1,757 research outputs found

    ModDrop: adaptive multi-modal gesture recognition

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    We present a method for gesture detection and localisation based on multi-scale and multi-modal deep learning. Each visual modality captures spatial information at a particular spatial scale (such as motion of the upper body or a hand), and the whole system operates at three temporal scales. Key to our technique is a training strategy which exploits: i) careful initialization of individual modalities; and ii) gradual fusion involving random dropping of separate channels (dubbed ModDrop) for learning cross-modality correlations while preserving uniqueness of each modality-specific representation. We present experiments on the ChaLearn 2014 Looking at People Challenge gesture recognition track, in which we placed first out of 17 teams. Fusing multiple modalities at several spatial and temporal scales leads to a significant increase in recognition rates, allowing the model to compensate for errors of the individual classifiers as well as noise in the separate channels. Futhermore, the proposed ModDrop training technique ensures robustness of the classifier to missing signals in one or several channels to produce meaningful predictions from any number of available modalities. In addition, we demonstrate the applicability of the proposed fusion scheme to modalities of arbitrary nature by experiments on the same dataset augmented with audio.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Log-Euclidean Bag of Words for Human Action Recognition

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    Representing videos by densely extracted local space-time features has recently become a popular approach for analysing actions. In this paper, we tackle the problem of categorising human actions by devising Bag of Words (BoW) models based on covariance matrices of spatio-temporal features, with the features formed from histograms of optical flow. Since covariance matrices form a special type of Riemannian manifold, the space of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, non-Euclidean geometry should be taken into account while discriminating between covariance matrices. To this end, we propose to embed SPD manifolds to Euclidean spaces via a diffeomorphism and extend the BoW approach to its Riemannian version. The proposed BoW approach takes into account the manifold geometry of SPD matrices during the generation of the codebook and histograms. Experiments on challenging human action datasets show that the proposed method obtains notable improvements in discrimination accuracy, in comparison to several state-of-the-art methods

    Sparse Coding on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds using Bregman Divergences

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    This paper introduces sparse coding and dictionary learning for Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, which are often used in machine learning, computer vision and related areas. Unlike traditional sparse coding schemes that work in vector spaces, in this paper we discuss how SPD matrices can be described by sparse combination of dictionary atoms, where the atoms are also SPD matrices. We propose to seek sparse coding by embedding the space of SPD matrices into Hilbert spaces through two types of Bregman matrix divergences. This not only leads to an efficient way of performing sparse coding, but also an online and iterative scheme for dictionary learning. We apply the proposed methods to several computer vision tasks where images are represented by region covariance matrices. Our proposed algorithms outperform state-of-the-art methods on a wide range of classification tasks, including face recognition, action recognition, material classification and texture categorization

    Fully automatic 3D facial expression recognition using a region-based approach

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    2D and 3D computer vision analysis of gaze, gender and age

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    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has been an active research area for over four decades. Research studies and commercial designs in this area have been largely facilitated by the visual modality which brings diversified functionality and improved usability to HCI interfaces by employing various computer vision techniques. This thesis explores a number of facial cues, such as gender, age and gaze, by performing 2D and 3D based computer vision analysis. The ultimate aim is to create a natural HCI strategy that can fulfil user expectations, augment user satisfaction and enrich user experience by understanding user characteristics and behaviours. To this end, salient features have been extracted and analysed from 2D and 3D face representations; 3D reconstruction algorithms and their compatible real-world imaging systems have been investigated; case study HCI systems have been designed to demonstrate the reliability, robustness, and applicability of the proposed method.More specifically, an unsupervised approach has been proposed to localise eye centres in images and videos accurately and efficiently. This is achieved by utilisation of two types of geometric features and eye models, complemented by an iris radius constraint and a selective oriented gradient filter specifically tailored to this modular scheme. This approach resolves challenges such as interfering facial edges, undesirable illumination conditions, head poses, and the presence of facial accessories and makeup. Tested on 3 publicly available databases (the BioID database, the GI4E database and the extended Yale Face Database b), and a self-collected database, this method outperforms all the methods in comparison and thus proves to be highly accurate and robust. Based on this approach, a gaze gesture recognition algorithm has been designed to increase the interactivity of HCI systems by encoding eye saccades into a communication channel similar to the role of hand gestures. As well as analysing eye/gaze data that represent user behaviours and reveal user intentions, this thesis also investigates the automatic recognition of user demographics such as gender and age. The Fisher Vector encoding algorithm is employed to construct visual vocabularies as salient features for gender and age classification. Algorithm evaluations on three publicly available databases (the FERET database, the LFW database and the FRCVv2 database) demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method in both laboratory and unconstrained environments. In order to achieve enhanced robustness, a two-source photometric stereo method has been introduced to recover surface normals such that more invariant 3D facia features become available that can further boost classification accuracy and robustness. A 2D+3D imaging system has been designed for construction of a self-collected dataset including 2D and 3D facial data. Experiments show that utilisation of 3D facial features can increase gender classification rate by up to 6% (based on the self-collected dataset), and can increase age classification rate by up to 12% (based on the Photoface database). Finally, two case study HCI systems, a gaze gesture based map browser and a directed advertising billboard, have been designed by adopting all the proposed algorithms as well as the fully compatible imaging system. Benefits from the proposed algorithms naturally ensure that the case study systems can possess high robustness to head pose variation and illumination variation; and can achieve excellent real-time performance. Overall, the proposed HCI strategy enabled by reliably recognised facial cues can serve to spawn a wide array of innovative systems and to bring HCI to a more natural and intelligent state

    Gender and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. The identification of visual cues in facial images has been widely explored in the broad area of computer vision. However theoretical analyses are often not transformed into widespread assistive Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) systems, due to factors such as inconsistent robustness, low efficiency, large computational expense or strong dependence on complex hardware. We present a novel gender recognition algorithm, a modular eye centre localisation approach and a gaze gesture recognition method, aiming to escalate the intelligence, adaptability and interactivity of HCI systems by combining demographic data (gender) and behavioural data (gaze) to enable development of a range of real-world assistive-technology applications. The gender recognition algorithm utilises Fisher Vectors as facial features which are encoded from low-level local features in facial images. We experimented with four types of low-level features: greyscale values, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), LBP histograms and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The corresponding Fisher Vectors were classified using a linear Support Vector Machine. The algorithm has been tested on the FERET database, the LFW database and the FRGCv2 database, yielding 97.7%, 92.5% and 96.7% accuracy respectively. The eye centre localisation algorithm has a modular approach, following a coarse-to-fine, global-to-regional scheme and utilising isophote and gradient features. A Selective Oriented Gradient filter has been specifically designed to detect and remove strong gradients from eyebrows, eye corners and self-shadows (which sabotage most eye centre localisation methods). The trajectories of the eye centres are then defined as gaze gestures for active HCI. The eye centre localisation algorithm has been compared with 10 other state-of-the-art algorithms with similar functionality and has outperformed them in terms of accuracy while maintaining excellent real-time performance. The above methods have been employed for development of a data recovery system that can be employed for implementation of advanced assistive technology tools. The high accuracy, reliability and real-time performance achieved for attention monitoring, gaze gesture control and recovery of demographic data, can enable the advanced human-robot interaction that is needed for developing systems that can provide assistance with everyday actions, thereby improving the quality of life for the elderly and/or disabled
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