4 research outputs found

    ETH-XGaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation

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    Gaze estimation is a fundamental task in many applications of computer vision, human computer interaction and robotics. Many state-of-the-art methods are trained and tested on custom datasets, making comparison across methods challenging. Furthermore, existing gaze estimation datasets have limited head pose and gaze variations, and the evaluations are conducted using different protocols and metrics. In this paper, we propose a new gaze estimation dataset called ETH-XGaze, consisting of over one million high-resolution images of varying gaze under extreme head poses. We collect this dataset from 110 participants with a custom hardware setup including 18 digital SLR cameras and adjustable illumination conditions, and a calibrated system to record ground truth gaze targets. We show that our dataset can significantly improve the robustness of gaze estimation methods across different head poses and gaze angles. Additionally, we define a standardized experimental protocol and evaluation metric on ETH-XGaze, to better unify gaze estimation research going forward. The dataset and benchmark website are available at https://ait.ethz.ch/projects/2020/ETH-XGazeComment: Accepted at ECCV 2020 (Spotlight

    Active and Physics-Based Human Pose Reconstruction

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    Perceiving humans is an important and complex problem within computervision. Its significance is derived from its numerous applications, suchas human-robot interaction, virtual reality, markerless motion capture,and human tracking for autonomous driving. The difficulty lies in thevariability in human appearance, physique, and plausible body poses. Inreal-world scenes, this is further exacerbated by difficult lightingconditions, partial occlusions, and the depth ambiguity stemming fromthe loss of information during the 3d to 2d projection. Despite thesechallenges, significant progress has been made in recent years,primarily due to the expressive power of deep neural networks trained onlarge datasets. However, creating large-scale datasets with 3dannotations is expensive, and capturing the vast diversity of the realworld is demanding. Traditionally, 3d ground truth is captured usingmotion capture laboratories that require large investments. Furthermore,many laboratories cannot easily accommodate athletic and dynamicmotions. This thesis studies three approaches to improving visualperception, with emphasis on human pose estimation, that can complementimprovements to the underlying predictor or training data.The first two papers present active human pose estimation, where areinforcement learning agent is tasked with selecting informativeviewpoints to reconstruct subjects efficiently. The papers discard thecommon assumption that the input is given and instead allow the agent tomove to observe subjects from desirable viewpoints, e.g., those whichavoid occlusions and for which the underlying pose estimator has a lowprediction error.The third paper introduces the task of embodied visual active learning,which goes further and assumes that the perceptual model is notpre-trained. Instead, the agent is tasked with exploring its environmentand requesting annotations to refine its visual model. Learning toexplore novel scenarios and efficiently request annotation for new datais a step towards life-long learning, where models can evolve beyondwhat they learned during the initial training phase. We study theproblem for segmentation, though the idea is applicable to otherperception tasks.Lastly, the final two papers propose improving human pose estimation byintegrating physical constraints. These regularize the reconstructedmotions to be physically plausible and serve as a complement to currentkinematic approaches. Whether a motion has been observed in the trainingdata or not, the predictions should obey the laws of physics. Throughintegration with a physical simulator, we demonstrate that we can reducereconstruction artifacts and enforce, e.g., contact constraints

    Reinforcement Learning for Active Visual Perception

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    Visual perception refers to automatically recognizing, detecting, or otherwise sensing the content of an image, video or scene. The most common contemporary approach to tackle a visual perception task is by training a deep neural network on a pre-existing dataset which provides examples of task success and failure, respectively. Despite remarkable recent progress across a wide range of vision tasks, many standard methodologies are static in that they lack mechanisms for adapting to any particular settings or constraints of the task at hand. The ability to adapt is desirable in many practical scenarios, since the operating regime often differs from the training setup. For example, a robot which has learnt to recognize a static set of training images may perform poorly in real-world settings, where it may view objects from unusual angles or explore poorly illuminated environments. The robot should then ideally be able to actively position itself to observe the scene from viewpoints where it is more confident, or refine its perception with only a limited amount of training data for its present operating conditions.In this thesis we demonstrate how reinforcement learning (RL) can be integrated with three fundamental visual perception tasks -- object detection, human pose estimation, and semantic segmentation -- in order to make the resulting pipelines more adaptive, accurate and/or faster. In the first part we provide object detectors with the capacity to actively select what parts of a given image to analyze and when to terminate the detection process. Several ideas are proposed and empirically evaluated, such as explicitly including the speed-accuracy trade-off in the training process, which makes it possible to specify this trade-off during inference. In the second part we consider active multi-view 3d human pose estimation in complex scenarios with multiple people. We explore this in two different contexts: i) active triangulation, which requires carefully observing each body joint from multiple viewpoints, and ii) active viewpoint selection for monocular 3d estimators, which requires considering which viewpoints yield accurate fused estimates when combined. In both settings the viewpoint selection systems face several challenges, such as partial observability resulting e.g. from occlusions. We show that RL-based methods outperform heuristic ones in accuracy, with negligible computational overhead. Finally, the thesis concludes with establishing a framework for embodied visual active learning in the context of semantic segmentation, where an agent should explore a 3d environment and actively query annotations to refine its visual perception. Our empirical results suggest that reinforcement learning can be successfully applied within this framework as well