1 research outputs found

    HH-supermagic labelings for firecrackers, banana trees and flowers

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    A simple graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) admits an HH-covering if every edge in EE is contained in a subgraph H=(V,E)H'=(V',E') of GG which is isomorphic to HH. In this case we say that GG is HH-supermagic if there is a bijection f:VE{1,V+E}f:V\cup E\to\{1,\ldots\lvert V\rvert+\lvert E\rvert\} such that f(V)={1,,V}f(V)=\{1,\ldots,\lvert V\rvert\} and vV(H)f(v)+eE(H)f(e)\sum_{v\in V(H')}f(v)+\sum_{e\in E(H')}f(e) is constant over all subgraphs HH' of GG which are isomorphic to HH. In this paper, we show that for odd nn and arbitrary kk, the firecracker Fk,nF_{k,n} is F2,nF_{2,n}-supermagic, the banana tree Bk,nB_{k,n} is B1,nB_{1,n}-supermagic and the flower FnF_n is C3C_3-supermagic