10,672 research outputs found

    Computational Intelligence for Condition Monitoring

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    Condition monitoring techniques are described in this chapter. Two aspects of condition monitoring process are considered: (1) feature extraction; and (2) condition classification. Feature extraction methods described and implemented are fractals, Kurtosis and Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients. Classification methods described and implemented are support vector machines (SVM), hidden Markov models (HMM), Gaussian mixture models (GMM) and extension neural networks (ENN). The effectiveness of these features were tested using SVM, HMM, GMM and ENN on condition monitoring of bearings and are found to give good results.Comment: 23 page

    Word Representations, Tree Models and Syntactic Functions

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    Word representations induced from models with discrete latent variables (e.g.\ HMMs) have been shown to be beneficial in many NLP applications. In this work, we exploit labeled syntactic dependency trees and formalize the induction problem as unsupervised learning of tree-structured hidden Markov models. Syntactic functions are used as additional observed variables in the model, influencing both transition and emission components. Such syntactic information can potentially lead to capturing more fine-grain and functional distinctions between words, which, in turn, may be desirable in many NLP applications. We evaluate the word representations on two tasks -- named entity recognition and semantic frame identification. We observe improvements from exploiting syntactic function information in both cases, and the results rivaling those of state-of-the-art representation learning methods. Additionally, we revisit the relationship between sequential and unlabeled-tree models and find that the advantage of the latter is not self-evident.Comment: Add github code repository link. Fix equation 4.

    High Performance Human Face Recognition using Gabor based Pseudo Hidden Markov Model

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    This paper introduces a novel methodology that combines the multi-resolution feature of the Gabor wavelet transformation (GWT) with the local interactions of the facial structures expressed through the Pseudo Hidden Markov model (PHMM). Unlike the traditional zigzag scanning method for feature extraction a continuous scanning method from top-left corner to right then top-down and right to left and so on until right-bottom of the image i.e. a spiral scanning technique has been proposed for better feature selection. Unlike traditional HMMs, the proposed PHMM does not perform the state conditional independence of the visible observation sequence assumption. This is achieved via the concept of local structures introduced by the PHMM used to extract facial bands and automatically select the most informative features of a face image. Thus, the long-range dependency problem inherent to traditional HMMs has been drastically reduced. Again with the use of most informative pixels rather than the whole image makes the proposed method reasonably faster for face recognition. This method has been successfully tested on frontal face images from the ORL, FRAV2D and FERET face databases where the images vary in pose, illumination, expression, and scale. The FERET data set contains 2200 frontal face images of 200 subjects, while the FRAV2D data set consists of 1100 images of 100 subjects and the full ORL database is considered. The results reported in this application are far better than the recent and most referred systems.Comment: 9 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1312.151

    Use HMM and KNN for classifying corneal data

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    These days to gain classification system with high accuracy that can classify complicated pattern are so useful in medicine and industry. In this article a process for getting the best classifier for Lasik data is suggested. However at first it's been tried to find the best line and curve by this classifier in order to gain classifier fitting, and in the end by using the Markov method a classifier for topographies is gained

    Analysis of Multilingual Sequence-to-Sequence speech recognition systems

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    This paper investigates the applications of various multilingual approaches developed in conventional hidden Markov model (HMM) systems to sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) automatic speech recognition (ASR). On a set composed of Babel data, we first show the effectiveness of multi-lingual training with stacked bottle-neck (SBN) features. Then we explore various architectures and training strategies of multi-lingual seq2seq models based on CTC-attention networks including combinations of output layer, CTC and/or attention component re-training. We also investigate the effectiveness of language-transfer learning in a very low resource scenario when the target language is not included in the original multi-lingual training data. Interestingly, we found multilingual features superior to multilingual models, and this finding suggests that we can efficiently combine the benefits of the HMM system with the seq2seq system through these multilingual feature techniques.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.0345

    Building Prior Knowledge: A Markov Based Pedestrian Prediction Model Using Urban Environmental Data

