359 research outputs found

    Near-Instantaneously Adaptive HSDPA-Style OFDM Versus MC-CDMA Transceivers for WIFI, WIMAX, and Next-Generation Cellular Systems

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    Burts-by-burst (BbB) adaptive high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) style multicarrier systems are reviewed, identifying their most critical design aspects. These systems exhibit numerous attractive features, rendering them eminently eligible for employment in next-generation wireless systems. It is argued that BbB-adaptive or symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modems counteract the near instantaneous channel quality variations and hence attain an increased throughput or robustness in comparison to their fixed-mode counterparts. Although they act quite differently, various diversity techniques, such as Rake receivers and space-time block coding (STBC) are also capable of mitigating the channel quality variations in their effort to reduce the bit error ratio (BER), provided that the individual antenna elements experience independent fading. By contrast, in the presence of correlated fading imposed by shadowing or time-variant multiuser interference, the benefits of space-time coding erode and it is unrealistic to expect that a fixed-mode space-time coded system remains capable of maintaining a near-constant BER

    Coded Parity Packet Transmission Method for Two Group Resource Allocation

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    Gap value control is investigated when the number of source and parity packets is adjusted in a concatenated coding scheme whilst keeping the overall coding rate fixed. Packet-based outer codes which are generated from bit-wise XOR combinations of the source packets are used to adjust the number of both source packets. Having the source packets, the number of parity packets, which are the bit-wise XOR combinations of the source packets can be adjusted such that the gap value, which measures the gap between the theoretical and the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), is controlled without changing the actual coding rate. Consequently, the required SNR reduces, yielding a lower required energy to realize the transmission data rate. Integrating this coding technique with a two-group resource allocation scheme renders efficient utilization of the total energy to further improve the data rates. With a relatively small-sized set of discrete data rates, the system throughput achieved by the proposed two-group loading scheme is observed to be approximately equal to that of the existing loading scheme, which is operated with a much larger set of discrete data rates. The gain obtained by the proposed scheme over the existing equal rate and equal energy loading scheme is approximately 5 dB. Furthermore, a successive interference cancellation scheme is also integrated with this coding technique, which can be used to decode and provide consecutive symbols for inter-symbol interference (ISI) and multiple access interference (MAI) mitigation. With this integrated scheme, the computational complexity is signi cantly reduced by eliminating matrix inversions. In the same manner, the proposed coding scheme is also incorporated into a novel fixed energy loading, which distributes packets over parallel channels, to control the gap value of the data rates although the SNR of each code channel varies from each other

    Coded Parity Packet Transmission Method for Two Group Resource Allocation

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    Gap value control is investigated when the number of source and parity packets is adjusted in a concatenated coding scheme whilst keeping the overall coding rate fixed. Packet-based outer codes which are generated from bit-wise XOR combinations of the source packets are used to adjust the number of both source packets. Having the source packets, the number of parity packets, which are the bit-wise XOR combinations of the source packets can be adjusted such that the gap value, which measures the gap between the theoretical and the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), is controlled without changing the actual coding rate. Consequently, the required SNR reduces, yielding a lower required energy to realize the transmission data rate. Integrating this coding technique with a two-group resource allocation scheme renders efficient utilization of the total energy to further improve the data rates. With a relatively small-sized set of discrete data rates, the system throughput achieved by the proposed two-group loading scheme is observed to be approximately equal to that of the existing loading scheme, which is operated with a much larger set of discrete data rates. The gain obtained by the proposed scheme over the existing equal rate and equal energy loading scheme is approximately 5 dB. Furthermore, a successive interference cancellation scheme is also integrated with this coding technique, which can be used to decode and provide consecutive symbols for inter-symbol interference (ISI) and multiple access interference (MAI) mitigation. With this integrated scheme, the computational complexity is signi cantly reduced by eliminating matrix inversions. In the same manner, the proposed coding scheme is also incorporated into a novel fixed energy loading, which distributes packets over parallel channels, to control the gap value of the data rates although the SNR of each code channel varies from each other

    Efficient Radio Resource Allocation Schemes and Code Optimizations for High Speed Downlink Packet Access Transmission

