2 research outputs found

    Schur Complement based domain decomposition preconditioners with Low-rank corrections

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    This paper introduces a robust preconditioner for general sparse symmetric matrices, that is based on low-rank approximations of the Schur complement in a Domain Decomposition (DD) framework. In this "Schur Low Rank" (SLR) preconditioning approach, the coefficient matrix is first decoupled by DD, and then a low-rank correction is exploited to compute an approximate inverse of the Schur complement associated with the interface points. The method avoids explicit formation of the Schur complement matrix. We show the feasibility of this strategy for a model problem, and conduct a detailed spectral analysis for the relationship between the low-rank correction and the quality of the preconditioning. Numerical experiments on general matrices illustrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed approach

    Low-rank correction methods for algebraic domain decomposition preconditioners

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    This paper presents a parallel preconditioning method for distributed sparse linear systems, based on an approximate inverse of the original matrix, that adopts a general framework of distributed sparse matrices and exploits the domain decomposition method and low-rank corrections. The domain decomposition approach decouples the matrix and once inverted, a low-rank approximation is applied by exploiting the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula, which yields two variants of the preconditioning methods. The low-rank expansion is computed by the Lanczos procedure with reorthogonalizations. Numerical experiments indicate that, when combined with Krylov subspace accelerators, this preconditioner can be efficient and robust for solving symmetric sparse linear systems. Comparisons with other distributed-memory preconditioning methods are presented