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    Autonomous Vehicles navigating in urban areas have a need to understand and predict future pedestrian behavior for safer navigation. This high level of situational awareness requires observing pedestrian behavior and extrapolating their positions to know future positions. While some work has been done in this field using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), one of the few observed drawbacks of the method is the need for informed priors for learning behavior. In this work, an extension to the Growing Hidden Markov Model (GHMM) method is proposed to solve some of these drawbacks. This is achieved by building on existing work using potential cost maps and the principle of Natural Vision. As a consequence, the proposed model is able to predict pedestrian positions more precisely over a longer horizon compared to the state of the art. The method is tested over "legal" and "illegal" behavior of pedestrians, having trained the model with sparse observations and partial trajectories. The method, with no training data, is compared against a trained state of the art model. It is observed that the proposed method is robust even in new, previously unseen areas.Comment: 15 th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2018), Nov 2018, Singapore, Singapor

    Architectures for Detecting Interleaved Multi-stage Network Attacks Using Hidden Markov Models

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    With the growing amount of cyber threats, the need for development of high-assurance cyber systems is becoming increasingly important. The objective of this paper is to address the challenges of modeling and detecting sophisticated network attacks, such as multiple interleaved attacks. We present the interleaving concept and investigate how interleaving multiple attacks can deceive intrusion detection systems. Using one of the important statistical machine learning (ML) techniques, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), we develop two architectures that take into account the stealth nature of the interleaving attacks, and that can detect and track the progress of these attacks. These architectures deploy a database of HMM templates of known attacks and exhibit varying performance and complexity. For performance evaluation, in the presence of multiple multi-stage attack scenarios, various metrics are proposed which include (1) attack risk probability, (2) detection error rate, and (3) the number of correctly detected stages. Extensive simulation experiments are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed architectures

    Pay Attention to What You Read: Non-recurrent Handwritten Text-Line Recognition

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    The advent of recurrent neural networks for handwriting recognition marked an important milestone reaching impressive recognition accuracies despite the great variability that we observe across different writing styles. Sequential architectures are a perfect fit to model text lines, not only because of the inherent temporal aspect of text, but also to learn probability distributions over sequences of characters and words. However, using such recurrent paradigms comes at a cost at training stage, since their sequential pipelines prevent parallelization. In this work, we introduce a non-recurrent approach to recognize handwritten text by the use of transformer models. We propose a novel method that bypasses any recurrence. By using multi-head self-attention layers both at the visual and textual stages, we are able to tackle character recognition as well as to learn language-related dependencies of the character sequences to be decoded. Our model is unconstrained to any predefined vocabulary, being able to recognize out-of-vocabulary words, i.e. words that do not appear in the training vocabulary. We significantly advance over prior art and demonstrate that satisfactory recognition accuracies are yielded even in few-shot learning scenarios

    Know Your Master: Driver Profiling-based Anti-theft Method

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    Although many anti-theft technologies are implemented, auto-theft is still increasing. Also, security vulnerabilities of cars can be used for auto-theft by neutralizing anti-theft system. This keyless auto-theft attack will be increased as cars adopt computerized electronic devices more. To detect auto-theft efficiently, we propose the driver verification method that analyzes driving patterns using measurements from the sensor in the vehicle. In our model, we add mechanical features of automotive parts that are excluded in previous works, but can be differentiated by drivers' driving behaviors. We design the model that uses significant features through feature selection to reduce the time cost of feature processing and improve the detection performance. Further, we enrich the feature set by deriving statistical features such as mean, median, and standard deviation. This minimizes the effect of fluctuation of feature values per driver and finally generates the reliable model. We also analyze the effect of the size of sliding window on performance to detect the time point when the detection becomes reliable and to inform owners the theft event as soon as possible. We apply our model with real driving and show the contribution of our work to the literature of driver identification.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for PST 2016 : 14th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trus

    Online Signature Verification using Deep Representation: A new Descriptor

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    This paper presents an accurate method for verifying online signatures. The main difficulty of signature verification come from: (1) Lacking enough training samples (2) The methods must be spatial change invariant. To deal with these difficulties and modeling the signatures efficiently, we propose a method that a one-class classifier per each user is built on discriminative features. First, we pre-train a sparse auto-encoder using a large number of unlabeled signatures, then we applied the discriminative features, which are learned by auto-encoder to represent the training and testing signatures as a self-thought learning method (i.e. we have introduced a signature descriptor). Finally, user's signatures are modeled and classified using a one-class classifier. The proposed method is independent on signature datasets thanks to self-taught learning. The experimental results indicate significant error reduction and accuracy enhancement in comparison with state-of-the-art methods on SVC2004 and SUSIG datasets.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1505.0815