5 research outputs found

    An enumeration of equilateral triangle dissections

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    We enumerate all dissections of an equilateral triangle into smaller equilateral triangles up to size 20, where each triangle has integer side lengths. A perfect dissection has no two triangles of the same side, counting up- and down-oriented triangles as different. We computationally prove W. T. Tutte's conjecture that the smallest perfect dissection has size 15 and we find all perfect dissections up to size 20.Comment: Final version sent to journal

    Latin bitrades derived from quasigroup autoparatopisms

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    In 2008, Cavenagh and Dr\'{a}pal, et al, described a method of constructing Latin trades using groups. The Latin trades that arise from this construction are entry-transitive (that is, there always exists an autoparatopism of the Latin trade mapping any ordered triple to any other ordered triple). Moreover, useful properties of the Latin trade can be established using properties of the group. However, the construction does not give a direct embedding of the Latin trade into any particular Latin square. In this paper, we generalize the above to construct Latin trades embedded in a Latin square LL, via the autoparatopism group of the quasigroup with Cayley table LL. We apply this theory to identify non-trivial entry-transitive trades in some group operation tables as well as in Latin squares that arise from quadratic orthomorphism

    A uniqueness result for 33-homogeneous latin trades

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    summary:A latin trade is a subset of a latin square which may be replaced with a disjoint mate to obtain a new latin square. A kk-homogeneous latin trade is one which intersects each row, each column and each entry of the latin square either 00 or kk times. In this paper, we show that a construction given by Cavenagh, Donovan and Drápal for 33-homogeneous latin trades in fact classifies every minimal 33-homogeneous latin trade. We in turn classify all 33-homogeneous latin trades. A corollary is that any 33-homogeneous latin trade may be partitioned into three, disjoint, partial transversals