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    An important enhancement on the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) air interface of the 3G mobile communications, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) standard has been launched to realize higher spectral utilization efficiency. It introduces the features of multicode CDMA transmission and Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) technique, which makes radio resource allocation feasible and essential. This thesis studies channel-aware resource allocation schemes, coupled with fast power adjustment and spreading code optimization techniques, for the HSDPA standard operating over frequency selective channel. A two-group resource allocation scheme is developed in order to achieve a promising balance between performance enhancement and time efficiency. It only requires calculating two parameters to specify the allocations of discrete bit rates and transmitted symbol energies in all channels. The thesis develops the calculation methods of the two parameters for interference-free and interference-present channels, respectively. For the interference-present channels, the performance of two-group allocation can be further enhanced by applying a clustering-based channel removal scheme. In order to make the two-group approach more time-efficient, reduction in matrix inversions in optimum energy calculation is then discussed. When the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalizer is applied, optimum energy allocation can be calculated by iterating a set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. By using the MMSE Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) receiver, the optimum energies are calculated recursively combined with an optimum channel ordering scheme for enhancement in both system performance and time efficiency. This thesis then studies the signature optimization methods with multipath channel and examines their system performances when combined with different resource allocation methods. Two multipath-aware signature optimization methods are developed by applying iterative optimization techniques, for the system using MMSE equalizer and MMSE precoder respectively. A PAM system using complex signature sequences is also examined for improving resource utilization efficiency, where two receiving schemes are proposed to fully take advantage of PAM features. In addition by applying a short chip sampling window, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based interference-free signature design method is presented

    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D3.2 Implementation of relevant algorithms

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    This deliverable provides a high level description of the software developed within the I-METRA project following the selection reported in D3.1 "Design, Analysis and Selection of Suitable Algorithms".Preprin

    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D4 Performance evaluation

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    This document considers the performance of multiantenna transmit/receive techniques in high-speed downlink and uplink packet access. The evaluation is done using both link and system level simulations by taking into account link adaptation and packet retransmissions. The document is based on the initial studies carried out in deliverables D3.1 and D3.2.Preprin

    Equalization of Third-Order Intermodulation Products in Wideband Direct Conversion Receivers

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    This paper reports a SAW-less direct-conversion receiver which utilizes a mixed-signal feedforward path to regenerate and adaptively cancel IM3 products, thus accomplishing system-level linearization. The receiver system performance is dominated by a custom integrated RF front end implemented in 130-nm CMOS and achieves an uncorrected out-of-band IIP3 of -7.1 dBm under the worst-case UMTS FDD Region 1 blocking specifications. Under IM3 equalization, the receiver achieves an effective IIP3 of +5.3 dBm and meets the UMTS BER sensitivity requirement with 3.7 dB of margin

    Overview of UMTS network evolution through radio and transmission feature validation

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    This project is based on several UMTS network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for HSPA data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Hardware and software validation is a key step in the relationship between the mobile network operator and the vendor. Through this verification process, while executing that functionality or testing a specific hardware, the difference between the actual result and expected result can be better understood and, in turn, this in-depth knowledge acquisition is translated into a tailored usage of the product in the operator’s live network. As a result, validation helps in building a better product as per the customer’s requirement and helps satisfying their needs, which positively impacts in the future evolution of the vendor product roadmap implementation process for a specific customer. This project is based on several Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSPA) data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Las campañas de validación hardware y software son un paso clave en las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre un operador de telecomunicaciones y su proveedor de equipos de red. Durante los procesos de certificación, mientras se ejecuta una funcionalidad software o se valida un determinado hardware, se obtiene un conocimiento profundo de la diferencia entre el resultado obtenido y el esperado, repercutiendo directamente en un uso a medida de dicha funcionalidad o hardware en la propia red del cliente. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, podemos aseverar que los procesos de validación permiten en gran medida al proveedor adaptarse mejor a los requerimientos del cliente, ayudando a satisfacer realmente sus necesidades. Esto implica directamente un impacto positivo en la futura evolución del portfolio que el fabricante ofrece a un determinado cliente. Este proyecto está basado en la validación de diferentes funcionalidades de red UMTS, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar un conocimiento global de distintos aspectos que conforman el funcionamiento de una red de telecomunicaciones 3G, como son los procesos de movilidad de acceso radio (acampado de red y handover inter-sistema), las mejoras en la calidad de servicio para usuarios de datos HSPA y la convergencia de la red de transporte hacia la era IP.Els processos de validació hardware i software són un punt clau en les relacions comercials establertes entre un operador de telecomunicaciones i el proveïdor d'equipament de la xarxa. En el transcurs dels processos de certificació, a la mateixa vegada que s'executa una funcionalitat software o es valida un determinat hardware, s'obtenen grans coneixements respecte la diferència entre el resultat obtingut i l'esperat, que són d'aplicació directa a l'hora d'establir un ús adpatat a la xarxa del client. En conseqüència, podem asseverar que les campanyes de validació permeten en gran mesura al proveïdor adaptar-se millor als requeriments del client, ajudant a satisfer realment les seves necessitats. Això implica directament un impacte positiu en la futura evol.lució del portfoli que el fabricant ofereix a un determinat client. Aquest projecte es basa en la presentació d'un procès de validació de diferents funcionalitats relacionades amb la xarxa UMTS, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un coneixement global de la varietat d'aspectes que conformen el funcionament d'una xarxa de telecomunicacions 3G, com són els processos de mobilitat en accès radio (acampat de l'usuari i handover inter-sistema), millores en la qualitat de servei per a usuaris de dades HSPA i la convergència de la xarxa de transport cap a l'era IP