18 research outputs found

    Deep Optical Flow Estimation Via Multi-Scale Correspondence Structure Learning

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    As an important and challenging problem in computer vision, learning based optical flow estimation aims to discover the intrinsic correspondence structure between two adjacent video frames through statistical learning. Therefore, a key issue to solve in this area is how to effectively model the multi-scale correspondence structure properties in an adaptive end-to-end learning fashion. Motivated by this observation, we propose an end-to-end multi-scale correspondence structure learning (MSCSL) approach for optical flow estimation. In principle, the proposed MSCSL approach is capable of effectively capturing the multi-scale inter-image-correlation correspondence structures within a multi-level feature space from deep learning. Moreover, the proposed MSCSL approach builds a spatial Conv-GRU neural network model to adaptively model the intrinsic dependency relationships among these multi-scale correspondence structures. Finally, the above procedures for correspondence structure learning and multi-scale dependency modeling are implemented in a unified end-to-end deep learning framework. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    EV-FlowNet: Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation for Event-based Cameras

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    Event-based cameras have shown great promise in a variety of situations where frame based cameras suffer, such as high speed motions and high dynamic range scenes. However, developing algorithms for event measurements requires a new class of hand crafted algorithms. Deep learning has shown great success in providing model free solutions to many problems in the vision community, but existing networks have been developed with frame based images in mind, and there does not exist the wealth of labeled data for events as there does for images for supervised training. To these points, we present EV-FlowNet, a novel self-supervised deep learning pipeline for optical flow estimation for event based cameras. In particular, we introduce an image based representation of a given event stream, which is fed into a self-supervised neural network as the sole input. The corresponding grayscale images captured from the same camera at the same time as the events are then used as a supervisory signal to provide a loss function at training time, given the estimated flow from the network. We show that the resulting network is able to accurately predict optical flow from events only in a variety of different scenes, with performance competitive to image based networks. This method not only allows for accurate estimation of dense optical flow, but also provides a framework for the transfer of other self-supervised methods to the event-based domain.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accompanying video: https://youtu.be/eMHZBSoq0sE. Dataset: https://daniilidis-group.github.io/mvsec/, Robotics: Science and Systems 201

    Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition

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    Analyzing videos of human actions involves understanding the temporal relationships among video frames. State-of-the-art action recognition approaches rely on traditional optical flow estimation methods to pre-compute motion information for CNNs. Such a two-stage approach is computationally expensive, storage demanding, and not end-to-end trainable. In this paper, we present a novel CNN architecture that implicitly captures motion information between adjacent frames. We name our approach hidden two-stream CNNs because it only takes raw video frames as input and directly predicts action classes without explicitly computing optical flow. Our end-to-end approach is 10x faster than its two-stage baseline. Experimental results on four challenging action recognition datasets: UCF101, HMDB51, THUMOS14 and ActivityNet v1.2 show that our approach significantly outperforms the previous best real-time approaches.Comment: Accepted at ACCV 2018, camera ready. Code available at https://github.com/bryanyzhu/Hidden-Two-Strea

    Large-Scale Mapping of Human Activity using Geo-Tagged Videos

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    This paper is the first work to perform spatio-temporal mapping of human activity using the visual content of geo-tagged videos. We utilize a recent deep-learning based video analysis framework, termed hidden two-stream networks, to recognize a range of activities in YouTube videos. This framework is efficient and can run in real time or faster which is important for recognizing events as they occur in streaming video or for reducing latency in analyzing already captured video. This is, in turn, important for using video in smart-city applications. We perform a series of experiments to show our approach is able to accurately map activities both spatially and temporally. We also demonstrate the advantages of using the visual content over the tags/titles.Comment: Accepted at ACM SIGSPATIAL 201