6 research outputs found

    Perfect zero knowledge for quantum multiprover interactive proofs

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    In this work we consider the interplay between multiprover interactive proofs, quantum entanglement, and zero knowledge proofs - notions that are central pillars of complexity theory, quantum information and cryptography. In particular, we study the relationship between the complexity class MIPβˆ—^*, the set of languages decidable by multiprover interactive proofs with quantumly entangled provers, and the class PZKMIPβˆ—^*, which is the set of languages decidable by MIPβˆ—^* protocols that furthermore possess the perfect zero knowledge property. Our main result is that the two classes are equal, i.e., MIPβˆ—=^* = PZKMIPβˆ—^*. This result provides a quantum analogue of the celebrated result of Ben-Or, Goldwasser, Kilian, and Wigderson (STOC 1988) who show that MIP == PZKMIP (in other words, all classical multiprover interactive protocols can be made zero knowledge). We prove our result by showing that every MIPβˆ—^* protocol can be efficiently transformed into an equivalent zero knowledge MIPβˆ—^* protocol in a manner that preserves the completeness-soundness gap. Combining our transformation with previous results by Slofstra (Forum of Mathematics, Pi 2019) and Fitzsimons, Ji, Vidick and Yuen (STOC 2019), we obtain the corollary that all co-recursively enumerable languages (which include undecidable problems as well as all decidable problems) have zero knowledge MIPβˆ—^* protocols with vanishing promise gap

    Composably secure device-independent encryption with certified deletion

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    We study the task of encryption with certified deletion (ECD) introduced by Broadbent and Islam (2019), but in a device-independent setting: we show that it is possible to achieve this task even when the honest parties do not trust their quantum devices. Moreover, we define security for the ECD task in a composable manner and show that our ECD protocol satisfies conditions that lead to composable security. Our protocol is based on device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD), and in particular the parallel DIQKD protocol based on the magic square non-local game, given by Jain, Miller and Shi (2020). To achieve certified deletion, we use a property of the magic square game observed by Fu and Miller (2017), namely that a two-round variant of the game can be used to certify deletion of a single random bit. In order to achieve certified deletion security for arbitrarily long messages from this property, we prove a parallel repetition theorem for two-round non-local games, which may be of independent interest.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figure

    Low-degree testing for quantum states, and a quantum entangled games PCP for QMA

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    We show that given an explicit description of a multiplayer game, with a classical verifier and a constant number of players, it is QMA-hard, under randomized reductions, to distinguish between the cases when the players have a strategy using entanglement that succeeds with probability 1 in the game, or when no such strategy succeeds with probability larger than 1/2. This proves the "games quantum PCP conjecture" of Fitzsimons and the second author (ITCS'15), albeit under randomized reductions. The core component in our reduction is a construction of a family of two-player games for testing nn-qubit maximally entangled states. For any integer nβ‰₯2n\geq2, we give a test in which questions from the verifier are O(log⁑n)O(\log n) bits long, and answers are poly(log⁑log⁑n)\mathrm{poly}(\log\log n) bits long. We show that for any constant Ξ΅β‰₯0\varepsilon\geq0, any strategy that succeeds with probability at least 1βˆ’Ξ΅1-\varepsilon in the test must use a state that is within distance O(Ξ΅c)O(\varepsilon^c) from a state that is locally equivalent to a maximally entangled state on nn qubits, for some universal constant c>0c>0. The construction is based on the classical plane-vs-point test for multivariate low-degree polynomials of Raz and Safra (STOC'97). We extend the classical test to the quantum regime by executing independent copies of the test in the generalized Pauli XX and ZZ bases over Fq\mathbb{F}_q, where qq is a sufficiently large prime power, and combine the two through a test for the Pauli twisted commutation relations. Our main complexity-theoretic result is obtained by combining this family of games with constructions of PCPs of proximity introduced by Ben-Sasson et al. (CCC'05), and crucially relies on a linear property of such PCPs. Another consequence of our results is a deterministic reduction from the games quantum PCP conjecture to a suitable formulation of the Hamiltonian quantum PCP conjecture.Comment: 59 pages. Game sized reduced from quasipolynomial to polynomial, yielding improved complexity-theoretic result

    Hardness amplification for entangled games via anchoring

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    We study the parallel repetition of one-round games involving players that can use quantum entanglement. A major open question in this area is whether parallel repetition reduces the entangled value of a game at an exponential rate - in other words, does an analogue of Raz's parallel repetition theorem hold for games with players sharing quantum entanglement? Previous results only apply to special classes of games. We introduce a class of games we call anchored. We then introduce a simple transformation on games called anchoring, inspired in part by the Feige-Kilian transformation, that turns any (multiplayer) game into an anchored game. Unlike the Feige-Kilian transformation, our anchoring transformation is completeness preserving. We prove an exponential-decay parallel repetition theorem for anchored games that involve any number of entangled players. We also prove a threshold version of our parallel repetition theorem for anchored games. Together, our parallel repetition theorems and anchoring transformation provide the first hardness amplification techniques for general entangled games. We give an application to the games version of the Quantum PCP Conjecture


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    We show that the class MIP* of languages that can be decided by a classical verifier interacting with multiple all-powerful quantum provers sharing entanglement is equal to the class RE of recursively enumerable languages. Our proof builds upon the quantum low-degree test of (Natarajan and Vidick, FOCS 2018) and the classical low-individual degree test of (Ji, et al., 2020) by integrating recent developments from (Natarajan and Wright, FOCS 2019) and combining them with the recursive compression framework of (Fitzsimons et al., STOC 2019). An immediate byproduct of our result is that there is an efficient reduction from the Halting Problem to the problem of deciding whether a two-player nonlocal game has entangled value 11 or at most 1/21/2. Using a known connection, undecidability of the entangled value implies a negative answer to Tsirelson's problem: we show, by providing an explicit example, that the closure CqaC_{qa} of the set of quantum tensor product correlations is strictly included in the set CqcC_{qc} of quantum commuting correlations. Following work of (Fritz, Rev. Math. Phys. 2012) and (Junge et al., J. Math. Phys. 2011) our results provide a refutation of Connes' embedding conjecture from the theory of von Neumann algebras.Comment: 206 pages. v2: Updated to use arXiv:2009.12982. New appendi