3 research outputs found

    Hardware Friendly Probabilistic Spiking Neural Network With Long-Term and Short-Term Plasticity

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    IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks And Learning Systems : Vol. 24, No. 12, December 2013

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    Canonical Correlation Analysis on Data With Censoring and Error Information - J. Sun and S. Keates Highly Accurate Moving Object Detection in Variable Bit Rate Video-Based Traffic Monitoring Systems - S. -C. Huang and B. -H. Chen Recurrent Neural Collective Classification - D. D. Monner and J. A. Reggia Online Selective Kernel-Based Temporal Difference Learning - X. Chen, Y. Gao, and R. Wang Stability and Synchronization of Discrete-Time Neural Network With Switching Parameters, and Time-Varying Delays - L. Wu, Z. Feng, and J. Lam Artificial Endocrine Controlller for Power Management in Robotic Systems C. Sauze and M. Neal Operator Control of Interneural Computing Machines - M. -H. Shih and F. -S. Tsai Multiple Graph Label Propagation by Sparse Integration - M. Karasuyama and H. Mamitsuka Universal Blind Image Quality Assessment Metrics Via Natural Scene Statistics and Multiple Kernel Learning - X. Gao, F. Gao, D. Tao, and X. Li H State Estimation for Complex Networks With Uncertain Inner Coupling and Incomplete Measurements - B. Shen, Z. wang, D. Ding, and H. Shu Goal Representation Heuristic Dynamic Programming on Maze Navigation - Z. Ni, H. He, J. Wen, and X. Xu Accelerated Canonical Polyadic Decomposition Using Mode Reduction - G. Zhou, A. Cichocki, and S. Xie Hardware Friendly Probabilistic spiking Neural Network With Long-Term and Short - Term Plasticity - H. -Y. Hsieh and K. -T. Tang Neural Network Architecture for Cognitive Navigation in Dynamic Environments - J. A. Villacorta - Atienza and V. A. Makarov An Equivalence Between Adaptive Dynamic Programming With a Critic and Backpropagation Through Time - M. Fairbank, E. Alonso, and D. Prokhorov Semisupervised Multitask Learning With Gaussian Processes - G Skolidis and G. Sanguinetti BRIEF PAPERS Nonlinear Projection Trick in Kernel Methods : An Alternative to the Kernel Trick - N. Kwak ANNOUNCEMENTS IEEE WCCI 2014 Etc