619 research outputs found

    Congruence from the Operator's Point of View: Compositionality Requirements on Process Semantics

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    One of the basic sanity properties of a behavioural semantics is that it constitutes a congruence with respect to standard process operators. This issue has been traditionally addressed by the development of rule formats for transition system specifications that define process algebras. In this paper we suggest a novel, orthogonal approach. Namely, we focus on a number of process operators, and for each of them attempt to find the widest possible class of congruences. To this end, we impose restrictions on sublanguages of Hennessy-Milner logic, so that a semantics whose modal characterization satisfies a given criterion is guaranteed to be a congruence with respect to the operator in question. We investigate action prefix, alternative composition, two restriction operators, and parallel composition.Comment: In Proceedings SOS 2010, arXiv:1008.190

    Generating and Solving Symbolic Parity Games

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    We present a new tool for verification of modal mu-calculus formulae for process specifications, based on symbolic parity games. It enhances an existing method, that first encodes the problem to a Parameterised Boolean Equation System (PBES) and then instantiates the PBES to a parity game. We improved the translation from specification to PBES to preserve the structure of the specification in the PBES, we extended LTSmin to instantiate PBESs to symbolic parity games, and implemented the recursive parity game solving algorithm by Zielonka for symbolic parity games. We use Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (MDDs) to represent sets and relations, thus enabling the tools to deal with very large systems. The transition relation is partitioned based on the structure of the specification, which allows for efficient manipulation of the MDDs. We performed two case studies on modular specifications, that demonstrate that the new method has better time and memory performance than existing PBES based tools and can be faster (but slightly less memory efficient) than the symbolic model checker NuSMV.Comment: In Proceedings GRAPHITE 2014, arXiv:1407.767

    Meta SOS - A Maude Based SOS Meta-Theory Framework

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    Meta SOS is a software framework designed to integrate the results from the meta-theory of structural operational semantics (SOS). These results include deriving semantic properties of language constructs just by syntactically analyzing their rule-based definition, as well as automatically deriving sound and ground-complete axiomatizations for languages, when considering a notion of behavioural equivalence. This paper describes the Meta SOS framework by blending aspects from the meta-theory of SOS, details on their implementation in Maude, and running examples.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2013, arXiv:1307.690

    A Process Algebraical Approach to Modelling Compartmentalized Biological Systems

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    This paper introduces Protein Calculus, a special modeling language designed for encoding and calculating the behaviors of compartmentilized biological systems. The formalism combines, in a unified framework, two successful computational paradigms - process algebras and membrane systems. The goal of Protein Calculus is to provide a formal tool for transforming collected information from in vivo experiments into coded definition of the different types of proteins, complexes of proteins, and membrane-organized systems of such entities. Using this encoded information as input, our calculus computes, in silico, the possible behaviors of a living system. This is the preliminary version of a paper that was published in Proceedings of International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE), American Institute of Physics, AIP Proceedings, N 2: 642-646, 2007 (http://scitation.aip.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=APCPCS&Volume=963&Issue=2)

    Web Services: A Process Algebra Approach

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    It is now well-admitted that formal methods are helpful for many issues raised in the Web service area. In this paper we present a framework for the design and verification of WSs using process algebras and their tools. We define a two-way mapping between abstract specifications written using these calculi and executable Web services written in BPEL4WS. Several choices are available: design and correct errors in BPEL4WS, using process algebra verification tools, or design and correct in process algebra and automatically obtaining the corresponding BPEL4WS code. The approaches can be combined. Process algebra are not useful only for temporal logic verification: we remark the use of simulation/bisimulation both for verification and for the hierarchical refinement design method. It is worth noting that our approach allows the use of any process algebra depending on the needs of the user at different levels (expressiveness, existence of reasoning tools, user expertise)

    A process algebra based framework for promise theory

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    We present a process algebra based approach to formalize the interactions of computing devices such as the representation of policies and the resolution of conflicts. As an example we specify how promises may be used in coming to an agreement regarding a simple though practical transportation problem.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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