18 research outputs found

    Incremental Learning Using a Grow-and-Prune Paradigm with Efficient Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become a widely deployed model for numerous machine learning applications. However, their fixed architecture, substantial training cost, and significant model redundancy make it difficult to efficiently update them to accommodate previously unseen data. To solve these problems, we propose an incremental learning framework based on a grow-and-prune neural network synthesis paradigm. When new data arrive, the neural network first grows new connections based on the gradients to increase the network capacity to accommodate new data. Then, the framework iteratively prunes away connections based on the magnitude of weights to enhance network compactness, and hence recover efficiency. Finally, the model rests at a lightweight DNN that is both ready for inference and suitable for future grow-and-prune updates. The proposed framework improves accuracy, shrinks network size, and significantly reduces the additional training cost for incoming data compared to conventional approaches, such as training from scratch and network fine-tuning. For the LeNet-300-100 and LeNet-5 neural network architectures derived for the MNIST dataset, the framework reduces training cost by up to 64% (63%) and 67% (63%) compared to training from scratch (network fine-tuning), respectively. For the ResNet-18 architecture derived for the ImageNet dataset and DeepSpeech2 for the AN4 dataset, the corresponding training cost reductions against training from scratch (network fine-tunning) are 64% (60%) and 67% (62%), respectively. Our derived models contain fewer network parameters but achieve higher accuracy relative to conventional baselines

    SCANN: Synthesis of Compact and Accurate Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become the driving force behind recent artificial intelligence (AI) research. An important problem with implementing a neural network is the design of its architecture. Typically, such an architecture is obtained manually by exploring its hyperparameter space and kept fixed during training. This approach is time-consuming and inefficient. Another issue is that modern neural networks often contain millions of parameters, whereas many applications and devices require small inference models. However, efforts to migrate DNNs to such devices typically entail a significant loss of classification accuracy. To address these challenges, we propose a two-step neural network synthesis methodology, called DR+SCANN, that combines two complementary approaches to design compact and accurate DNNs. At the core of our framework is the SCANN methodology that uses three basic architecture-changing operations, namely connection growth, neuron growth, and connection pruning, to synthesize feed-forward architectures with arbitrary structure. SCANN encapsulates three synthesis methodologies that apply a repeated grow-and-prune paradigm to three architectural starting points. DR+SCANN combines the SCANN methodology with dataset dimensionality reduction to alleviate the curse of dimensionality. We demonstrate the efficacy of SCANN and DR+SCANN on various image and non-image datasets. We evaluate SCANN on MNIST and ImageNet benchmarks. In addition, we also evaluate the efficacy of using dimensionality reduction alongside SCANN (DR+SCANN) on nine small to medium-size datasets. We also show that our synthesis methodology yields neural networks that are much better at navigating the accuracy vs. energy efficiency space. This would enable neural network-based inference even on Internet-of-Things sensors.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Synthesis and Pruning as a Dynamic Compression Strategy for Efficient Deep Neural Networks

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    The brain is a highly reconfigurable machine capable of task-specific adaptations. The brain continually rewires itself for a more optimal configuration to solve problems. We propose a novel strategic synthesis algorithm for feedforward networks that draws directly from the brain's behaviours when learning. The proposed approach analyses the network and ranks weights based on their magnitude. Unlike existing approaches that advocate random selection, we select highly performing nodes as starting points for new edges and exploit the Gaussian distribution over the weights to select corresponding endpoints. The strategy aims only to produce useful connections and result in a smaller residual network structure. The approach is complemented with pruning to further the compression. We demonstrate the techniques to deep feedforward networks. The residual sub-networks that are formed from the synthesis approaches in this work form common sub-networks with similarities up to ~90%. Using pruning as a complement to the strategic synthesis approach, we observe improvements in compression.Comment: 29TH ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, 9th International Symposium DATAMOD 2020 FROM DATA TO MODELS AND BACK, 16 Pages, 7 Figures, 3 Tables, 2 Equation

    Activity Sparsity Complements Weight Sparsity for Efficient RNN Inference

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    Artificial neural networks open up unprecedented machine learning capabilities at the cost of ever growing computational requirements. Sparsifying the parameters, often achieved through weight pruning, has been identified as a powerful technique to compress the number of model parameters and reduce the computational operations of neural networks. Yet, sparse activations, while omnipresent in both biological neural networks and deep learning systems, have not been fully utilized as a compression technique in deep learning. Moreover, the interaction between sparse activations and weight pruning is not fully understood. In this work, we demonstrate that activity sparsity can compose multiplicatively with parameter sparsity in a recurrent neural network model based on the GRU that is designed to be activity sparse. We achieve up to 20×20\times reduction of computation while maintaining perplexities below 6060 on the Penn Treebank language modeling task. This magnitude of reduction has not been achieved previously with solely sparsely connected LSTMs, and the language modeling performance of our model has not been achieved previously with any sparsely activated recurrent neural networks or spiking neural networks. Neuromorphic computing devices are especially good at taking advantage of the dynamic activity sparsity, and our results provide strong evidence that making deep learning models activity sparse and porting them to neuromorphic devices can be a viable strategy that does not compromise on task performance. Our results also drive further convergence of methods from deep learning and neuromorphic computing for efficient machine learning.Comment: Accepted to the First MLNCP Workshop @ NeurIPS 202