56 research outputs found

    HAL — The Missing Piece of the Puzzle for Hardware Reverse Engineering, Trojan Detection and Insertion

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    Hardware manipulations pose a serious threat to numerous systems, ranging from a myriad of smart-X devices to military systems. In many attack scenarios an adversary merely has access to the low-level, potentially obfuscated gate-level netlist. In general, the attacker possesses minimal information and faces the costly and time-consuming task of reverse engineering the design to identify security-critical circuitry, followed by the insertion of a meaningful hardware Trojan. These challenges have been considered only in passing by the research community. The contribution of this work is threefold: First, we present HAL, a comprehensive reverse engineering and manipulation framework for gate-level netlists. HAL allows automating defensive design analysis (e.g., including arbitrary Trojan detection algorithms with minimal effort) as well as offensive reverse engineering and targeted logic insertion. Second, we present a novel static analysis Trojan detection technique ANGEL which considerably reduces the false-positive detection rate of the detection technique FANCI. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ANGEL is capable of automatically detecting Trojans obfuscated with DeTrust. Third, we demonstrate how a malicious party can semi-automatically inject hardware Trojans into third-party designs. We present reverse engineering algorithms to disarm and trick cryptographic self-tests, and subtly leak cryptographic keys without any a priori knowledge of the design’s internal workings

    Insights into the Mind of a Trojan Designer: The Challenge to Integrate a Trojan into the Bitstream

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    The threat of inserting hardware Trojans during the design, production, or in-field poses a danger for integrated circuits in real-world applications. A particular critical case of hardware Trojans is the malicious manipulation of third-party FPGA configurations. In addition to attack vectors during the design process, FPGAs can be infiltrated in a non-invasive manner after shipment through alterations of the bitstream. First, we present an improved methodology for bitstream file format reversing. Second, we introduce a novel idea for Trojan insertion

    Stealthy Opaque Predicates in Hardware -- Obfuscating Constant Expressions at Negligible Overhead

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    Opaque predicates are a well-established fundamental building block for software obfuscation. Simplified, an opaque predicate implements an expression that provides constant Boolean output, but appears to have dynamic behavior for static analysis. Even though there has been extensive research regarding opaque predicates in software, techniques for opaque predicates in hardware are barely explored. In this work, we propose a novel technique to instantiate opaque predicates in hardware, such that they (1) are resource-efficient, and (2) are challenging to reverse engineer even with dynamic analysis capabilities. We demonstrate the applicability of opaque predicates in hardware for both, protection of intellectual property and obfuscation of cryptographic hardware Trojans. Our results show that we are able to implement stealthy opaque predicates in hardware with minimal overhead in area and no impact on latency

    Teaching Hardware Reverse Engineering: Educational Guidelines and Practical Insights

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    Since underlying hardware components form the basis of trust in virtually any computing system, security failures in hardware pose a devastating threat to our daily lives. Hardware reverse engineering is commonly employed by security engineers in order to identify security vulnerabilities, to detect IP violations, or to conduct very-large-scale integration (VLSI) failure analysis. Even though industry and the scientific community demand experts with expertise in hardware reverse engineering, there is a lack of educational offerings, and existing training is almost entirely unstructured and on the job. To the best of our knowledge, we have developed the first course to systematically teach students hardware reverse engineering based on insights from the fields of educational research, cognitive science, and hardware security. The contribution of our work is threefold: (1) we propose underlying educational guidelines for practice-oriented courses which teach hardware reverse engineering; (2) we develop such a lab course with a special focus on gate-level netlist reverse engineering and provide the required tools to support it; (3) we conduct an educational evaluation of our pilot course. Based on our results, we provide valuable insights on the structure and content necessary to design and teach future courses on hardware reverse engineering

