1,928 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian Dynamics Learning from Point Cloud Observations for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Control

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    Reliable autonomous navigation requires adapting the control policy of a mobile robot in response to dynamics changes in different operational conditions. Hand-designed dynamics models may struggle to capture model variations due to a limited set of parameters. Data-driven dynamics learning approaches offer higher model capacity and better generalization but require large amounts of state-labeled data. This paper develops an approach for learning robot dynamics directly from point-cloud observations, removing the need and associated errors of state estimation, while embedding Hamiltonian structure in the dynamics model to improve data efficiency. We design an observation-space loss that relates motion prediction from the dynamics model with motion prediction from point-cloud registration to train a Hamiltonian neural ordinary differential equation. The learned Hamiltonian model enables the design of an energy-shaping model-based tracking controller for rigid-body robots. We demonstrate dynamics learning and tracking control on a real nonholonomic wheeled robot.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Secure Trajectory Planning Against Undetectable Spoofing Attacks

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    This paper studies, for the first time, the trajectory planning problem in adversarial environments, where the objective is to design the trajectory of a robot to reach a desired final state despite the unknown and arbitrary action of an attacker. In particular, we consider a robot moving in a two-dimensional space and equipped with two sensors, namely, a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensor and a Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) sensor. The attacker can arbitrarily spoof the readings of the GNSS sensor and the robot control input so as to maximally deviate his trajectory from the nominal precomputed path. We derive explicit and constructive conditions for the existence of undetectable attacks, through which the attacker deviates the robot trajectory in a stealthy way. Conversely, we characterize the existence of secure trajectories, which guarantee that the robot either moves along the nominal trajectory or that the attack remains detectable. We show that secure trajectories can only exist between a subset of states, and provide a numerical mechanism to compute them. We illustrate our findings through several numerical studies, and discuss that our methods are applicable to different models of robot dynamics, including unicycles. More generally, our results show how control design affects security in systems with nonlinear dynamics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Automatic

    LEMURS: Learning Distributed Multi-Robot Interactions

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    This paper presents LEMURS, an algorithm for learning scalable multi-robot control policies from cooperative task demonstrations. We propose a port-Hamiltonian description of the multi-robot system to exploit universal physical constraints in interconnected systems and achieve closed-loop stability. We represent a multi-robot control policy using an architecture that combines self-attention mechanisms and neural ordinary differential equations. The former handles time-varying communication in the robot team, while the latter respects the continuous-time robot dynamics. Our representation is distributed by construction, enabling the learned control policies to be deployed in robot teams of different sizes. We demonstrate that LEMURS can learn interactions and cooperative behaviors from demonstrations of multi-agent navigation and flocking tasks.Comment: In Submissio

    A Real-Time Solver For Time-Optimal Control Of Omnidirectional Robots with Bounded Acceleration

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    We are interested in the problem of time-optimal control of omnidirectional robots with bounded acceleration (TOC-ORBA). While there exist approximate solutions for such robots, and exact solutions with unbounded acceleration, exact solvers to the TOC-ORBA problem have remained elusive until now. In this paper, we present a real-time solver for true time-optimal control of omnidirectional robots with bounded acceleration. We first derive the general parameterized form of the solution to the TOC-ORBA problem by application of Pontryagin's maximum principle. We then frame the boundary value problem of TOC-ORBA as an optimization problem over the parametrized control space. To overcome local minima and poor initial guesses to the optimization problem, we introduce a two-stage optimal control solver (TSOCS): The first stage computes an upper bound to the total time for the TOC-ORBA problem and holds the time constant while optimizing the parameters of the trajectory to approach the boundary value conditions. The second stage uses the parameters found by the first stage, and relaxes the constraint on the total time to solve for the parameters of the complete TOC-ORBA problem. We further implement TSOCS as a closed loop controller to overcome actuation errors on real robots in real-time. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of TSOCS in simulation and on real robots, showing that 1) it runs in real time, generating solutions in less than 0.5ms on average; 2) it generates faster trajectories compared to an approximate solver; and 3) it is able to solve TOC-ORBA problems with non-zero final velocities that were previously unsolvable in real-time

    Physics-Informed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Multi-Robot Problems

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    The networked nature of multi-robot systems presents challenges in the context of multi-agent reinforcement learning. Centralized control policies do not scale with increasing numbers of robots, whereas independent control policies do not exploit the information provided by other robots, exhibiting poor performance in cooperative-competitive tasks. In this work we propose a physics-informed reinforcement learning approach able to learn distributed multi-robot control policies that are both scalable and make use of all the available information to each robot. Our approach has three key characteristics. First, it imposes a port-Hamiltonian structure on the policy representation, respecting energy conservation properties of physical robot systems and the networked nature of robot team interactions. Second, it uses self-attention to ensure a sparse policy representation able to handle time-varying information at each robot from the interaction graph. Third, we present a soft actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm parameterized by our self-attention port-Hamiltonian control policy, which accounts for the correlation among robots during training while overcoming the need of value function factorization. Extensive simulations in different multi-robot scenarios demonstrate the success of the proposed approach, surpassing previous multi-robot reinforcement learning solutions in scalability, while achieving similar or superior performance (with averaged cumulative reward up to x2 greater than the state-of-the-art with robot teams x6 larger than the number of robots at training time).Comment: This paper is under review at IEEE T-R
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