2 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds on 00-Extension with Steiner Nodes

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    In the 00-Extension problem, we are given an edge-weighted graph G=(V,E,c)G=(V,E,c), a set TVT\subseteq V of its vertices called terminals, and a semi-metric DD over TT, and the goal is to find an assignment ff of each non-terminal vertex to a terminal, minimizing the sum, over all edges (u,v)E(u,v)\in E, the product of the edge weight c(u,v)c(u,v) and the distance D(f(u),f(v))D(f(u),f(v)) between the terminals that u,vu,v are mapped to. Current best approximation algorithms on 00-Extension are based on rounding a linear programming relaxation called the \emph{semi-metric LP relaxation}. The integrality gap of this LP, with best upper bound O(logT/loglogT)O(\log |T|/\log\log |T|) and best lower bound Ω((logT)2/3)\Omega((\log |T|)^{2/3}), has been shown to be closely related to the best quality of cut and flow vertex sparsifiers. We study a variant of the 00-Extension problem where Steiner vertices are allowed. Specifically, we focus on the integrality gap of the same semi-metric LP relaxation to this new problem. Following from previous work, this new integrality gap turns out to be closely related to the quality achievable by cut/flow vertex sparsifiers with Steiner nodes, a major open problem in graph compression. Our main result is that the new integrality gap stays superconstant Ω(loglogT)\Omega(\log\log |T|) even if we allow a super-linear O(Tlog1εT)O(|T|\log^{1-\varepsilon}|T|) number of Steiner nodes