    Towards Open Scan for the Open-source Hardware

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    The open-source hardware IP model has recently started gaining popularity in the developer community. This model offers the integrated circuit (IC) developers wider standardization, faster time-to-market and richer platform for research. In addition, open-source hardware conforms to the Kerckhoff’s principle of a publicly-known algorithm and thus helps to enhance security. However, when security comes into consideration, source transparency is only one part of the solution. A complex global IC supply chain stands between the source and the final product. Hence, even if the source is known, the finished product is not guaranteed to match it. In this article, we propose the Open Scan model, in which, in addition to the source code, the IC vendor contributes a library-independent information on scan insertion. With scan information available, the user or a certification lab can perform partial reverse engineering of the IC to verify conformance to the advertised source. Compliance lists of open-source programs, such as of the OpenTitan cryptographic IC, can be amended to include this requirement. The Open Scan model addresses accidental and dishonest deviations from the golden model and partially addresses malicious modifications, known as hardware Trojans. We verify the efficiency of the proposed method in simulation with the Trust-Hub Trojan benchmarks and with several open-source benchmarks, in which we randomly insert modifications

    On the Design and Misuse of Microcoded (Embedded) Processors — A Cautionary Note

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    Today\u27s microprocessors often rely on microcode updates to address issues such as security or functional patches. Unfortunately, microcode update flexibility opens up new attack vectors through malicious microcode alterations. Such attacks share many features with hardware Trojans and have similar devastating consequences for system security. However, due to microcode\u27s opaque nature, little is known in the open literature about the capabilities and limitations of microcode Trojans. We introduce the design of a microcoded RISC-V processor architecture together with a microcode development and evaluation environment. Even though microcode typically has almost complete control of the processor hardware, the design of meaningful microcode Trojans is not straightforward. This somewhat counter-intuitive insight is due to the lack of information at the hardware level about the semantics of executed software. In three security case studies we demonstrate how to overcome these issues and give insights on how to design meaningful microcode Trojans that undermine system security. To foster future research and applications, we publicly release our implementation and evaluation platform

    Structural Checking Tool Restructure and Matching Improvements

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    With the rising complexity and size of hardware designs, saving development time and cost by employing third-party intellectual property (IP) into various first-party designs has become a necessity. However, using third-party IPs introduces the risk of adding malicious behavior to the design, including hardware Trojans. Different from software Trojan detection, the detection of hardware Trojans in an efficient and cost-effective manner is an ongoing area of study and has significant complexities depending on the development stage where Trojan detection is leveraged. Therefore, this thesis research proposes improvements to various components of the soft IP analysis methodology utilized by the Structural Checking Tool. The Structural Checking Tool analyzes the register-transfer level (RTL) code of IPs to determine their functionalities and to detect and identify hardware Trojans inserted. The Structural Checking process entails parsing a design to yield a structural representation and assigning assets that encompass 12 different characteristics to the primary ports and internal signals. With coarse-grained asset reassignment based on external and internal signal connections, matching can be performed against trusted IPs to classify the functionality of an unknown soft IP. Further analysis is done using a Golden Reference Library (GRL) containing information about known Trojan-free and Trojan-infested designs and serves as a vital component for unknown soft IP comparison. Following functional identification, the unknown soft IP is run through a fine-grained reassignment strategy to ensure usage of up-to-date GRL assets, and then the matching process is used to determine whether said IP is Trojan-infested or Trojan-free. This necessitates a large GRL while maintaining a balance of computational resources and high accuracy to ensure effective matching

    HAWKEYE – Recovering Symmetric Cryptography From Hardware Circuits

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    We present the first comprehensive approach for detecting and analyzing symmetric cryptographic primitives in gate-level descriptions of hardware. To capture both ASICs and FPGAs, we model the hardware as a directed graph, where gates become nodes and wires become edges. For modern chips, those graphs can easily consist of hundreds of thousands of nodes. More abstractly, we find subgraphs corresponding to cryptographic primitives in a potentially huge graph, the sea-of-gates, describing an entire chip. As we are particularly interested in unknown cryptographic algorithms, we cannot rely on searching for known parts such as S-boxes or round constants. Instead, we are looking for parts of the chip that perform highly local computations. A major result of our work is that many symmetric algorithms can be reliably located and sometimes even identified by our approach, which we call HAWKEYE. Our findings are verified by extensive experimental results, which involve SPN, ARX, Feistel, and LFSR-based ciphers implemented for both FPGAs and ASICs. We demonstrate the real-world applicability of HAWKEYE by evaluating it on OpenTitan\u27s Earl Grey chip, an open-source secure micro-controller design. HAWKEYE locates all major cryptographic primitives present in the netlist comprising 424341 gates in 44.3 seconds