyner-Ziv frames and key frames, correlation noise modelling and decoder complexity, etc. Under this context, this thesis proposes solutions to improve the state-of-the-art side information refinement schemes, enable consistent quality control over decoded frames during coding process and implement highly efficient DVC codec. This thesis investigates the impact of reference frames on side information generation and reveals that reference frames have the potential to be better side information than the extensively used interpolated frames. Based on this investigation, we also propose a motion range prediction (MRP) method to exploit reference frames and precisely guide the statistical motion learning process. Extensive simulation results show that choosing reference frames as SI performs competitively, and sometimes even better than interpolated frames. Furthermore, the proposed MRP method is shown to significantly reduce the decoding complexity without degrading any RD performance. To minimize the block artifacts and achieve consistent improvement in both subjective and objective quality of side information, we propose a novel side information synthesis framework working on pixel granularity. We synthesize the SI at pixel level to minimize the block artifacts and adaptively change the correlation noise model according to the new SI. Furthermore, we have fully implemented a state-of-the-art DVC decoder with the proposed framework using serial and parallel processing technologies to identify bottlenecks and areas to further reduce the decoding complexity, which is another major challenge for future practical DVC system deployments. The performance is evaluated based on the latest transform domain DVC codec and compared with different standard codecs. Extensive experimental results show substantial and consistent rate-distortion gains over standard video codecs and significant speedup over serial implementation. In order to bring the state-of-the-art DVC one step closer to practical use, we address the problem of distortion variation introduced by typical rate control algorithms, especially in a variable bit rate environment. Simulation results show that the proposed quality control algorithm is capable to meet user defined target distortion and maintain a rather small variation for sequence with slow motion and performs similar to fixed quantization for fast motion sequence at the cost of some RD performance. Finally, we propose the first implementation of a distributed video encoder on a Texas Instruments TMS320DM6437 digital signal processor. The WZ encoder is efficiently implemented, using rate adaptive low-density-parity-check accumulative (LDPCA) codes, exploiting the hardware features and optimization techniques to improve the overall performance. Implementation results show that the WZ encoder is able to encode at 134M instruction cycles per QCIF frame on a TMS320DM6437 DSP running at 700MHz. This results in encoder speed 29 times faster than non-optimized encoder implementation. We also implemented a highly efficient DVC decoder using both serial and parallel technology based on a PC-HPC (high performance cluster) architecture, where the encoder is running in a general purpose PC and the decoder is running in a multicore HPC. The experimental results show that the parallelized decoder can achieve about 10 times speedup under various bit-rates and GOP sizes compared to the serial implementation and significant RD gains with regards to the state-of-the-art DISCOVER codec

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Advanced receivers for distributed cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are rapidly deployable wireless communications systems, operating with minimal coordination in order to avoid spectral efficiency losses caused by overhead. Cooperative transmission schemes are attractive for MANETs, but the distributed nature of such protocols comes with an increased level of interference, whose impact is further amplified by the need to push the limits of energy and spectral efficiency. Hence, the impact of interference has to be mitigated through with the use PHY layer signal processing algorithms with reasonable computational complexity. Recent advances in iterative digital receiver design techniques exploit approximate Bayesian inference and derivative message passing techniques to improve the capabilities of well-established turbo detectors. In particular, expectation propagation (EP) is a flexible technique which offers attractive complexity-performance trade-offs in situations where conventional belief propagation is limited by computational complexity. Moreover, thanks to emerging techniques in deep learning, such iterative structures are cast into deep detection networks, where learning the algorithmic hyper-parameters further improves receiver performance. In this thesis, EP-based finite-impulse response decision feedback equalizers are designed, and they achieve significant improvements, especially in high spectral efficiency applications, over more conventional turbo-equalization techniques, while having the advantage of being asymptotically predictable. A framework for designing frequency-domain EP-based receivers is proposed, in order to obtain detection architectures with low computational complexity. This framework is theoretically and numerically analysed with a focus on channel equalization, and then it is also extended to handle detection for time-varying channels and multiple-antenna systems. The design of multiple-user detectors and the impact of channel estimation are also explored to understand the capabilities and limits of this framework. Finally, a finite-length performance prediction method is presented for carrying out link abstraction for the EP-based frequency domain equalizer. The impact of accurate physical layer modelling is evaluated in the context of cooperative broadcasting in tactical MANETs, thanks to a flexible MAC-level simulato

    Hardware architecture to accelerate the belief propagation algorithm for a Wyner-Ziv decoder

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    Anuário Científico – 2009 & 2010 Resumos de Artigos, Comunicações, Teses, Patentes, Livros e Monografias de Mestrado

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    O Conselho Técnico-Científico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), na senda da consolidação da divulgação do conhecimento e da ciência desenvolvidos pelo nosso corpo docente, propõe-se publicar mais uma edição do Anuário Científico, relativa à produção científica de 2009 e 2010. A investigação, enquanto vertente estratégica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), tem concorrido para o seu reconhecimento nacional e internacional como instituição de referência e de qualidade na área do ensino das engenharias. É também nesta vertente que o ISEL consubstancia a sua ligação à sociedade portuguesa e internacional através da transferência de tecnologia e de conhecimento, resultantes da sua atividade científica e pedagógica, contribuindo para o seu desenvolvimento e crescimento de forma sustentada. São parte integrante do Anuário Científico todos os conteúdos com afiliação ISEL resultantes de resumos de artigos publicados em livros, revistas e atas de congressos que os docentes do ISEL apresentaram em fóruns e congressos nacionais e internacionais, bem como teses e patentes. Desde 2002, ano da publicação da primeira edição, temos assistido a uma evolução crescente do número de publicações de conteúdos científicos, fruto do trabalho desenvolvido pelos docentes que se têm empenhado com afinco e perseverança. Contudo, nestes dois anos (2009 e 2010) constatou-se um decréscimo no número de publicações, principalmente em 2010. Uma das causas poderá estar diretamente relacionada com a redução do financiamento ao ensino superior uma vez que limita toda a investigação no âmbito da atividade de I&D e da produção científica. Na sequência da implementação do Processo de Bolonha em 2006, o ISEL promoveu a criação de cursos de Mestrado disponibilizando uma oferta educativa mais completa e diversificada aos seus alunos, mas também de outras instituições, dotando-os de competências inovadoras apropriadas ao mercado de trabalho que hoje se carateriza mais competitivo e dinâmico. Terminados os períodos escolar e de execução das monografias dos alunos, os resumos destas são igualmente parte integrante deste Anuário, no que concerne à conclusão dos Mestrados em 2009 e 2010.A fim de permitir uma maior acessibilidade à comunidade científica e à sociedade civil, o Anuário Científico será editado de ora avante em formato eletrónico. Excecionalmente esta edição contempla publicações referentes a dois anos – 2009 e 2010